Saturday 19 March 2011

Spring spring spriiing - Tavaaaasz :)

I think the daffodils were up already last week but i only realized that i'm seeing actual flowers growing from the ground and not potted ones in a store on monday. Actually, first i just realized that the bushes i thought are constantly leaf-less are now covered in yellow flowers. That happens when you move into a new place at december, when spring comes, the flowers and blossoms look twice as new.
I wish i'd taken some pictures of the bushes - i love them, in hungarian they're called golden-rains, dont know they english names... But my mobile's camera is broken, plus even tho the plants knew its spring, the weather did a great effort during all week to try and convince everybody that it's still winter, with all its greyness, mist, fog, rain, clouds and more rain. Well fortunately Mr.Winter gave up - or somebody paid him a pint yesterday evening and just turned into better mood - and we woke to a lovely sunshine this morning.
Spring brings some less lovely thing too unfortunately even for the lucky ones like me who have no allergies at all, like flu and colds. P started work this week and of course he's starting to have man-flu or at least he's trying to convince me that he has. I bet i'm feeling worse this morning then him tho, headache and tiredness. Sunshine helps a lot luckily :)

Now on to cleaning and tidying and maybe some knitting (clue 4 is out - not sure i have the concetration tho...)