Saturday 20 March 2010

Csak még egy "csak egy szombat" - Just another "just another saturday"


Zene / Music: The Offspring
Étel/Food: Vegyes zöldség leves / Vegetable soup


Pénz / Money:túúúl sok/ tooo much. :P
Kötés / Knitting: zero.

De még csak dél van, előttem a nap java része :)
But it's only noon, most of the day is still in front of me :)

Monday 15 March 2010

Március 15. és a tavaszi letargia - 15 March and a K.O.

Azért jobban örültem volna, ha nem totális levertséggel ébredek, de olyan szinten, hogy tökéletesen üres fejjel támolyogtam ki az állomásra, a vonaton majdnem bőgtem minden ok nélkül, és 20 perc után hazakérezkedtem hogy ki tudjam bőgni magam. Tavaszi letargia? Vagy most jön ki rajtam a hosszú tél? Pár hete már érett a dolog de hogy ennyira padlóra küldjön... Nem egy méltó tiszteletadás a nemzeti ünnepen :(

It would've been a nice day if i hadn't woken up feeling totally beaten and on the verge of crying with no concrete reason whatsoever. I lasted 20 minutes at work then asked to be let home so i could cry it out. Spring letarghy or the long winter? I felt down for weeks but didn't expected to be knocked out this much. Not an appropriate tribute in our National Day :(

Sunday 14 March 2010

Phat Fiber Sampler Box

This thing is creepy. The shop had about 1670 sell at 15:00 and 1736 at 15:01. Thanks to a tutorial i managed to rush through the checkout , then went back to actually take a look at the things, and all was gone. In about 40 seconds. This would've looked nasty in a real shop!!!

Saturday 13 March 2010

Mi az ördög... - What the devil...

You Are The Devil

You don't represent evil, but you do represent the animalistic side of humans.
You demonstrate what happens when we listen to our first instincts.
At times you tend to be materialistic and hedonistic, giving in to temptation.
Admit it, you're guilty of acting first - and forgetting to think later!
Your fortune:
Right now, you may be having a difficult time as a result of choices you have made.
You need to think about what's important in your life, and discover what chains you down.
It is the time to acknowledge your faults and take steps to overcome them.
It's also the time to let go of any fears or inhibitions that are holding you back.

Aha, mert írd be a neved és megmondjuk melyik tarot kártya vagy. :D Ott kéne hagynom ezeket a blogthing-es kvízeket mielőtt teljesen becsavarodok :D

Yeah, submit your name and we'll tell you what tarot card you are. :D I should leave these bloghthing quizes before i go totally crazy. :D

Friday 12 March 2010

Jim, Johnny, Jack...

Ma egész nap azon gondolkoztam, hogy a Jim Beam meg a Johnny Walker mellett melyik a harmadik m-betűs májméreg. Mármint j-betűs. Már a gondolatra berúgok vagy mi?!!Bár inkább csak az alliterációt terjesztettem ki ösztönösen. :)
Aztán az előbb bementem a spájzba és szembetalálkoztam Jack-kel :) A tennessee-i gyerek, nem a whitechapel-i a késsel :D Borzasztó a szaga, az ízéről nem is beszélve, de egy korty után hat.

Ez volt az én hétvégi ereszd-el-a hajamat jelenetem :D

I was pondering all day today about who is the third m-letter i mean j-letter... liqour-guy beside Jim Beam and Johnny Walker. Then walked into the cupboard under the stairs and met Jack :) The tennessee guy, not the whitechapel one with knife. :) It smells horrible not mention how it tastes, but one sip makes the effect.

This was my weekend lets-go-wild party :D

Thursday 11 March 2010

Zsiráf - Giraffe

You Are a Giraffe

You are down to earth and realistic. You are able to see far off into the horizon.
You bring a lot of perspective to other's lives. You are never too myopic.
You are honest to a fault. You tend to tell it how it is, even if someone isn't ready to hear it.
You are very down to earth and practical. You prioritize what matters in your life, and you don't waste your time.

Ezt a napot is megértem. A 154 centis magasságommal, zsiráf :)

I never thought i'll be once labeled as giraffe with my 5'1" height. :)

Itt találtam / found it here: