Ma van az utolsó nap, amikor az évszám közepén két nulla van. Legalábbis nyugati időszámíts szerint. A legközelebbi ezredfordulóig. :)
Kiváncsi vagyok a következő évre. Valószínűleg ugyanolyan unalmas lesz, mint az előzőek...
Thursday, 31 December 2009
Thursday, 24 December 2009
Szenteste - Christmas Eve

Plastic tree, no candies, and two dozens of christmas cards, dinner with my cousins, and big thanks for the makers of skype for making possible to make hourlong "phonecalls" on three different channels on the same time while sending pictures back and forth :)
Friday, 18 December 2009
Esik a hó - It's snowing

És most minden ilyen fehér, narancssárga éggel (hol is láttam már ilyet? Jamie és a csodalámpa? Mars bolygó? :D )
Snooow!!!! With orange sky :D
Wednesday, 16 December 2009
Zúzda: Sepultura: Kaiowas / Clannad: I will find you felváltva. Üdv a zártosztályon ;)
Earfood: one after the other. Welcome in the psycho ward ;)
Nyomtatás: King Lear kivégezve. Machbeth következik utána a gyűjteményben, de abban még többen halnak meg ha jól emlékszem, bár az itteni statisztikákat nehéz lesz überelni.
Literally: King Lear is finished. Next is Machbeth in the compilation, but if i remember correctly, the head count is even higher there, though these things will be hard to top.
Celluloid: nyúmún sokadszorra, mert annyira agyatlan hogy az már pihentető. Zörög a háttérben, a farkasfalkás részeknél ránézek (ide nekem bármilyen cuccot ami vámpíros - garantáltan kiszúrom a (vér)farkasos részeket, lásd Vámpír: a Maszkabál rpg) Belegondolva, ed se rossz, csak ne lenne olyan hótt sápadt. A zenébe is kezdek belenyugodni, már nem zavar totálisan, mint első nézésre (ellentétben a tvájlájt-al, aminek úgy ahogy volt az összes zenéje talált nálam).
Watching in: nu moon for the umpteenth time, coz it's so brainless its calming. It plays in the background, i watch closely only at the parts with anything to do with the wolf pack (trust on me to find the (were)wolfs in a vampire-themed franchise... see Vampire: the Masquarade (rpg)) On the second thought, ed isn't bad either, he is just too damn pale. Music is far less annoying now then at the first watch - as opposed with the first movie, i liked every piece of the soundtrack there.
Meló: mert néha az is input. Raktárajtó mellett dolgozás, kockára fagyás, utána legpocsékabb melónak örülés, mert visszamehetünk a placc közepére a melegbe. És mellé a napi termés kb 10 db karácsonyi képeslap =^_^=
Workplace: sometimes even that can be an input. Today we had to work near the open warehouse door, consequently in frozen chicken state, but afterwards happy to do the crappiest job as it meant we can go back to the middle of the place where's warm. Oh and about 10 christmas cards =^_^=
Earfood: one after the other. Welcome in the psycho ward ;)
Nyomtatás: King Lear kivégezve. Machbeth következik utána a gyűjteményben, de abban még többen halnak meg ha jól emlékszem, bár az itteni statisztikákat nehéz lesz überelni.
Literally: King Lear is finished. Next is Machbeth in the compilation, but if i remember correctly, the head count is even higher there, though these things will be hard to top.
Celluloid: nyúmún sokadszorra, mert annyira agyatlan hogy az már pihentető. Zörög a háttérben, a farkasfalkás részeknél ránézek (ide nekem bármilyen cuccot ami vámpíros - garantáltan kiszúrom a (vér)farkasos részeket, lásd Vámpír: a Maszkabál rpg) Belegondolva, ed se rossz, csak ne lenne olyan hótt sápadt. A zenébe is kezdek belenyugodni, már nem zavar totálisan, mint első nézésre (ellentétben a tvájlájt-al, aminek úgy ahogy volt az összes zenéje talált nálam).
Watching in: nu moon for the umpteenth time, coz it's so brainless its calming. It plays in the background, i watch closely only at the parts with anything to do with the wolf pack (trust on me to find the (were)wolfs in a vampire-themed franchise... see Vampire: the Masquarade (rpg)) On the second thought, ed isn't bad either, he is just too damn pale. Music is far less annoying now then at the first watch - as opposed with the first movie, i liked every piece of the soundtrack there.
Meló: mert néha az is input. Raktárajtó mellett dolgozás, kockára fagyás, utána legpocsékabb melónak örülés, mert visszamehetünk a placc közepére a melegbe. És mellé a napi termés kb 10 db karácsonyi képeslap =^_^=
Workplace: sometimes even that can be an input. Today we had to work near the open warehouse door, consequently in frozen chicken state, but afterwards happy to do the crappiest job as it meant we can go back to the middle of the place where's warm. Oh and about 10 christmas cards =^_^=
Monday, 14 December 2009
bip bip
Nothing going on - no snow, no nothing happenin'. Wich is quite good, just not really bloggable, or interesting. I spend my days at the workplace in a kind of stupor, brain capacity on about 30%, perfect condition for this type of job and even stupid enough for some loughs.
So when i get home, i dont really bother to push the capacity much higher for that few hours before going to sleep. Just a bit of reading, bit of knitting, watching the same movies over and over again. And then hopefully sleeping without dreaming, as i tend (always tended to) have only bad dreams, and those in turn make a bad morning.
Sort of nice being so hare-brained, at least i'm calm. Relatively. First time in my life, or at least a very long time... but feels like first. Mmm. Only setback is that i can't make any mentally demanding output, like writing, learning, or improving things. Oh well, this blissful ignorance won't last ong, i know myself, so within a very short time i will go back to my usual brooding self i'm afraid.
I took a Shakespeare's Tragedies compilation from the library two weaks ago and this proved to be a very good thing. Finished Othello and R+J so far, the latter one i read in high school as the only compulsory S. drama. Right now i'm still reading King Lear - the tragedy/Folio version - at lunchbreaks. That guy's plain stupid, how the heck did he become king?!
The start of the story was interesting to read, we have a folktale very similar to the situation described. In the hungarian folktale version, the youngest daughter's answer is not "nothing" but "like salt in the soup", and goes into exile alone, and finds a husband later. The other two daughters do not conspire against the king, and the protagonist is the rejected daughter, not the king.
I do not know the drama's end yet, but in the folktale, the girl invites her family for her wedding and they go of course as they want to reconcile. She cooks every meal for the king herself, without salt - so to show just how much the absence of it means.
Always loved this story :)
Also, and the thing which brought me to write finally, i just finished the second sleeve on the lush-and-lacy cardigan. Checked very frequently with the other sleeve, so they will be identical, and just before casting off, realized somthing was wrong. But not with this one: the first sleeve. I skipped one row on the lace pattern, on the second pattern repeat (there are only three, luckily). Yuck. Tomorrow will be ripping off and knitting again.
The funny thing in this: i find this pattern first at Faith's blog, and she made a quite similar mistake on it - she made a row twice instead of skipping, and on one of the fronts, but still - pattern's jinxed or what :) Sort of amusing. I guess the pattern is simple enough for not requiering full concentration but just tricky enough to play some tricks on the absent-minded.
Nevermind. ^_^
(Brain's too burned out to think in hungarian. 'coz that's easier and once i go back and start to write/think in hungarian it's a big pain to get the english back wich i must do for the workplace. Takes a whole day, actually, all the while i'm answering "igen" (e-ghen, "yes") for the affirmative and even talk hungarian to the slovakian collegue. Who actually knows a few words, coming from a neighbouring country with a 500 thousand strong of hungarian minority (out of the 5.3 million overall). Ehhehe. )
So when i get home, i dont really bother to push the capacity much higher for that few hours before going to sleep. Just a bit of reading, bit of knitting, watching the same movies over and over again. And then hopefully sleeping without dreaming, as i tend (always tended to) have only bad dreams, and those in turn make a bad morning.
Sort of nice being so hare-brained, at least i'm calm. Relatively. First time in my life, or at least a very long time... but feels like first. Mmm. Only setback is that i can't make any mentally demanding output, like writing, learning, or improving things. Oh well, this blissful ignorance won't last ong, i know myself, so within a very short time i will go back to my usual brooding self i'm afraid.
I took a Shakespeare's Tragedies compilation from the library two weaks ago and this proved to be a very good thing. Finished Othello and R+J so far, the latter one i read in high school as the only compulsory S. drama. Right now i'm still reading King Lear - the tragedy/Folio version - at lunchbreaks. That guy's plain stupid, how the heck did he become king?!
The start of the story was interesting to read, we have a folktale very similar to the situation described. In the hungarian folktale version, the youngest daughter's answer is not "nothing" but "like salt in the soup", and goes into exile alone, and finds a husband later. The other two daughters do not conspire against the king, and the protagonist is the rejected daughter, not the king.
I do not know the drama's end yet, but in the folktale, the girl invites her family for her wedding and they go of course as they want to reconcile. She cooks every meal for the king herself, without salt - so to show just how much the absence of it means.
Always loved this story :)
Also, and the thing which brought me to write finally, i just finished the second sleeve on the lush-and-lacy cardigan. Checked very frequently with the other sleeve, so they will be identical, and just before casting off, realized somthing was wrong. But not with this one: the first sleeve. I skipped one row on the lace pattern, on the second pattern repeat (there are only three, luckily). Yuck. Tomorrow will be ripping off and knitting again.
The funny thing in this: i find this pattern first at Faith's blog, and she made a quite similar mistake on it - she made a row twice instead of skipping, and on one of the fronts, but still - pattern's jinxed or what :) Sort of amusing. I guess the pattern is simple enough for not requiering full concentration but just tricky enough to play some tricks on the absent-minded.
Nevermind. ^_^
(Brain's too burned out to think in hungarian. 'coz that's easier and once i go back and start to write/think in hungarian it's a big pain to get the english back wich i must do for the workplace. Takes a whole day, actually, all the while i'm answering "igen" (e-ghen, "yes") for the affirmative and even talk hungarian to the slovakian collegue. Who actually knows a few words, coming from a neighbouring country with a 500 thousand strong of hungarian minority (out of the 5.3 million overall). Ehhehe. )
Sunday, 6 December 2009
Tekergető - Swifting

The winder makes 50g balls, as i immediatly realized as the first skein i wound up was 100g and totally fall apart at around 65-70 gramms.
I had a bag of rowan summer tweed laying around since spring - a 10 pack bag of 50g skeins, plus two more. I made up one for a ball and made a swatch, but did not liked either of them. Skeins too small - too much fiddling - yarn scratchy and strange. It's 70% silk 30% cotton, full with little colourful specks. Both the front of my hoodie and my trousers are covered with yarn morsels after knitting up about half a ball. But i like it much more now, it doesn't seem so hard and scratchy at all.

Other: finished Othello on wednesday - omg, i cant remember any other drama i read (though i did not read too much...) where everyone announced that "and now, i die". Uff.
Started Romeo and Juliet on thursday. Wow. I never realized before how short time passes between the first glances at each other and Juliet's proposal. I like that girl. I never liked Romeo, he's a whimp and plain stupid, but never payed enough attention to Juliet.
After reading Shakespeare for one hour every lunchtime, it's a bit strange to go back and hear the erratic blabbing we immigrants do with english language. :D
Saturday, 28 November 2009
El ne felejtsem - Note to self

Starting the day with The Last of the Mohicans is not a good idea. Even less so if that morning is a saturday, and so it is the start of the weekend. Becouse it will make me 1) sad 2) and angry. And sad. And that tooks the whole morning whit it.
Na jó nem az egész, mert közben befejeztem egy sapit és kimostam-"kiszögeltem" egy sálat. Jipppí :) Aztán még könyvtárban is voltam és most Shakespeare-t olvasok (Othello). Huh. Austen esti mese hozzá képest.
Well not the whole, i did finish a hat and washed-blocked a shawl. Yipppy :) Also i went to the library so i'm reading Shakespeare now (Othello). Ugh. Austen is kid's tale compared to him.
"Thou told'st me thou didst hold him in thy hate. " - Azt mondád nekem, Hogy gyűlölöd őt
Ez ma így hangzik: Which nowadays is:
You said (told me) you hate him. (kb.) - "Azt mondtad gyűlölöd"
És ez három mondatonként ilyen. Az ismeretlen, régies szavak meg a szimbólumok már csak hab a tortán.
And it is like this in every third sentence. The uncommon old-fashioned words and the symbols are the icing on the cake.
Wednesday, 25 November 2009
Ha a varrónő nagynéném olvasta volna a twilight könyveket, Carlisle lenne a
kedvenc karaktere, azt hiszem. Majd megpusztultam mikor ezt megláttam... ("mert gyorsan varr" :D)
If my seamstress auntie have had read the twilight books, her favourite character would be Carlisle, i think. Almost fell off my chair from laughter seeing this.
Találtam egy kupac aranyosságot a deviantart-on - és már megint elrepült az idő...
I've found a bunch of funny stickers on deviantart :) - and run out of time again...
Ez pedig a személyes kedvencem (ma estére) =^_^=
And this is my personal favourite (for tonight) =^_^=
Tegnap megvettem a karácsonyi ajándékomat. Magamnak. Egy kiló fonal :D Remélem a postának elég lesz az egy hónap a kézbesítésre, a fa alatt már kötözködni akarok!
I also bought my christmas present. For myself. One kilogramm of yarn :D I hope one month will be enough for the post to deliver it, i want to knit under the tree!

If my seamstress auntie have had read the twilight books, her favourite character would be Carlisle, i think. Almost fell off my chair from laughter seeing this.
Találtam egy kupac aranyosságot a deviantart-on - és már megint elrepült az idő...

Ez pedig a személyes kedvencem (ma estére) =^_^=
And this is my personal favourite (for tonight) =^_^=
Tegnap megvettem a karácsonyi ajándékomat. Magamnak. Egy kiló fonal :D Remélem a postának elég lesz az egy hónap a kézbesítésre, a fa alatt már kötözködni akarok!
I also bought my christmas present. For myself. One kilogramm of yarn :D I hope one month will be enough for the post to deliver it, i want to knit under the tree!
Tuesday, 24 November 2009
Átmeneti lányos elmezavar - Temporary girly insanity
So i checked the cinema's program and went to watch New moon. 'Coz i like 1) wolves 2) forests 3) native americans . Mmmm.
There should have been an order to prohibit giggling. At 80% female audience, i'm not expecting much, but what was going on here was insufferable. The girls sitting in the first 3 rows just giggled on everything and constantly. Ok, not constantly, but in the wrong places sometimes - i mean, what is funny about Jacob sleeping? It was cute, not funny. But the wolves "fighting" over the muffins, then there was some serious silence. Female mind, i'll never get it :P :D
My personal opinions:
Best thing in the movie: i feel a bit, hm, overaged for this boys, but wow there was some eye-candy here. Jacob/Taylor Lautner got a huuuge whooop for taking off his t-shirt :D Every time :D Team Edward had they moment too, though i just couldn't stop giggling (in silence - I do have self-control :D) I always found vampires and they serious paleness slightly amusing. Guess i'm a wolf-girl.
Ah, and the wolves. I love the wolves. They werent too realistic, but still.
Worst thing : i'd like to kick the bottom side of the person/people who put that hair on Jasper. He was downright ugly, especially after the first movies handsomeness.
Biggest lough: "Guy's such a marshmallow". I knew it will come as i read it in the book (in another bout of girly insanity) but it still kicked.
Most annoying: Bella had the same face thorough the movie. On her own birthday while talking with Edward, when being depressed, even after getting Edward back. That's at least three different stages, three very different situations, and in the book, she was different. Ok, maybe it's hard to act it out, but wish they could.
Best change compared to the books: Charlie. Maybe being the most mature actor among so many youngsters does the trick.
Overall, not bad, for me this book was the weakest among the four, so i guess they couldn't do much with the movie either. Looking forward for Eclipse and the big fight :)
There should have been an order to prohibit giggling. At 80% female audience, i'm not expecting much, but what was going on here was insufferable. The girls sitting in the first 3 rows just giggled on everything and constantly. Ok, not constantly, but in the wrong places sometimes - i mean, what is funny about Jacob sleeping? It was cute, not funny. But the wolves "fighting" over the muffins, then there was some serious silence. Female mind, i'll never get it :P :D
My personal opinions:
Best thing in the movie: i feel a bit, hm, overaged for this boys, but wow there was some eye-candy here. Jacob/Taylor Lautner got a huuuge whooop for taking off his t-shirt :D Every time :D Team Edward had they moment too, though i just couldn't stop giggling (in silence - I do have self-control :D) I always found vampires and they serious paleness slightly amusing. Guess i'm a wolf-girl.
Ah, and the wolves. I love the wolves. They werent too realistic, but still.
Worst thing : i'd like to kick the bottom side of the person/people who put that hair on Jasper. He was downright ugly, especially after the first movies handsomeness.
Biggest lough: "Guy's such a marshmallow". I knew it will come as i read it in the book (in another bout of girly insanity) but it still kicked.
Most annoying: Bella had the same face thorough the movie. On her own birthday while talking with Edward, when being depressed, even after getting Edward back. That's at least three different stages, three very different situations, and in the book, she was different. Ok, maybe it's hard to act it out, but wish they could.
Best change compared to the books: Charlie. Maybe being the most mature actor among so many youngsters does the trick.
Overall, not bad, for me this book was the weakest among the four, so i guess they couldn't do much with the movie either. Looking forward for Eclipse and the big fight :)
Sunday, 22 November 2009
Múlt hét - Last week 2. - London
Aaand on sunday (november 15) i went to London to meet a friend, and as we met at Victoria station at 10.50, we were just in time for the Changing of the Guard, wich starts at 11.30. At first we didn't see anything, but as time passed and we hold our ground and people left, we got a pretty good view. They were wearing they winter mantels again (last year we went london at january...) so no red coats again. But it was bice to watch.
After that we ate at the London Eye, and walked along the eastern bank until the path run out, then crossed to the west bank through the London Bridge.
I was surprised about the number of churches we saw, both small ones
and a really big one (i think it's Saint Paul's, i wish i've been in a better mood and had taken a closer look)
up to the Tower, and then i came home from Fenchurch street. I got a terrible hadache, as always when visit a real big city at daytime, i just cant stand the crowd and noise. But i was at home at 6 o'clock, and it was a nice day, and a nice week, overall :)
After that we ate at the London Eye, and walked along the eastern bank until the path run out, then crossed to the west bank through the London Bridge.
I was surprised about the number of churches we saw, both small ones
and a really big one (i think it's Saint Paul's, i wish i've been in a better mood and had taken a closer look)
up to the Tower, and then i came home from Fenchurch street. I got a terrible hadache, as always when visit a real big city at daytime, i just cant stand the crowd and noise. But i was at home at 6 o'clock, and it was a nice day, and a nice week, overall :)
Múlt hét - Last week 1 - Poppy day and Christmas opening
(Ez most hosszú lesz :) ) (Loong post :) )
It was so busy (erm... at least for my standards) that i couldn't pull my thoughts together.

First, we had Poppy day, i mean Armstice day or Remembrance day, on the 11th of November. At 11 o'clock the whole factory stopped for two minutes. I don't remember if we observed it in the recent years, but maybe just i was away, i usually visit home in november.
So we just had the machine broken and i asked the setter to help, when he said with an oddly solemn face, in a low voice, that we will have to wait. I asked, and he explained - i already knew about this day, i saw it on the high street a few years back when it was on a saturday, and also read about it. The natives know about it too, but we foreigners were quite unaware of it, so i had to explain it about 5 times...
After we went back to work, we had a conversation whit the setter, i asked a few things, told him a few things that were different at home in Hungary and we agreed about the stupidity of the loss of so many lives even today. I mean all the time.
I was relived too, when he said that this is for both sides, for all sides to be exact, so not just the heroic british dead, but for anyone, anywhere. I told him that this was always a strange thing for me, being here and knowing that my country was on the other side, but this will not bother me anymore.
After this, on saturday (the 14th), i went shopping, and saw a small but fabulous parade on the High street. Literally fabulous. At first i thought it was a belated Poppy-day parade because of the brass band leading the procession.

There were all kind of cartoon and fairy tale figures following (and i had a very stupid angle to make pictures),
some imperial stormtroopers (very impressively patrolling),
a big and funny deer,

Santa's Grotto with real deers!

... small deers too :)
Cinderella's carriage drawn by two big and beautiful horses, the big bodied type whit the hippie legs - they were very agitated by all the drumming and music and crowds, the coachman could barely hold them back - but soooo beautiful... i just llllove these kind of horses :)

and a few more drummers

Actually the White Witch was there too with Ginarrbik but i messed up that pic.
They where advertising mostly, i think, one of the big shopping centres and at least two stage plays (Cinderella and Narnia) but it had a very "Official Start of the Christmas Season" - feeling for me :)
Especially as in the same week, all the blue-and-silver decorations wnt up - blue and silver, as the city's colours are blue and white. I still prefer the grees-red-gold combination, but this year the decor is pretty, unlike last year when it was simply colt and ugly. We have sparkles now, and it helps a lot :)
Plus the german christmas market came back again with the little wooden shops, oversized pans whit every kind of sausage, and half a dosen different kind of sweets booths. And of course the glühwein stand, whom sell Jägermeister as well. All set for Christmas :)
It was so busy (erm... at least for my standards) that i couldn't pull my thoughts together.

So we just had the machine broken and i asked the setter to help, when he said with an oddly solemn face, in a low voice, that we will have to wait. I asked, and he explained - i already knew about this day, i saw it on the high street a few years back when it was on a saturday, and also read about it. The natives know about it too, but we foreigners were quite unaware of it, so i had to explain it about 5 times...
After we went back to work, we had a conversation whit the setter, i asked a few things, told him a few things that were different at home in Hungary and we agreed about the stupidity of the loss of so many lives even today. I mean all the time.
I was relived too, when he said that this is for both sides, for all sides to be exact, so not just the heroic british dead, but for anyone, anywhere. I told him that this was always a strange thing for me, being here and knowing that my country was on the other side, but this will not bother me anymore.
After this, on saturday (the 14th), i went shopping, and saw a small but fabulous parade on the High street. Literally fabulous. At first i thought it was a belated Poppy-day parade because of the brass band leading the procession.

There were all kind of cartoon and fairy tale figures following (and i had a very stupid angle to make pictures),

Santa's Grotto with real deers!

... small deers too :)

Cinderella's carriage drawn by two big and beautiful horses, the big bodied type whit the hippie legs - they were very agitated by all the drumming and music and crowds, the coachman could barely hold them back - but soooo beautiful... i just llllove these kind of horses :)

and a few more drummers

Actually the White Witch was there too with Ginarrbik but i messed up that pic.
They where advertising mostly, i think, one of the big shopping centres and at least two stage plays (Cinderella and Narnia) but it had a very "Official Start of the Christmas Season" - feeling for me :)
Especially as in the same week, all the blue-and-silver decorations wnt up - blue and silver, as the city's colours are blue and white. I still prefer the grees-red-gold combination, but this year the decor is pretty, unlike last year when it was simply colt and ugly. We have sparkles now, and it helps a lot :)
Plus the german christmas market came back again with the little wooden shops, oversized pans whit every kind of sausage, and half a dosen different kind of sweets booths. And of course the glühwein stand, whom sell Jägermeister as well. All set for Christmas :)
Saturday, 21 November 2009
Otthon - At home
... úgy három héttel ezelőtt :)
... about three weeks ago :)
Szóval azt már megemlítettem, hogy voltam otthon, és repülővel mentem :D Aztán voltam színházban, rokonlátogatni, kicsit bóklásztunk Tatabányán - mert az egy olllyan szép hely - , vonatozunk, összeszedtem egy jó kis megfázást, meg három könyvet. No kb ennyi :)
I already mentioned flying home :D After that, i went to theatre, visited relatives, took a stroll at Tatabánya - coz it's sooo beautyful ;) - , traveled with train a lot, picked up a cold, and three books. In short :)
Theater was fun. I went with my mum, who in the past 1- 1 and a half year became a musical fun, and became acquainted whit quite a few theaters and stages in the capitol, Budapest. But this was prose, not music, so i was a bit afraid that she won't like it or will be bored all evening. I trusted in the actors though, as the theater - Katona Jozsef Színház - has a very strong troup of actors. No wonder this was my favourite place.
It was a bit like going home, or at least to a very familiar and very kind place; all the ugly plastic-marble walls, the too small buffet and hall, the low ceiling full with stage lamps overhead, the small auditorium whit the red chairs... it was all very cozy.
We didn't get disappointed. The performance was a bit slow for me, since i wasn't in theater for 4-5 years now, the pace was slower then usual anyways as this was a russian piece, Barbarians by Gorky, and well, russians in a small town, that's always slow. We had some laughter though - that's another thing i like in this place, they make you smile and think at the same time like nowhere else - and it was overall a very nice evening. Full house of course, whit people standing on the stairs, as usual here.
I saw my favourite actor playing someone rude and loud (and ugly :P) for the first time, and that was strange, like he changed too, i thought; but at the and, when they came to bow (about three times, mum said "huhh, they got a lot of applause!" for which i told her that 3-4 rounds were the avarege here as far as i can remember), so, when they come to bow, each time he slipped back more to being himself - shy and cute - and visibly shaking off the character, the uglyness and grumpiness and all.
I dont know what the others did, maybe other actors do the same though :) I wasn't watching them, we sat in the 17th row, last but one row, bit too far.
... about three weeks ago :)
Szóval azt már megemlítettem, hogy voltam otthon, és repülővel mentem :D Aztán voltam színházban, rokonlátogatni, kicsit bóklásztunk Tatabányán - mert az egy olllyan szép hely - , vonatozunk, összeszedtem egy jó kis megfázást, meg három könyvet. No kb ennyi :)
I already mentioned flying home :D After that, i went to theatre, visited relatives, took a stroll at Tatabánya - coz it's sooo beautyful ;) - , traveled with train a lot, picked up a cold, and three books. In short :)

It was a bit like going home, or at least to a very familiar and very kind place; all the ugly plastic-marble walls, the too small buffet and hall, the low ceiling full with stage lamps overhead, the small auditorium whit the red chairs... it was all very cozy.
We didn't get disappointed. The performance was a bit slow for me, since i wasn't in theater for 4-5 years now, the pace was slower then usual anyways as this was a russian piece, Barbarians by Gorky, and well, russians in a small town, that's always slow. We had some laughter though - that's another thing i like in this place, they make you smile and think at the same time like nowhere else - and it was overall a very nice evening. Full house of course, whit people standing on the stairs, as usual here.

I dont know what the others did, maybe other actors do the same though :) I wasn't watching them, we sat in the 17th row, last but one row, bit too far.
Friday, 20 November 2009
Olvasás - Reading

I'm on a level now in reading english language texts that i can't feel that i'd be slower then while reading hungarian texts except when i have to go back and reread something because of the grammar.
Aminek az a következménye, hogy amikor magyar könyv kerül a kezembe, akkor egyszerűen túl gyorsan olvasok, és átrepülök a betűk fölött, anélkül hogy fölfognám, mit is látok. Koncentrálnom kell, hogy ne csak beazonosítsam a betűket és össszerakjam a szavakat, hanem meg is értsem az értelmüket. Mintha felolvasnék magamban, így viszont kong egy kicsit, nem szeretem a felolvasást, arról tudom, hogy most olvasok, és nem tudok belemerülni a cselekménybe.

Az élet újabb nagy problémája.
Another big problem in life.
Monday, 16 November 2009
Villanykörte - Light bulb
"Hány törpe kell ahhoz hogy kicseréljenek egy villanykörtét?"
"How many dwarfs you need to change a lightbulb?"
Úgy tűnik kettő kevés :) Én beleörtem a foglalatot - az üvegrész a kezemben maradt, miközben lecsapódott a biztosíték -, Kati meg szétcincálta kicsit a foglalatot. Bajonettes, úgyhogy van egy ilyen belenyomod-elfordítod-ottmarad mechanika benne - vagyis volt.
Apparently two are not enough :) I broke the bulb off the mount - the fuse went off, the bulb was in my hand, there were some spark, and the mount stayed in the socket . Then i called K., she get the mount off but broke the ceramic socket. Its a bayonette-cap thing, which has this push-turn-stays there mechanism - i mean, it had.
Irány a bazár, azaz a Wilko - háztartási bolt - ha szerencsém van és tartanak iylen cuccot; ha nincs, akkor BQ - a naaagy barkácsbolt amihez le kell menni a térképről. Grrr.
So, tomorrow i'll have to go the the wilko - the household shop - if i'm lucky and find the stuff there; if not, then BQ, the big diy off the map. Grrr.
"How many dwarfs you need to change a lightbulb?"
Úgy tűnik kettő kevés :) Én beleörtem a foglalatot - az üvegrész a kezemben maradt, miközben lecsapódott a biztosíték -, Kati meg szétcincálta kicsit a foglalatot. Bajonettes, úgyhogy van egy ilyen belenyomod-elfordítod-ottmarad mechanika benne - vagyis volt.
Apparently two are not enough :) I broke the bulb off the mount - the fuse went off, the bulb was in my hand, there were some spark, and the mount stayed in the socket . Then i called K., she get the mount off but broke the ceramic socket. Its a bayonette-cap thing, which has this push-turn-stays there mechanism - i mean, it had.
Irány a bazár, azaz a Wilko - háztartási bolt - ha szerencsém van és tartanak iylen cuccot; ha nincs, akkor BQ - a naaagy barkácsbolt amihez le kell menni a térképről. Grrr.
So, tomorrow i'll have to go the the wilko - the household shop - if i'm lucky and find the stuff there; if not, then BQ, the big diy off the map. Grrr.
Saturday, 14 November 2009
Víz a Holdon - Water on Moon

No lehet hogy én vagyok lemaradva, mármint ha már eddig is tudott volt hogy van... de ha nem, akkor ez tök jó :) Bár nem akkora poén, mint a víz a Mars-on :D
Ok so maybe it is just me lagging behind but i did not know about this being known before (uhh, grammar after midnight...) Anyways, if this is right then it's coool :) Not that big of a joke though then water on Mars :D
Friday, 13 November 2009
Monszun - Monsoon
Talán túl sok a kínai és thai néni a munkahelyen, és az időjárás azt hitte hogy ez ázsia... Bőrig áztam mire kiértem az állomásra. Bár ha jobban belegondolok, már vagy félúton. Szerencse hogy tartok mindig egy pót-pulcsit a szekrényben, át tudtam vetni ugyanis a hosszúujjúm is vizes lett. Csak épp ez még a nyári, lenge, mélyebb kivágásúak közül volt, úgyhogy ebédig cidriztem. Kiteregettem a szék hátára, így szünet végére megszáradt annyira a pulcsim, hogy föl tudjam venni.
Azért estére csak elállt.
Perhaps there are too many chinese and thai women at the workplace and the weather thought this is Asia... so we got monsoon today, if the friday 13th wouldnt be enough. I get soaked in the time i got to the station. Well, thinking again, i get soaked halfway there already. Luckily i always keep a spare top in my locker so i could change as even my top got wet. Only problem was that the spare was a summer one, thin and bit too low cut for the temperatuse so i was cold until lunch. I hanged my stuff onto the back of the chairs at lunchtime so after the break i sould put the top on.
At least the rains stopped at the time we come home.
Azért estére csak elállt.
Perhaps there are too many chinese and thai women at the workplace and the weather thought this is Asia... so we got monsoon today, if the friday 13th wouldnt be enough. I get soaked in the time i got to the station. Well, thinking again, i get soaked halfway there already. Luckily i always keep a spare top in my locker so i could change as even my top got wet. Only problem was that the spare was a summer one, thin and bit too low cut for the temperatuse so i was cold until lunch. I hanged my stuff onto the back of the chairs at lunchtime so after the break i sould put the top on.
At least the rains stopped at the time we come home.
Monday, 9 November 2009
Berlini fal - Berlin Wall
Idén már többször is eszembe jutott, különböző dolgok kapcsán, hogy "te jó ég, már 10/20 éve". Ez is egy olyan. Őszintén szólva magára az élő eseményekre nem emlékszem, és az elkövetkező években annyiszor és annyi helyen mutogatták, hogy összemosódnak a dolgok.
De azt tudom, hogy akárcsak a többi '89-es eseménynél, ennél is teljesen tisztában voltam vele, hogy mit jelent. Visszagondolva ugyan furcsa ez tekintve hogy 8 éves voltam, de tudom, hogy tudtam :)
This year at multiple times did i thought "my goodness, it was 10/20 years ago". This is one of them. To be honest i don't remember the actual news, and the following years the events were shown so many times at so many occasions that the memories became quiet blurred.
What i'm certain of is that at just like other events in '89, at this one too i was perfectly aware of what is happening and what it means. This is a bit strange now looking back considering i was 8 years old then, but i know what i knew back then :)

Valami ilyesmi az a kép, ami a legjobban megmaradt. Sötét van, emberek mindenhol a falon, alatta, rajta, másznak föl rá és integetnek róla.
My clearest memory is something like this. It's dark, people everywhere, on the wall, around it, climbing onto it and waving from it.
A háttérben pedig szól a Wind of Change a Scorpions-tól - tudom, hogy egy évvel későbbi, és '91 -ben lett ismert, de annyira az esszenciája annak az évnek, hogy ennyi anakronizmust megengedek magamnak.
And in the background plays the Wind of Change , a Scorpions song - it was written a year later and become a hit in '91, but is such an essence of that year, that i allow this anachronism to myself.
De azt tudom, hogy akárcsak a többi '89-es eseménynél, ennél is teljesen tisztában voltam vele, hogy mit jelent. Visszagondolva ugyan furcsa ez tekintve hogy 8 éves voltam, de tudom, hogy tudtam :)
This year at multiple times did i thought "my goodness, it was 10/20 years ago". This is one of them. To be honest i don't remember the actual news, and the following years the events were shown so many times at so many occasions that the memories became quiet blurred.
What i'm certain of is that at just like other events in '89, at this one too i was perfectly aware of what is happening and what it means. This is a bit strange now looking back considering i was 8 years old then, but i know what i knew back then :)
Valami ilyesmi az a kép, ami a legjobban megmaradt. Sötét van, emberek mindenhol a falon, alatta, rajta, másznak föl rá és integetnek róla.
My clearest memory is something like this. It's dark, people everywhere, on the wall, around it, climbing onto it and waving from it.
A háttérben pedig szól a Wind of Change a Scorpions-tól - tudom, hogy egy évvel későbbi, és '91 -ben lett ismert, de annyira az esszenciája annak az évnek, hogy ennyi anakronizmust megengedek magamnak.
And in the background plays the Wind of Change , a Scorpions song - it was written a year later and become a hit in '91, but is such an essence of that year, that i allow this anachronism to myself.
Sunday, 8 November 2009
Van még petárda - Still have crackers
Még most is puffogtatnak. Még világosban kezdték.
Akárcsak tegnap.
Still cracking. Started at daylight already.
Just like yesterday.
Az meg egy másik dolog, hogy '90-es évek Magyarországán felnőve, az első dolog aminek hasonló hangja volt mint ami most megy odakint, az Szarajevó (és más városok) ostromáról készült közvetítések voltak. Több éven keresztül.
Előtte ugye nem nagyon látott az ember gyereke tüzijátékot, csak messziről, meg tévében; aztán az évtized végére azér már voltak városi szintű piro-előadások is, de ott meg ugye látta az ember a füstöt és a kezelőket is a bolt lapostetején. De ezek a hangok nekem még mindig az ágyúzást idézik, különösen amikor nem hallatszik a a petárda szikrázása és sistergése, csak a fellövés pukkanása. És ez a gyakoribb.
On an other side, having been grown up in Hungary in the '90s, the first thing i clearly remember making such noise as this were the reports about the siege of Sarayevo and other fights in the former Yugoslavia. For years long.
Before that there where not many fireworks around apart from the ones shown on tv and some at national holidays so i (we) were not used to it; by the end of the decade we too had shows in our small town but at those one could see the smoke and the men handling the stuff at the top of the groceries store, so one know what they were. But these sounds are still just too similar for me for those canon and gunshot sounds, especially when i can't hear the sizzling and cracking of the firework only the sound of the shots. Which is the case more often then not.
És én csak a "szomszédban" laktam és a tévében néztem, de milyen lehet ez annak, aki ott is élt és tényleg repkedtek ágyú, puska és egyéb lövedékek a feje felett?
And i was living only in the "neighbourghood" and watched on tv, but how must it feel like for someone who lived there and actually had cannon and machine gun rounds flying over their head?
Akárcsak tegnap.
Still cracking. Started at daylight already.
Just like yesterday.
Az meg egy másik dolog, hogy '90-es évek Magyarországán felnőve, az első dolog aminek hasonló hangja volt mint ami most megy odakint, az Szarajevó (és más városok) ostromáról készült közvetítések voltak. Több éven keresztül.
Előtte ugye nem nagyon látott az ember gyereke tüzijátékot, csak messziről, meg tévében; aztán az évtized végére azér már voltak városi szintű piro-előadások is, de ott meg ugye látta az ember a füstöt és a kezelőket is a bolt lapostetején. De ezek a hangok nekem még mindig az ágyúzást idézik, különösen amikor nem hallatszik a a petárda szikrázása és sistergése, csak a fellövés pukkanása. És ez a gyakoribb.
On an other side, having been grown up in Hungary in the '90s, the first thing i clearly remember making such noise as this were the reports about the siege of Sarayevo and other fights in the former Yugoslavia. For years long.
Before that there where not many fireworks around apart from the ones shown on tv and some at national holidays so i (we) were not used to it; by the end of the decade we too had shows in our small town but at those one could see the smoke and the men handling the stuff at the top of the groceries store, so one know what they were. But these sounds are still just too similar for me for those canon and gunshot sounds, especially when i can't hear the sizzling and cracking of the firework only the sound of the shots. Which is the case more often then not.
És én csak a "szomszédban" laktam és a tévében néztem, de milyen lehet ez annak, aki ott is élt és tényleg repkedtek ágyú, puska és egyéb lövedékek a feje felett?
And i was living only in the "neighbourghood" and watched on tv, but how must it feel like for someone who lived there and actually had cannon and machine gun rounds flying over their head?
Oké még messze van, de épp most vettem meg a kötős újságom legutóbbi számát, amihez egy mini napló is járt, és belenéztem az utolsó lapokba. És olyan szemétség, hogy karácsony is és újév is hétvégére fog esni!!! Ekkora kiszúrást :(((
Ok, it's still far away, but i just got a 2010 mini diary with the last issue of the knitting magazine i usually buy and turned onto the last pages. And damn, both christmas and new year will be on weekends!! This is so not fair :(((
Ok, it's still far away, but i just got a 2010 mini diary with the last issue of the knitting magazine i usually buy and turned onto the last pages. And damn, both christmas and new year will be on weekends!! This is so not fair :(((
Thursday, 5 November 2009
Bonfire Night
No ez az amit nem tudok lefordítani magyarra, mármint az egy dolog, hogy "máglyás éjszaka", no de mi is ez... Talán az angol abszurd humor egyik legjobb példája.
Először a HP első kötetében olvastam róla, bár akkor még azt hittem, haloween-re utalnak, de nem. A lényeg: 1605-ben e napon egy Guy* Fawkes** nevű fickó vezette összeesküvés megpróbálta felgyújtani/robbantani az angol Parlament épületét és megölni az épp aktuális uralkodót, I. (a skótok szerint VI.) Jakabot. Sikertelenül, de ennek emlékére azóta minden évben november ötödikén nagyobb puffogtatás és petárdázás folyik, mint szilveszterkor. Azt hiszem igazi, rendezett tüzijáték nincs, ez a nép szórakozása :)
* Angolul a guy kb a pali szó megfelelője. Mindkettő személyt, férfit jelent, és egy férfi becenévből alakult ki.
** Igen, a főnix Fawkes neve innen jön :)
Representing the best of english absurd humor: bonfire night. In the remembrance of the Gunfire Plot - a group of men led by Guy Fawkes tried to blow up the english Houses of Parliament and kill the king, James I (VI according to the scots). They failed, but people remember them every year on this day with fire crakers and bonfires. No official fireworks as far as i'm aware - this is the people's fun :)
* the word guy meaning men, person, comes from his name.
** yes, Fawkes the phoenix gates his name from him :)
Először a HP első kötetében olvastam róla, bár akkor még azt hittem, haloween-re utalnak, de nem. A lényeg: 1605-ben e napon egy Guy* Fawkes** nevű fickó vezette összeesküvés megpróbálta felgyújtani/robbantani az angol Parlament épületét és megölni az épp aktuális uralkodót, I. (a skótok szerint VI.) Jakabot. Sikertelenül, de ennek emlékére azóta minden évben november ötödikén nagyobb puffogtatás és petárdázás folyik, mint szilveszterkor. Azt hiszem igazi, rendezett tüzijáték nincs, ez a nép szórakozása :)
* Angolul a guy kb a pali szó megfelelője. Mindkettő személyt, férfit jelent, és egy férfi becenévből alakult ki.
** Igen, a főnix Fawkes neve innen jön :)
Representing the best of english absurd humor: bonfire night. In the remembrance of the Gunfire Plot - a group of men led by Guy Fawkes tried to blow up the english Houses of Parliament and kill the king, James I (VI according to the scots). They failed, but people remember them every year on this day with fire crakers and bonfires. No official fireworks as far as i'm aware - this is the people's fun :)
* the word guy meaning men, person, comes from his name.
** yes, Fawkes the phoenix gates his name from him :)
Wednesday, 4 November 2009
Tuesday, 27 October 2009
Hétvége - Weekend

Weekend wasn't that bad after all :) On staurday the front garden get a pebble cover, the fence was painted black and now we have a cute wrought iron gate :)
A szomszéd macsek lecsekkolta, hogy rendesen viselkedek-e.
Neighbour's cat checked if i'm behaving well.

I knitted a hat (Pompeo from Ravelry) - still needs blocking :P On the picture it is before cast off, the crcular needles dangling from it...
És vasárnap este elszállt a vindózom, újra kellett rakni. Ez meg elég sokáig tart, úgyhogy megittunk egy sört közben - meglett az eredménye, tegnap fél napig fájt a fejem. Grr.
And sunday evening my windows crashed, we had to reinstall it. Thats a lenghty process, so we had a beer while at it - and i had a headache all morning yesterday. Grrr.
És csütörtökön megyek haza.
And i go home on thursday.
Wednesday, 21 October 2009
Eső - Rain
Itt a tél, azaz esik. Azt hiszem az idén két évszakunk lesz csak, az esős meg a forró - sajna aforrónak már tuti vége, és minden ami megbonthatja ezt a felállást, az egy jó hidewg, jeges, havas igazzzi tél, mint tavaly :P
Winter's here - it's raining. I think we will have only two seasons this year, the rainy and the hot, and the latter is definetly over. Maybe we will have a third though, a nice, ice-cold, snowy stormy winter, like last year :P
Ma elbattyogtam az esőben a postára, és 9 fontot fizettema píty királynői postának hogy elszállítsák a csomagomat Pannóniába. De ha ráülnek a sztrájk alatt és előbb érek haza, akkor szétcsapok valahol. Mivel mást úgysem tudok tenni...
Today at lunchtime i went o the post offce and paid 9 punds for the royal mail for transporting my pocket to Pannonia (that's the part of Hungary west of river Danube, as it was called while a roman province). But if the postmen sit on i through the strike scheduled for tomorrow and friday, and i will arrive home sooner, i will hit something. As i can't do anything else.
Hazaindulásnál az egyik kínai néni, akikkel egy asztalnál ülök ebédkor, megkérdezte hol jártam ebédszünetben? Mindig úgy éreztem, hogy nem kedvel különösebben és épp csak elvisel, mivel ők amúgy is mandarinul besélgetnek, én meg olvasgatok magamban a másik sarokban, úgyhogy meg is lepődtem kicsit, hogy szinte aggódva kérdzett. Mondtam, hogy a postán voltam. Nahát, ebben az esőben? Nagyon kedves volt :) Jól esett. Mosolyogtam is a vonatra menet :)
After checking out frm work, one of the chinese women i sit with at lunch asked me where i've been at lunchtime. She asked i very nicely, almost worried, so i was a bit surprised as i always had the feeling she doesn't really likes me, merely just endures that i sit there reading while they are talking mandarin. I said i was at the post office. What, in this rain? She sounded really woried - it was very kind from her :) It felt good. I went to the train with a smile :)
Winter's here - it's raining. I think we will have only two seasons this year, the rainy and the hot, and the latter is definetly over. Maybe we will have a third though, a nice, ice-cold, snowy stormy winter, like last year :P
Ma elbattyogtam az esőben a postára, és 9 fontot fizettema píty királynői postának hogy elszállítsák a csomagomat Pannóniába. De ha ráülnek a sztrájk alatt és előbb érek haza, akkor szétcsapok valahol. Mivel mást úgysem tudok tenni...
Today at lunchtime i went o the post offce and paid 9 punds for the royal mail for transporting my pocket to Pannonia (that's the part of Hungary west of river Danube, as it was called while a roman province). But if the postmen sit on i through the strike scheduled for tomorrow and friday, and i will arrive home sooner, i will hit something. As i can't do anything else.
Hazaindulásnál az egyik kínai néni, akikkel egy asztalnál ülök ebédkor, megkérdezte hol jártam ebédszünetben? Mindig úgy éreztem, hogy nem kedvel különösebben és épp csak elvisel, mivel ők amúgy is mandarinul besélgetnek, én meg olvasgatok magamban a másik sarokban, úgyhogy meg is lepődtem kicsit, hogy szinte aggódva kérdzett. Mondtam, hogy a postán voltam. Nahát, ebben az esőben? Nagyon kedves volt :) Jól esett. Mosolyogtam is a vonatra menet :)
After checking out frm work, one of the chinese women i sit with at lunch asked me where i've been at lunchtime. She asked i very nicely, almost worried, so i was a bit surprised as i always had the feeling she doesn't really likes me, merely just endures that i sit there reading while they are talking mandarin. I said i was at the post office. What, in this rain? She sounded really woried - it was very kind from her :) It felt good. I went to the train with a smile :)
Sunday, 18 October 2009
Befejeztem! Fölvarrtam az összes gombot, elvarrtam az összes kósza szálat, és 82 centi hosszú... 70 deka fonal ment bele. Jó meleg. Azért persze vannak dolgok amiken változtatnék...
- csináltam egy pár hibát az áttört mintában, amiket későn vettem észre és már nem bontottam vissza, hogy kijavítsam;
- a karlyukaknál a szélső szem nagyon megnyúlt, csúnya :( ;
- a nyaka túl széles maradt, kellett volna még pér sor;
- tökjó hogy egyben van kötve, nem kell varrni stb, de lehet hogy az oldalára jól jött volna egy felvágás, hogy kevésbé legyen zsákszerű
Kb ennyi. Szőrszálhasogatok. De nem akarom elkövetni ugyanazokat a hibákat legközelebb, úgyis csinálok mindig újakat ^_^
De közben baromira büszke is vagyok rá, még akkor is ha fele ennyi idő alatt is kész lehetett volna, ha nem teszem félre időnként hetekre is...
I finished it!! Sewed on all the buttons, darned in all ends, and it's 82 cm (32 inches) long. Used 700 gramms of yarn. Nice and warm. Of course i have some notes...
- i made some errors in the lace parts i didn't spot in time and didn't corrected later;
- at the armholes, the last stich is streched, looks ugly :( ;
- neck is too wide, should have carried on for a few more rows;
- it's great that it knits in one piece, but maybe a slit on the sides would be good (less bag-like)
...that's it. I'm picky i know, but dont want to make the same errors next time. I'll make new ones anyway ^_^
I'm very proud of it, even though i could have finished it in half the time if not for the sometimes week-long breaks....
- csináltam egy pár hibát az áttört mintában, amiket későn vettem észre és már nem bontottam vissza, hogy kijavítsam;
- a karlyukaknál a szélső szem nagyon megnyúlt, csúnya :( ;
- a nyaka túl széles maradt, kellett volna még pér sor;
- tökjó hogy egyben van kötve, nem kell varrni stb, de lehet hogy az oldalára jól jött volna egy felvágás, hogy kevésbé legyen zsákszerű

De közben baromira büszke is vagyok rá, még akkor is ha fele ennyi idő alatt is kész lehetett volna, ha nem teszem félre időnként hetekre is...
I finished it!! Sewed on all the buttons, darned in all ends, and it's 82 cm (32 inches) long. Used 700 gramms of yarn. Nice and warm. Of course i have some notes...
- i made some errors in the lace parts i didn't spot in time and didn't corrected later;
- at the armholes, the last stich is streched, looks ugly :( ;
- neck is too wide, should have carried on for a few more rows;
- it's great that it knits in one piece, but maybe a slit on the sides would be good (less bag-like)
...that's it. I'm picky i know, but dont want to make the same errors next time. I'll make new ones anyway ^_^
I'm very proud of it, even though i could have finished it in half the time if not for the sometimes week-long breaks....
Színház - Theatre
Megyek. Megfűztem anyut (nem volt nehéz, megmutattam neki a színlapot) - úgyhogy október 30, este hét, hét órával landolás után :) Maxim Gorkij: "Barbárok" a Katona József Színházban. Jessszz ^_^
I'm going. I persueded my mum (wasn't hard, just showed her the cast list) - so on the 30th October, at 7 pm, seven hours after landing :) Maxim Gorky: "Barbarians" at Katona Jozsef Theater, Budapest. Yessssss ^_^
Majdnem az összes fiatal szerepel, akiket megkedveltem anno az egyetem alatt amikor ide jártunk, plusz van egy csomó öregebb nagy név, akik miatt anyu rögtön rábólintott. És megjegyezte, milyen rendes tőlem, hogy hazajövök Angliából a művészetet pártolni :D
Almost all the younger ones i liked back then while at the university, will performing - that's why I wanted to see it - and there's lots of older big names, the reason my mum agreed right away. She even said how nice is from me, coming home from England and supporting culture. :D
És monjduk nem ártana, ha néha megnézném a saját posztjaimat hátha kommentel valaki...
And perhaps i should check sometimes my own posts in case someone comments...
I'm going. I persueded my mum (wasn't hard, just showed her the cast list) - so on the 30th October, at 7 pm, seven hours after landing :) Maxim Gorky: "Barbarians" at Katona Jozsef Theater, Budapest. Yessssss ^_^
Majdnem az összes fiatal szerepel, akiket megkedveltem anno az egyetem alatt amikor ide jártunk, plusz van egy csomó öregebb nagy név, akik miatt anyu rögtön rábólintott. És megjegyezte, milyen rendes tőlem, hogy hazajövök Angliából a művészetet pártolni :D
Almost all the younger ones i liked back then while at the university, will performing - that's why I wanted to see it - and there's lots of older big names, the reason my mum agreed right away. She even said how nice is from me, coming home from England and supporting culture. :D
És monjduk nem ártana, ha néha megnézném a saját posztjaimat hátha kommentel valaki...
And perhaps i should check sometimes my own posts in case someone comments...
Wednesday, 14 October 2009
Ez a századik blogbejegyzésem. Nemsemmi :D
This is my hundreth blog-post. I'm impressed :D
Túl régóta van az ember külföldön, ha elkezdi a szülőhazája pénznemét átváltani a jelenlegi lakóhelye pénznemébe, mert már fogalma sincs hogy 20 ezer forint az mennyire sok.
Eléggé, még mindig. (kb 70 brit font, vagy 75 euró, vagy 115 dollár)
You know that you are living abroad for too long when you start to convert the currency of your native country back to the currency of the country you are staying in because you have no idea if 20 000 hungarian forints are still that much worth.
They are. (about 70 british pounds, or 75 euros, or 112 usa dollars)
This is my hundreth blog-post. I'm impressed :D
Túl régóta van az ember külföldön, ha elkezdi a szülőhazája pénznemét átváltani a jelenlegi lakóhelye pénznemébe, mert már fogalma sincs hogy 20 ezer forint az mennyire sok.
Eléggé, még mindig. (kb 70 brit font, vagy 75 euró, vagy 115 dollár)
You know that you are living abroad for too long when you start to convert the currency of your native country back to the currency of the country you are staying in because you have no idea if 20 000 hungarian forints are still that much worth.
They are. (about 70 british pounds, or 75 euros, or 112 usa dollars)
Tuesday, 13 October 2009

Plus i found Julie spinning this time not for jazz but Rammstein - she's a cool girl, her blog is one of those rare ones i follow since first stumbled onto it. Annnnnd right now i'm doing the last bits of planning for my next project for which i will finally use the Reactor coolant i bought from her in the summer.

The other thing which took me - it usually takes me about every half a year - is the longing for theatre. When i was in university, around 2000- 2002, i went regularly. And theatre in Budapest is fabulous. A classmate took me first, for a last rehearsal in Katona Jozsef Theatre - and after that, i suspect i spent an overtly big part of my allowance on tickets. Katona remained my all-time favourite - a really rock'n'roll kind of place, where they play classics very well, and all the while you can lough too and is very modern without being, whats the expression, being 'art for art's sake'. So when i have this craving, i usually go to their homepage and read everything about their new stuff and trying to imagine the performances, and after that about the old stuff i know well coz i saw them multiple times, and check out the pictures even though most of those i already saw before... They are still as good as ever, the actors i liked the most - mostly very young then - turned out to be amongst the best of their generation, and i wish i could go and watch them when i go home. I doubt i could do that though coz they are always sold out...
I went to other places too, and i saw some fantastic performances, eg. Monty Python and the Holy Grail - on stage, that one was frenetic! But in general, others where less colourful and couldn't captivate me so much. And now my mum became a musical fan - i reckon it's a family thing :D So maybe she will surprise me with somehting :)
Thursday, 8 October 2009
Október 6. - 6th October
Kicsit késve, de már megszoktam magamtól...
Alsóban sose értettem, miért kell annyira megemlékezni erről a napról, valahogy nem tűnt olyan jelentősnek hogy 13 embert, akik a veszteseket vezették, a győztesek halálra ítélték, és erről több szó esik, mint az ezrekről, akik a megelőző másfél évben elestek a hazáért. Utólag már azt gondolom, hogy talán azért hangsúlyozták annyira ezt a napot, mert arról a másikról ami ugyanebben a hónapban történt, az akkor kivégzettekről, egyáltalán, magáról az egész eseményről, nem nagyon lehetett beszélni.
Ma már lehet, sőt. És még mindig megemlékezünk arról a tizenháromról, akik, most már tudom, a többi ezreket is jelképezik.
Bit late, but i got used to this in myself...
On the 6th October in Hungary we remember the 13 Martyrs of Arad, the generals of the hungarian army in the 1848-49 war for independence.
In the first years of elementary school (i started school in 1987), i never understood, why we have to remember this day; for me the execution of the loser's leaders by the winners, the death of 13 people, did not seem so important relatively then the sacrifice of the thousands of lives in the former one and a half year in a struggle for the country's independence. Later on I realized that probably we held this day as a remembrance so importantly because of that other thing wich happened in the same month, but those events and those people who died there were not to mention by the current system.
Then the system changed (in late 1989), and now we are free to remember - what free, sometimes we are more then reminded.
And we still remember those thirteen people too, who, i understand this now, represent the thousands as well.
(The history bits: the 1848 revolution (which happened in other euorpean countries too and were closley linked) turned into a war of independence in Hungary, which was broken down in August 1849, with the russian forces helping the Habsburgs whose rule we fought against. On the 13th October, the leaders - 12 generals and a colonel - of the hungarian army were executed in Arad, a city now belonging to Romania.
In 1956 Hungary revolted against the soviet influence on the country; the revolution started on the 23th October and lasted until the 10th november, when it was broken down by soviet forces. Trials and executions followed, and the events were named counter-revolution for decades (counter, as of, against the socialist revolution). The changes in the '80s brought the rehabilitation of its leaders - it meant giving them proper (re)burials, as all were dead - and dropping the "counter" from the name of the event.
Nowadays 23th October is a national holiday, and for the 1848-49 events we remember mainly on the 15th March, when the revolution started, which day is also a national holiday. 6th October is not a holiday but still remembered everywhere.)
Alsóban sose értettem, miért kell annyira megemlékezni erről a napról, valahogy nem tűnt olyan jelentősnek hogy 13 embert, akik a veszteseket vezették, a győztesek halálra ítélték, és erről több szó esik, mint az ezrekről, akik a megelőző másfél évben elestek a hazáért. Utólag már azt gondolom, hogy talán azért hangsúlyozták annyira ezt a napot, mert arról a másikról ami ugyanebben a hónapban történt, az akkor kivégzettekről, egyáltalán, magáról az egész eseményről, nem nagyon lehetett beszélni.

Ma már lehet, sőt. És még mindig megemlékezünk arról a tizenháromról, akik, most már tudom, a többi ezreket is jelképezik.
Bit late, but i got used to this in myself...
On the 6th October in Hungary we remember the 13 Martyrs of Arad, the generals of the hungarian army in the 1848-49 war for independence.
In the first years of elementary school (i started school in 1987), i never understood, why we have to remember this day; for me the execution of the loser's leaders by the winners, the death of 13 people, did not seem so important relatively then the sacrifice of the thousands of lives in the former one and a half year in a struggle for the country's independence. Later on I realized that probably we held this day as a remembrance so importantly because of that other thing wich happened in the same month, but those events and those people who died there were not to mention by the current system.
Then the system changed (in late 1989), and now we are free to remember - what free, sometimes we are more then reminded.
And we still remember those thirteen people too, who, i understand this now, represent the thousands as well.
(The history bits: the 1848 revolution (which happened in other euorpean countries too and were closley linked) turned into a war of independence in Hungary, which was broken down in August 1849, with the russian forces helping the Habsburgs whose rule we fought against. On the 13th October, the leaders - 12 generals and a colonel - of the hungarian army were executed in Arad, a city now belonging to Romania.
In 1956 Hungary revolted against the soviet influence on the country; the revolution started on the 23th October and lasted until the 10th november, when it was broken down by soviet forces. Trials and executions followed, and the events were named counter-revolution for decades (counter, as of, against the socialist revolution). The changes in the '80s brought the rehabilitation of its leaders - it meant giving them proper (re)burials, as all were dead - and dropping the "counter" from the name of the event.
Nowadays 23th October is a national holiday, and for the 1848-49 events we remember mainly on the 15th March, when the revolution started, which day is also a national holiday. 6th October is not a holiday but still remembered everywhere.)
Sunday, 4 October 2009
Kötözködő - Knitted

Ta-daah: The pair of socks i made from the yarn i received from Italy. Ugly but yummy :) They're absolutly cosy and even goodlooking when worn, the ribbing makes them look a bit weird without feet :) I still have plenty of yarn as these are fairly short, maybe enough for a second pair...

And the big-big project, in process for three months now. Already doing the shoulder shaping, really not much left. I'm thinking about the button-problem now...
Saturday, 3 October 2009
Szülinapi ajándék - Birthday present

Megérkezett a szülinapi könyvem!!!! Kicsit előbb is, mint számítottam :)
My birhtday book has arrived!!! And even a bit earlier then i expected it :)
Reggel puffanásra ébredtem, és rögtön gondoltam, hogy ez könnyen lehet, hogy a posta volt. Ki is mentem az előtérbe, és ott iv ovlt a csomag, de az nem ez a könyv volt, hanem a mitológiás, amiről már azt hittem elveszett, egy hete meg kellett volna érkeznie (majd hagyok nekik nem-kellemes feedback-et, irgumburgum).
Aztán már így délután L átugrott a szomszédba pizzáér, és bekopogott egy másik csomaggal - amit a postás a kinti lábtörlő alatt hagyott, mivel túl nagy volt a ládához. Tartsa meg jó szokását, vissza is vihette volna, és akkor hétfőt tudtam volna csak fölvenni, vagy be is csöngethetett volna szombat hajnal fél nyolckor :)
I woke this morning for a sound of something hitting the ground and instantly thought that it must have been a package. And it was, the mythology book (Masks of God) i thought was lost as it should have arrived a week ago. I will leave some not-too-nice feedback for the seller :P
Then later the day cousin L went out for pizza and took the second package with him, which was left under the outside doormat as it was too big. The postman was very nice - he could have taken the parcel back and in this case i could have it only on monday; or he could have ringed the doorbell at half past seven in the dawn. :)
Thursday, 1 October 2009
Tiltott könyvek - Banned books
I fund this at Julie: list of banned/challanged books. Books which are too explicit or too good for the ignorant everyman, i suppose.
I was surprised to see the The Catcher in the Rye right away; i read it some years ago 'coz it was so famous at the uni (i did not understand it, but that's my problem).
Then i rolled down. To kill a Mockingbird, Color Purple - ok, these are just movies for me, but darn famous movies! Next, Ulysess, Lord of the Flies - what the heck?!!
When i saw 1984 i started laughing. Mice and man, Brave new world... and so on. I'm sparing the rest of the list for the afternoon, for a good laugh.
As far a i see it, it's full with those books my literature teachers and other literary sources like books etc always cited as masterpieces, milestones, very fine books - the top of literature.
I wonder if i would find the Bible in it.
Or Winnie the Pooh.
I was surprised to see the The Catcher in the Rye right away; i read it some years ago 'coz it was so famous at the uni (i did not understand it, but that's my problem).
Then i rolled down. To kill a Mockingbird, Color Purple - ok, these are just movies for me, but darn famous movies! Next, Ulysess, Lord of the Flies - what the heck?!!
When i saw 1984 i started laughing. Mice and man, Brave new world... and so on. I'm sparing the rest of the list for the afternoon, for a good laugh.
As far a i see it, it's full with those books my literature teachers and other literary sources like books etc always cited as masterpieces, milestones, very fine books - the top of literature.
I wonder if i would find the Bible in it.
Or Winnie the Pooh.
Saturday, 26 September 2009
Megint csomag - Packet again
(I wrote this on saturday and even posted it but then took down as i wasnt satisfied wwith it. It's rewritten a bit now and bearable :)
It's really not good that i have more inclination to write when i'm melancholy then when i'm happy. Bad girl.
On friday morning i was running late - luckily as i was heading to the door (already 5 minutes late) the bell ring and i could take the package!! Yeay :)
But could not open it :( It was sitting behind the door all day 'till i came home, and i felt well enough only hours later to actually open it. And these waited for me patiently inside:

Lots of yarn - merino and alpaca and squashy wool and everything fine :) Plus a tin of cinnamon candies - goodness, they are spicy! i was surprised, i think i never tasted concentrated cinnamon before :D And a bagful of bonbons and little chocolates - another surprise, as Fiat is a car brand for me :D but they turned out very tasty a chocolte too. Thank you (not) secret (anymore) pal :)
Its all lovely, i just have the problem now to decide which yarn to use and for what project! I recently figured out what will i do with the baby merino from my first package - matching fingerless gloves for my mum and me - and i'm running out of ideas. Winter is long here but not really cold and if i make something even slightly too warm i just can't bear to wear it as it makes me feel like being in sauna, so i had to be smart (which is a rather hard thing from someone as silly as me) . I really have to learn lace as it will make things less toasty.
Ehh, this sounds like complaining but it is not - i'm very happy that i have to do this kind of thinking :)
And another thanks for my spoiler Typesetter for writing all the history and local pieces about the yarns - they all have a story, unlike those mainstream yarns anyone can get in any yarnshop. For example the big blue skeins are from a very old mill in Milano - which will close soon :( So, it really feels like a piece of history.
Now i'm going to finish the package for my spoilee, and then finish the socks - 10 cm of cuffs left - and then mum's vest - 6 inches left (aka eternity) - and then i will do lots of mitten and hat and scarf knitting.
With some sewing in the meantime, and i'd really like to do some spinning too - it's a lovely thing, the problem is i need lot of room and preparation, so all the fiber and the spindle are just laying around in the corner for weeks now :( I wish i could do all these in the same time - sometimes i just stand over my yarn stack, the sewing mashine and the fiber, plus some books, and just can not choose. I 'm so grateful that this is one of the biggest problems in my life :)
It's really not good that i have more inclination to write when i'm melancholy then when i'm happy. Bad girl.
On friday morning i was running late - luckily as i was heading to the door (already 5 minutes late) the bell ring and i could take the package!! Yeay :)
But could not open it :( It was sitting behind the door all day 'till i came home, and i felt well enough only hours later to actually open it. And these waited for me patiently inside:

Lots of yarn - merino and alpaca and squashy wool and everything fine :) Plus a tin of cinnamon candies - goodness, they are spicy! i was surprised, i think i never tasted concentrated cinnamon before :D And a bagful of bonbons and little chocolates - another surprise, as Fiat is a car brand for me :D but they turned out very tasty a chocolte too. Thank you (not) secret (anymore) pal :)
Its all lovely, i just have the problem now to decide which yarn to use and for what project! I recently figured out what will i do with the baby merino from my first package - matching fingerless gloves for my mum and me - and i'm running out of ideas. Winter is long here but not really cold and if i make something even slightly too warm i just can't bear to wear it as it makes me feel like being in sauna, so i had to be smart (which is a rather hard thing from someone as silly as me) . I really have to learn lace as it will make things less toasty.
Ehh, this sounds like complaining but it is not - i'm very happy that i have to do this kind of thinking :)
And another thanks for my spoiler Typesetter for writing all the history and local pieces about the yarns - they all have a story, unlike those mainstream yarns anyone can get in any yarnshop. For example the big blue skeins are from a very old mill in Milano - which will close soon :( So, it really feels like a piece of history.
Now i'm going to finish the package for my spoilee, and then finish the socks - 10 cm of cuffs left - and then mum's vest - 6 inches left (aka eternity) - and then i will do lots of mitten and hat and scarf knitting.
With some sewing in the meantime, and i'd really like to do some spinning too - it's a lovely thing, the problem is i need lot of room and preparation, so all the fiber and the spindle are just laying around in the corner for weeks now :( I wish i could do all these in the same time - sometimes i just stand over my yarn stack, the sewing mashine and the fiber, plus some books, and just can not choose. I 'm so grateful that this is one of the biggest problems in my life :)
Friday, 25 September 2009
Könyvmoly - Bookworm
Well i guess Jane Austen and vintage radio comedy does not go well together, just like heavy metal and knitting, but whatever. No one is so unlucky to have to put up whit me, so i can be as queer as i wish :)
So, four full watch later, short - sleepwise - with 2 hours, i'm on page 232 now (still p&p, now paper and ink format) , and of course i know myself enough so i bought two more books as well for next week. Now that i'm almost at the end, and also having been read Persuasion in english, and Sense and Sensibilty both in english and hungarian, i think i really like Jane Austen and she would be my favourite writer ever - - if she would be covering history and/or fantasy as well and wouldn't concentrete on girly topics, though for this i complain only when i'm not reading; when i'm reading, i'm perfectly contented with the books :) I'm insatiable i know, an old fault of mine. My other would-be fav is Neil Gaiman who has fantasy but i miss the female thinking and delicacy - obviosly as he is a male... And i love 'Mrs Murray' too, but more her books then her writing (if this makes sense).
Now, i'm not a high-strung literature critic, i'm just looking for a soulmate writer :D I used to write myself for my own entertainment but since i live in england and consequently use english in a big part of the day, my writing skills are all but gone. A few days ago i did not use a word in a text message to my cousin - in hungarian - because i wasn't sure of the spelling. This had never happened me before. Ever. Not even in primary school, i was always very good in spelling (as i always read a lot once i learned it...) It was painful. My english is getting better, but i feel the price, and in a very unexpected way, as everyone is always talking about homesickness and stuff, but i never heard anybody mention the loss of the mother tongue. Ok not loss, but the decreased quality. So to make up for this, i'm on a constant lookout for someone who writes like i would if i could :)
I'm an oddball, anyways so shouldn't be surprised :)
So, four full watch later, short - sleepwise - with 2 hours, i'm on page 232 now (still p&p, now paper and ink format) , and of course i know myself enough so i bought two more books as well for next week. Now that i'm almost at the end, and also having been read Persuasion in english, and Sense and Sensibilty both in english and hungarian, i think i really like Jane Austen and she would be my favourite writer ever - - if she would be covering history and/or fantasy as well and wouldn't concentrete on girly topics, though for this i complain only when i'm not reading; when i'm reading, i'm perfectly contented with the books :) I'm insatiable i know, an old fault of mine. My other would-be fav is Neil Gaiman who has fantasy but i miss the female thinking and delicacy - obviosly as he is a male... And i love 'Mrs Murray' too, but more her books then her writing (if this makes sense).
Now, i'm not a high-strung literature critic, i'm just looking for a soulmate writer :D I used to write myself for my own entertainment but since i live in england and consequently use english in a big part of the day, my writing skills are all but gone. A few days ago i did not use a word in a text message to my cousin - in hungarian - because i wasn't sure of the spelling. This had never happened me before. Ever. Not even in primary school, i was always very good in spelling (as i always read a lot once i learned it...) It was painful. My english is getting better, but i feel the price, and in a very unexpected way, as everyone is always talking about homesickness and stuff, but i never heard anybody mention the loss of the mother tongue. Ok not loss, but the decreased quality. So to make up for this, i'm on a constant lookout for someone who writes like i would if i could :)
I'm an oddball, anyways so shouldn't be surprised :)
Saturday, 19 September 2009
Just watched Pride and Prejudice. The 1995 bbc version. The whole series.
o.O (giggling away.... :D)
o.O (giggling away.... :D)
Friday, 18 September 2009
Dolgok - Things
2. világháborús repcsik kötelékben (mind a kettő, aztán amég két másik keresztbe, kicsit lemaradva); a városközpontban füstszag, a mentőállomás teli kocsikkal, most meg helikopterek. A boltban kirakva - egy hete, már a szülinapom előtt - a karácsonyi pudingok és sütik. Nemcsak hogy saláta, szendvicskrém sincs ecet nélkül. Veterán a bolt előtt adomáynokat gyűjt én meg majd elsüllyedek mert mi a másik oldalon voltunk. A felső lakás lépcsőjén két akkora ventillátor - falkiszárítási célból - ami elég lett volna hogy az egész gyárat lehűtse a nyári hőségben. A zuhanyzót naponta kétszer pókhálózom, mégis egyre több van belőlik, de soha nem tapasztalt mértékű ellenszenvvel gondolok a vegyi fegyver bevetésére, így még küzdök egy sort a partvissal. Büszkeség és balítélet dvd-t úgy vinni a pulthoz mintha szégyelnem kellene, hogy romantikus filmeket nézek.
Nehéz az élet.
2nd ww airplanes flying in formation (both of them, the other two crossing left and right a bit later); smell of smoke over the town centre, ambulance station full with vans, and now helicopters. The shop - a week ago, days before my birthday - already stocked with christmas pudings and cakes. Realizing not only salads, but sandwich toppings also do not exist here without vinegar in them. Veteran in front of shop doing collection, and upon seeing it i want to sink into the ground as we were on the other side back then. On top flat's stairs two fans - drying the wall - big enough they could have cooled the whole factory during this summer's heat. Cleaning the bathroom for spiderwebs two times a day now and there's just more and more of them, and for never-before -so- big guilt i'm still holding back the chemical weapons and struggle a bit more with the brush. Taking Pride and Prejudice dvd to the till like i should be ashamed for watching romantic movies.
Life's hard.
Nehéz az élet.
2nd ww airplanes flying in formation (both of them, the other two crossing left and right a bit later); smell of smoke over the town centre, ambulance station full with vans, and now helicopters. The shop - a week ago, days before my birthday - already stocked with christmas pudings and cakes. Realizing not only salads, but sandwich toppings also do not exist here without vinegar in them. Veteran in front of shop doing collection, and upon seeing it i want to sink into the ground as we were on the other side back then. On top flat's stairs two fans - drying the wall - big enough they could have cooled the whole factory during this summer's heat. Cleaning the bathroom for spiderwebs two times a day now and there's just more and more of them, and for never-before -so- big guilt i'm still holding back the chemical weapons and struggle a bit more with the brush. Taking Pride and Prejudice dvd to the till like i should be ashamed for watching romantic movies.
Life's hard.
Thursday, 17 September 2009

The thing not too well in progress... and in the background the culprit.

I made this before i bought the machine: completly hand-sewn. Tayloring is in my gene pool only problem is making straigth lines - i make just as 'good' lines as my mum did when ploughing: crooked ones :D (She was too short for the tractor so she looked out, then slid down in the chair, steered and used the pedals, then up again...)
Varró-da - Sewing
Szabadságon, tegnaptól hétfőig!!! Jejejeee :) Pakolászok a két szoba között, ééés tesztelem az új varrógépet :) Vasárnap vettem.
I'm on holiday from yesterday till monday!! Ye-ye- yeahhh :) Still moving stuff between the two rooms, aaaand practicing with my brand new sewing machine :) I bought it on sunday.
Meglepődtem, milyen hamar belejöttem és hogy mennyire ugyanolyan minden varrógép, de legalábbis az a kettő, amivel valaha is varrtam :) Két nagy különbség van köztük: ezen a talp-emelő nem hátul van, hanem az ív alatt, jobb kézre. Nagyon szeretem a gépet, úgyhogy valahányszor föl akarom emelni a talpat, végigsimítok a hátulján bal kézzel, az emelő helyén - ott, ahol anyu gépén van - meg az összesen, amit ismerek, ideértve a nagyapám/nagynéném profi Singer-jeit is. De ezen nem, ezen jobbra van, bal kézzel el se érem.
A másik, hogy a hátramenetet lenyomva kell tartani. Fura nagyon.
Ó, és az a tárcsa - az öltésválasztó - az böhöm nagy. Muris :D Olyan játék-szerűvé teszi az egészet, mintha nem egy 120 fontos komoly háztartási cucc lenne.
A gázpedáltól tartottam még nagyon, mivel anyu gépe pedálos, és vezetni sem tudok, de nem olyan vészes. Bár még nehezen találom el a sebességet.
I fund that all sewing machines - or at least the two i ever used - are pretty much the same. Only two main differences are: first, the position of the foot lever: this one has it under the bow, right hand side from the needle. Every other machine i know - including my granddad's/aunt's professional Singers - have it on their back, to be handled with left hand. So every time i had to lift the needle, i stroke the back of the machine with my left hand, than say grrr, and search for the lever with right hand...
The other thing is the reverse button which has to be kept pushed down. Weird.
Oh and that pattern selection dial is biggggg. Funny :) Makes it feel a bit toy-like :)
Also, my mum's sewing machine has a foot treadle, and i can't even drive, so i was a bit afraid from the speed pedal but it's going well. Only i have difficulty with choosing the speed...
Ezt alkottam vele még vasárnap:
Lövésem nem volt, mit fogok vele kezdeni - de ma kitaláltam! Vasalóalátét :)
I made this on sunday, and had no idea what the hell could i use it for. Now i figured it out: ironing board substitute :)
I'm on holiday from yesterday till monday!! Ye-ye- yeahhh :) Still moving stuff between the two rooms, aaaand practicing with my brand new sewing machine :) I bought it on sunday.
Meglepődtem, milyen hamar belejöttem és hogy mennyire ugyanolyan minden varrógép, de legalábbis az a kettő, amivel valaha is varrtam :) Két nagy különbség van köztük: ezen a talp-emelő nem hátul van, hanem az ív alatt, jobb kézre. Nagyon szeretem a gépet, úgyhogy valahányszor föl akarom emelni a talpat, végigsimítok a hátulján bal kézzel, az emelő helyén - ott, ahol anyu gépén van - meg az összesen, amit ismerek, ideértve a nagyapám/nagynéném profi Singer-jeit is. De ezen nem, ezen jobbra van, bal kézzel el se érem.
A másik, hogy a hátramenetet lenyomva kell tartani. Fura nagyon.
Ó, és az a tárcsa - az öltésválasztó - az böhöm nagy. Muris :D Olyan játék-szerűvé teszi az egészet, mintha nem egy 120 fontos komoly háztartási cucc lenne.
A gázpedáltól tartottam még nagyon, mivel anyu gépe pedálos, és vezetni sem tudok, de nem olyan vészes. Bár még nehezen találom el a sebességet.
I fund that all sewing machines - or at least the two i ever used - are pretty much the same. Only two main differences are: first, the position of the foot lever: this one has it under the bow, right hand side from the needle. Every other machine i know - including my granddad's/aunt's professional Singers - have it on their back, to be handled with left hand. So every time i had to lift the needle, i stroke the back of the machine with my left hand, than say grrr, and search for the lever with right hand...
The other thing is the reverse button which has to be kept pushed down. Weird.
Oh and that pattern selection dial is biggggg. Funny :) Makes it feel a bit toy-like :)
Also, my mum's sewing machine has a foot treadle, and i can't even drive, so i was a bit afraid from the speed pedal but it's going well. Only i have difficulty with choosing the speed...
Ezt alkottam vele még vasárnap:

Lövésem nem volt, mit fogok vele kezdeni - de ma kitaláltam! Vasalóalátét :)
I made this on sunday, and had no idea what the hell could i use it for. Now i figured it out: ironing board substitute :)
Saturday, 12 September 2009
Mi kell a nőnek - What a woman wants
Na jó ez kicsit korhatáros lesz. Nem vészesen, 12 alattiak kíméljenek :)
Ok, this will be slightly rated. Like 12A / pg13 :)
Ez a hét annyira unalmas volt, hogy a legnagyobb történést a tegnap esti két foster + egy jéger jelentette. Ja és hogy beszéltek hozzánk angolok. Na, az aranyos volt.
Kicsit nagy volt a tömeg, úgyhogy a mellettünk - egész tetemes mennyiségű üveggel - borozó társaság egyre közelebb szorult, míg végül egyikük feltette a szokásos kérdést: Bocsi, lengyelek vagytok?
Ha ha.
This week was so boring that the biggest events were the two fosters and the shot of jägermeister yesterday evening. Oh and we got talked up by englishmen. That was nice.
There were a bit bigger crowd as usual in the pub so the guys drinking - pretty nice amount of vine btw - near us kept gettng pushed closer to us, until finally one of them asked the usual question. "Are you polish?"
Ha ha.
Aztán elhúzták a csíkot, deee! Négyen visszajöttek, és leálltak dumálni velünk egy kicsit. Első kérdés.
- A p..... miatt vagytok itt?
- Bocs, ezt nem hallottam...
- A p****k miatt jöttetek ide? felszedni párat?
- He?!!
Az nem létezik hogy azt mondta amit én hallottam. Pedig de, mert harmadszorra is ugyanezt a szót használta... Ehh. Közöltem, hogy nem, csak sörözünk, dumálunk - furán néztek ránk, hárman rögtön vissza is húzódtak a háttérbe és elkezdték nézegetni az órájukat. A negyedik - aki alapból a legértelmesebbnek tűnt az egész társaságban - még beszélgetett egy kicsit, aztán hagytam hadd menjenek.
They all left after a while, but!!! Four of them came back and we had a little chat. First question.
- Are you here for the d....
- Sorry, i didn't catch that...
- Are you here for the d***s? To get some?
- Ehh?!!
No way way that they said what i heard them saying, but yes, they used the same word for the third time as well. Sheesh. I told them that no, we are just having a beer and chatting here - they looked like not believing me, and three of them immedietly fall back and started to check they watches. The fourth - the one who looked the most intelligent in the whole band from the start - talked with me a bit more, then i let them go.
Azért annak örültem, hogy uralni tudtam a helyzetet. Még némi kis lenézést is csempésztem bele - de sajnos úgy tűnik, errefelé 20 és 30 között tényleg az a normális, hogy péntek-szombat este azért megy ki pubba az ember, hogy beszerezze a hétvégi partnert... És ezért néznek ránk furán, mert mi nem.
I was quite happy that i was able to not just handle but control the situation, and even put in a slight disdain too - but the conclusion is, that sadly, i think the norm around here is that if you are about 20 - 30, then you spend your friday and saturday evenings with getting someone to get laid with for the weekend. And since we are not doing this we are simply odd.
Ok, this will be slightly rated. Like 12A / pg13 :)
Ez a hét annyira unalmas volt, hogy a legnagyobb történést a tegnap esti két foster + egy jéger jelentette. Ja és hogy beszéltek hozzánk angolok. Na, az aranyos volt.
Kicsit nagy volt a tömeg, úgyhogy a mellettünk - egész tetemes mennyiségű üveggel - borozó társaság egyre közelebb szorult, míg végül egyikük feltette a szokásos kérdést: Bocsi, lengyelek vagytok?
Ha ha.
This week was so boring that the biggest events were the two fosters and the shot of jägermeister yesterday evening. Oh and we got talked up by englishmen. That was nice.
There were a bit bigger crowd as usual in the pub so the guys drinking - pretty nice amount of vine btw - near us kept gettng pushed closer to us, until finally one of them asked the usual question. "Are you polish?"
Ha ha.
Aztán elhúzták a csíkot, deee! Négyen visszajöttek, és leálltak dumálni velünk egy kicsit. Első kérdés.
- A p..... miatt vagytok itt?
- Bocs, ezt nem hallottam...
- A p****k miatt jöttetek ide? felszedni párat?
- He?!!
Az nem létezik hogy azt mondta amit én hallottam. Pedig de, mert harmadszorra is ugyanezt a szót használta... Ehh. Közöltem, hogy nem, csak sörözünk, dumálunk - furán néztek ránk, hárman rögtön vissza is húzódtak a háttérbe és elkezdték nézegetni az órájukat. A negyedik - aki alapból a legértelmesebbnek tűnt az egész társaságban - még beszélgetett egy kicsit, aztán hagytam hadd menjenek.
They all left after a while, but!!! Four of them came back and we had a little chat. First question.
- Are you here for the d....
- Sorry, i didn't catch that...
- Are you here for the d***s? To get some?
- Ehh?!!
No way way that they said what i heard them saying, but yes, they used the same word for the third time as well. Sheesh. I told them that no, we are just having a beer and chatting here - they looked like not believing me, and three of them immedietly fall back and started to check they watches. The fourth - the one who looked the most intelligent in the whole band from the start - talked with me a bit more, then i let them go.
Azért annak örültem, hogy uralni tudtam a helyzetet. Még némi kis lenézést is csempésztem bele - de sajnos úgy tűnik, errefelé 20 és 30 között tényleg az a normális, hogy péntek-szombat este azért megy ki pubba az ember, hogy beszerezze a hétvégi partnert... És ezért néznek ránk furán, mert mi nem.
I was quite happy that i was able to not just handle but control the situation, and even put in a slight disdain too - but the conclusion is, that sadly, i think the norm around here is that if you are about 20 - 30, then you spend your friday and saturday evenings with getting someone to get laid with for the weekend. And since we are not doing this we are simply odd.
Sunday, 6 September 2009
Könyvespolc - Bookshelf
Átköltöztem a másik szobába - már sokkal régebben megtettem volna, csak mindig olyan kongónak, üresnek éreztem ezt a szobát, ezért csak halasztgattam. Elsőnek természetesen az asztalt és a számítógépet hoztam át, szépen letisztogattam mindent és igyekeztem nem gondolni a másik szobában hagyot kupira :) Bekapcsoltam a gépet, és mindjárt oké lett minden.
Aztán visszamentem folytatni a rámolást, és furcsamód most már az eredeti szobám tűnik kihaltnak, pedig csak az asztal hiányzik.
Meg a zaj. Nem bírom, ha egy lakás kong a csendtől. Valami zizegjen, rádió, tévé, nem érdekel hogy mi, vagy ha nem értem, mi megy, csak legyen valami zaj, ne legyen csönd. Sok beszélgető ember is megfelel :)
Aztán áthoztam a könyvespolcot is, kicsit átnéztem, de azt hiszem elég jól elrendeztem a múltkor, nem változtattam semmit. Viszont megszámoltam, hány könyvem van. 65 "rendes" könyv, úgy mint regények és értekezések (populásis ismeretterjesztő dolgok, semmi magasröptű ;) ; plusz még 20-30 receptes, kézimunkás meg karcsúsítós könyv és mangák. Nem rossz, azt hiszem, de persze nem elég :) Elvileg már úton van az első 3 twilight kötet - nem szimpi a sorozat, de mivel az ajándékozottam meg az Öcsém is megveszik értük (tesóm legalábbis a Kristin Stewart-ér - miért nem lepődök meg ezen? :D ) ezért gondoltam, elolvasom. Az utolsót nem vettem meg, mert abból még csak keményfedeles kiadás van, és nem szeretem a keményfedeles könyveket. Fölösleges pénz- és papírkidobásnak tartom: túl nagyok, ormótlanok és nehezek, és sokkal kisebb helyen is elfér minden ahogy ez mindig kiderül, amikor kijön a puhafedeles kiadás... Mióta munkahelyre cipelem magammal a könyveket az egyórás ebédszünetre való tekintettel, azóta különösen zavarnak :) Persze megvan a helyük, pl történelmi meg fantasy rgényekhez nagyon is hangulatosak, sőt. Nem tudom elképzeni hogy valaha is olvassak pl Lovecraft- ot papírfedelesből, de ezek a ritka kivételek.
Ma főztem is, a rizs-grillcsirke kombót feldobtam egy kis csőbensült zöldséggel (brokkoli és sárgarépa). A zöldségek szokés szerint nem puhultak meg rendesen, a riszbe elfelejtettem sót tenni, és kezdem unni már a grillcsireket, de szerencsére unokatesóék nem panaszkodtak (csak a zöldségre, az meg teljesen jogos), L meg akármennyi grillcsirkét meg bírna enni, imádja.
Még mosogattam is egy kicsit, no nem mindent...
És rendeltem még egy harminc fontnyi gyöngyözős pakkot is...
Miután múlt hét vasárnap átruccantam Basildon-ba az ittani Hobbycraft-ba és otthagytam (kapaszkodás) 59 fontot. Ez a legnagyobb összeg amit valaha is elköltöttem hobbifelszerelésre. Nem lett volna ekkora a vég9sszeg, de féláron adtak patons merino gombócokat, és nem bírtam otthagyni. 1.74 volt így egy gombolyag - a legolcsóbb hasonló kategóriás fonal (gépben mosható, 100% gyapjú) az a Bendigo, ami 2.10- 2.20 körölre jön ki per 50 gramm. Az majdnem 50 peni per gombóc, nem hagyhattam ottt! Eredetileg úgy volt, hogy K is jön, de anyagi okok miatt lemondta - mindig túl sokat költünk ezen a helyen :) De jobb is volt így, mert ha ott lett volna, akkor nem mertem volna 10 gombóc zöldet bepakolni a kosárba. Így is jó 20 percet tipródtam, 3szor mentem vissza, és végig égett a fejem amíg pakoltam le a polcról egymás után a gombolyagokat, míg alig maradt pár zöld mutatóba. Aztán bepakoltam még egy pinket, egy lilát meg egy mályvaszínűt is. Meg két sötétkéket. Szóval a fonal kitette majdnem felét a számlának. Plusz még vettem egy VogueKnitting naptár-mintagyűjteményt is tízér, a szokásos nagyképű szöveg van rajta, de a minták tényleg jók, úgyhogy megérte.
Aznap kimentünk a stégre is megnézni a vitrlást, nagyon erős szél volt, néha alig tudtam levegőt venni, de legalább nem esett. Viszont olyan alacsony volt a dagály (kb félúton volt még, nem tetőzött) hogy nem engedtek föl senkit a fedélzetre. K meg utálja a szelet, és víziszonya van, úgyhogy nem kínoztam sokáig, és visszajöünk.
Bár a víziszonyáról teljesen elfeledkeztem, egészen addig, amíg a kisvasúton ülve megjegyeztem:
- Gondolj bele, kinn vagyunk a tengeren két kilométernyire!
Mire ő:
- Blöe, kösz - és lesápadt :D
Aztán visszamentem folytatni a rámolást, és furcsamód most már az eredeti szobám tűnik kihaltnak, pedig csak az asztal hiányzik.
Meg a zaj. Nem bírom, ha egy lakás kong a csendtől. Valami zizegjen, rádió, tévé, nem érdekel hogy mi, vagy ha nem értem, mi megy, csak legyen valami zaj, ne legyen csönd. Sok beszélgető ember is megfelel :)
Aztán áthoztam a könyvespolcot is, kicsit átnéztem, de azt hiszem elég jól elrendeztem a múltkor, nem változtattam semmit. Viszont megszámoltam, hány könyvem van. 65 "rendes" könyv, úgy mint regények és értekezések (populásis ismeretterjesztő dolgok, semmi magasröptű ;) ; plusz még 20-30 receptes, kézimunkás meg karcsúsítós könyv és mangák. Nem rossz, azt hiszem, de persze nem elég :) Elvileg már úton van az első 3 twilight kötet - nem szimpi a sorozat, de mivel az ajándékozottam meg az Öcsém is megveszik értük (tesóm legalábbis a Kristin Stewart-ér - miért nem lepődök meg ezen? :D ) ezért gondoltam, elolvasom. Az utolsót nem vettem meg, mert abból még csak keményfedeles kiadás van, és nem szeretem a keményfedeles könyveket. Fölösleges pénz- és papírkidobásnak tartom: túl nagyok, ormótlanok és nehezek, és sokkal kisebb helyen is elfér minden ahogy ez mindig kiderül, amikor kijön a puhafedeles kiadás... Mióta munkahelyre cipelem magammal a könyveket az egyórás ebédszünetre való tekintettel, azóta különösen zavarnak :) Persze megvan a helyük, pl történelmi meg fantasy rgényekhez nagyon is hangulatosak, sőt. Nem tudom elképzeni hogy valaha is olvassak pl Lovecraft- ot papírfedelesből, de ezek a ritka kivételek.
Ma főztem is, a rizs-grillcsirke kombót feldobtam egy kis csőbensült zöldséggel (brokkoli és sárgarépa). A zöldségek szokés szerint nem puhultak meg rendesen, a riszbe elfelejtettem sót tenni, és kezdem unni már a grillcsireket, de szerencsére unokatesóék nem panaszkodtak (csak a zöldségre, az meg teljesen jogos), L meg akármennyi grillcsirkét meg bírna enni, imádja.
Még mosogattam is egy kicsit, no nem mindent...
És rendeltem még egy harminc fontnyi gyöngyözős pakkot is...
Miután múlt hét vasárnap átruccantam Basildon-ba az ittani Hobbycraft-ba és otthagytam (kapaszkodás) 59 fontot. Ez a legnagyobb összeg amit valaha is elköltöttem hobbifelszerelésre. Nem lett volna ekkora a vég9sszeg, de féláron adtak patons merino gombócokat, és nem bírtam otthagyni. 1.74 volt így egy gombolyag - a legolcsóbb hasonló kategóriás fonal (gépben mosható, 100% gyapjú) az a Bendigo, ami 2.10- 2.20 körölre jön ki per 50 gramm. Az majdnem 50 peni per gombóc, nem hagyhattam ottt! Eredetileg úgy volt, hogy K is jön, de anyagi okok miatt lemondta - mindig túl sokat költünk ezen a helyen :) De jobb is volt így, mert ha ott lett volna, akkor nem mertem volna 10 gombóc zöldet bepakolni a kosárba. Így is jó 20 percet tipródtam, 3szor mentem vissza, és végig égett a fejem amíg pakoltam le a polcról egymás után a gombolyagokat, míg alig maradt pár zöld mutatóba. Aztán bepakoltam még egy pinket, egy lilát meg egy mályvaszínűt is. Meg két sötétkéket. Szóval a fonal kitette majdnem felét a számlának. Plusz még vettem egy VogueKnitting naptár-mintagyűjteményt is tízér, a szokásos nagyképű szöveg van rajta, de a minták tényleg jók, úgyhogy megérte.
Aznap kimentünk a stégre is megnézni a vitrlást, nagyon erős szél volt, néha alig tudtam levegőt venni, de legalább nem esett. Viszont olyan alacsony volt a dagály (kb félúton volt még, nem tetőzött) hogy nem engedtek föl senkit a fedélzetre. K meg utálja a szelet, és víziszonya van, úgyhogy nem kínoztam sokáig, és visszajöünk.
Bár a víziszonyáról teljesen elfeledkeztem, egészen addig, amíg a kisvasúton ülve megjegyeztem:
- Gondolj bele, kinn vagyunk a tengeren két kilométernyire!
Mire ő:
- Blöe, kösz - és lesápadt :D
Friday, 4 September 2009
Gondolkodik... - She's thinking...
Azon gondolkoztam, hogy vajon van-e - mármint statisztikákban is kimutathatóan - valami emelkedés a szeptemberi születések számában. Mert hogy 4-5 ismerősöm van aki szintén szeptemberi, az egy dolog. Hogy munkahelyen augusztus vége óta minden hétre jut minimum egy szülinap, és ez így is fog még maradni egy darabig, az egy másik dolog (a csoki a harmadik, de az most lényegtelen :) De hogy szeptember az pont 9 hónappal a karácsonyi-szilveszteri hacacáré után van, az már nem lehet véletlen.
És nekem 28 év kellett hogy erre rájöjjek?! LOL
A csomag megérkezett, épen és egy darabban, és nagyon örültek neki :) Aminek meg én örülök nagyon :)
Azért nagyon rá tudom hozni a frászt (többnyire csak) saját magamra és (szerencsére csak ritkán) másokra is. Azért hasonlítok kicsit Anne Shirley-re abban, hogy a hibáimat csak egyszer követem el.
Utána kitalálok valami új, érdekes lököttséget :P
I was thinking about if there's a - statistically significant - rise in the number of childbirths in september. 'Coz me knowing at least 4-5 other people who also have their birthdays in september, that's one thing. That in the factory at least one person has birthday every week since the end of august, that's anotehr thing (the sweets are a third thing, but they do not matter now :) But the fact that september is exactly 9 months after the christmas-new-year let-my-hair-down period can't be a coincidence.
And i needed 28 years to figure this out?! LOL :D
The package has arrived, safe and sound, and Receiver was happy for it - so, i am too :)
It's crazy how can i freak out (mainly) myself and (luckily only rarely) others too. There's a thing too, in which i am very similar to Anne Shirley: usually i commit the same error only once.
And then i find new, exiting ways to drive myself mad. :P
És nekem 28 év kellett hogy erre rájöjjek?! LOL
A csomag megérkezett, épen és egy darabban, és nagyon örültek neki :) Aminek meg én örülök nagyon :)
Azért nagyon rá tudom hozni a frászt (többnyire csak) saját magamra és (szerencsére csak ritkán) másokra is. Azért hasonlítok kicsit Anne Shirley-re abban, hogy a hibáimat csak egyszer követem el.
Utána kitalálok valami új, érdekes lököttséget :P
I was thinking about if there's a - statistically significant - rise in the number of childbirths in september. 'Coz me knowing at least 4-5 other people who also have their birthdays in september, that's one thing. That in the factory at least one person has birthday every week since the end of august, that's anotehr thing (the sweets are a third thing, but they do not matter now :) But the fact that september is exactly 9 months after the christmas-new-year let-my-hair-down period can't be a coincidence.
And i needed 28 years to figure this out?! LOL :D
The package has arrived, safe and sound, and Receiver was happy for it - so, i am too :)
It's crazy how can i freak out (mainly) myself and (luckily only rarely) others too. There's a thing too, in which i am very similar to Anne Shirley: usually i commit the same error only once.
And then i find new, exiting ways to drive myself mad. :P
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