... about three weeks ago :)
Szóval azt már megemlítettem, hogy voltam otthon, és repülővel mentem :D Aztán voltam színházban, rokonlátogatni, kicsit bóklásztunk Tatabányán - mert az egy olllyan szép hely - , vonatozunk, összeszedtem egy jó kis megfázást, meg három könyvet. No kb ennyi :)
I already mentioned flying home :D After that, i went to theatre, visited relatives, took a stroll at Tatabánya - coz it's sooo beautyful ;) - , traveled with train a lot, picked up a cold, and three books. In short :)

It was a bit like going home, or at least to a very familiar and very kind place; all the ugly plastic-marble walls, the too small buffet and hall, the low ceiling full with stage lamps overhead, the small auditorium whit the red chairs... it was all very cozy.
We didn't get disappointed. The performance was a bit slow for me, since i wasn't in theater for 4-5 years now, the pace was slower then usual anyways as this was a russian piece, Barbarians by Gorky, and well, russians in a small town, that's always slow. We had some laughter though - that's another thing i like in this place, they make you smile and think at the same time like nowhere else - and it was overall a very nice evening. Full house of course, whit people standing on the stairs, as usual here.

I dont know what the others did, maybe other actors do the same though :) I wasn't watching them, we sat in the 17th row, last but one row, bit too far.