Weekend wasn't that bad after all :) On staurday the front garden get a pebble cover, the fence was painted black and now we have a cute wrought iron gate :)
A szomszéd macsek lecsekkolta, hogy rendesen viselkedek-e.
Neighbour's cat checked if i'm behaving well.

I knitted a hat (Pompeo from Ravelry) - still needs blocking :P On the picture it is before cast off, the crcular needles dangling from it...
És vasárnap este elszállt a vindózom, újra kellett rakni. Ez meg elég sokáig tart, úgyhogy megittunk egy sört közben - meglett az eredménye, tegnap fél napig fájt a fejem. Grr.
And sunday evening my windows crashed, we had to reinstall it. Thats a lenghty process, so we had a beer while at it - and i had a headache all morning yesterday. Grrr.
És csütörtökön megyek haza.
And i go home on thursday.
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