De azt tudom, hogy akárcsak a többi '89-es eseménynél, ennél is teljesen tisztában voltam vele, hogy mit jelent. Visszagondolva ugyan furcsa ez tekintve hogy 8 éves voltam, de tudom, hogy tudtam :)
This year at multiple times did i thought "my goodness, it was 10/20 years ago". This is one of them. To be honest i don't remember the actual news, and the following years the events were shown so many times at so many occasions that the memories became quiet blurred.
What i'm certain of is that at just like other events in '89, at this one too i was perfectly aware of what is happening and what it means. This is a bit strange now looking back considering i was 8 years old then, but i know what i knew back then :)
Valami ilyesmi az a kép, ami a legjobban megmaradt. Sötét van, emberek mindenhol a falon, alatta, rajta, másznak föl rá és integetnek róla.
My clearest memory is something like this. It's dark, people everywhere, on the wall, around it, climbing onto it and waving from it.
A háttérben pedig szól a Wind of Change a Scorpions-tól - tudom, hogy egy évvel későbbi, és '91 -ben lett ismert, de annyira az esszenciája annak az évnek, hogy ennyi anakronizmust megengedek magamnak.
And in the background plays the Wind of Change , a Scorpions song - it was written a year later and become a hit in '91, but is such an essence of that year, that i allow this anachronism to myself.