Monday, 14 December 2009

bip bip

Nothing going on - no snow, no nothing happenin'. Wich is quite good, just not really bloggable, or interesting. I spend my days at the workplace in a kind of stupor, brain capacity on about 30%, perfect condition for this type of job and even stupid enough for some loughs.
So when i get home, i dont really bother to push the capacity much higher for that few hours before going to sleep. Just a bit of reading, bit of knitting, watching the same movies over and over again. And then hopefully sleeping without dreaming, as i tend (always tended to) have only bad dreams, and those in turn make a bad morning.
Sort of nice being so hare-brained, at least i'm calm. Relatively. First time in my life, or at least a very long time... but feels like first. Mmm. Only setback is that i can't make any mentally demanding output, like writing, learning, or improving things. Oh well, this blissful ignorance won't last ong, i know myself, so within a very short time i will go back to my usual brooding self i'm afraid.

I took a Shakespeare's Tragedies compilation from the library two weaks ago and this proved to be a very good thing. Finished Othello and R+J so far, the latter one i read in high school as the only compulsory S. drama. Right now i'm still reading King Lear - the tragedy/Folio version - at lunchbreaks. That guy's plain stupid, how the heck did he become king?!
The start of the story was interesting to read, we have a folktale very similar to the situation described. In the hungarian folktale version, the youngest daughter's answer is not "nothing" but "like salt in the soup", and goes into exile alone, and finds a husband later. The other two daughters do not conspire against the king, and the protagonist is the rejected daughter, not the king.
I do not know the drama's end yet, but in the folktale, the girl invites her family for her wedding and they go of course as they want to reconcile. She cooks every meal for the king herself, without salt - so to show just how much the absence of it means.

Always loved this story :)

Also, and the thing which brought me to write finally, i just finished the second sleeve on the lush-and-lacy cardigan. Checked very frequently with the other sleeve, so they will be identical, and just before casting off, realized somthing was wrong. But not with this one: the first sleeve. I skipped one row on the lace pattern, on the second pattern repeat (there are only three, luckily). Yuck. Tomorrow will be ripping off and knitting again.

The funny thing in this: i find this pattern first at Faith's blog, and she made a quite similar mistake on it - she made a row twice instead of skipping, and on one of the fronts, but still - pattern's jinxed or what :) Sort of amusing. I guess the pattern is simple enough for not requiering full concentration but just tricky enough to play some tricks on the absent-minded.
Nevermind. ^_^

(Brain's too burned out to think in hungarian. 'coz that's easier and once i go back and start to write/think in hungarian it's a big pain to get the english back wich i must do for the workplace. Takes a whole day, actually, all the while i'm answering "igen" (e-ghen, "yes") for the affirmative and even talk hungarian to the slovakian collegue. Who actually knows a few words, coming from a neighbouring country with a 500 thousand strong of hungarian minority (out of the 5.3 million overall). Ehhehe. )

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