Sunday, 3 January 2010


"Törékeny dolgok" avagy Neil Gaiman "egypercesek". Azért kellett megvennem, mert van benne egy darab novella Shadow-val (az Amerikai istenek-ből), de amúgy is megvettem volna előbb-utóbb, mert Gaiman. Uff.

Fragile Things, aka Neil Gaiman One minute Stories (after the Örkény One Minute Stories). I had to buy it 'coz it has a novell with Shadow (from American Gods), but i would've bought it anyways as it is a Gaiman book. 'nuff said.

"Csillagok és bolygók rövid kalauza". Nem jöhettem ki egy könyvvel ha már egyszer a vízkövekben jártam (Waterstones a könyvesbolt-hálózat neve. Mint a Libri meg az Alexandra.) Szép színes, kevés szöveggel, mert kellett egy ilyen kis könyv csillagászat témában is, hogy ne a netet kelljen bújnom emiatt is. Túlságosan függök a wikipédián.

A Concise Guide to the Stars and Planets. I couldn't just leave Watersones with only one book. Nice colourful with lots of pictures and not much text, i needed a little book in astronomy too so i don't have to search the net every time i have a question on this topic. I use wikipedia way too often.

Plusz vettem ki három indiánokról szóló könyvet a könyvtárból, hogy legyen mit olvasni párhuzamosan az 'Amerikai istenek, második nekirugaszkodás' alkalmából. Fura egyébként, elsőre sokkal lassabnak tűnt az egész sztori, bár azt hiszem azért mert egy csomó dolog fölött átsiklottam mivel nem tudtam, mire utal / nem tudtam hogy utal-e egyáltalán valamire / előreutalás volt, amit most, ismerve a további cselekményt, már értek.
Aztán még ott van hogy egyszerűen nem csíptem Laura-t, tiszteltem azért amit Shadow-ért tett a saját halála után (ehh, ez jó kis paradox) de egyszerűen nem értettem mi a csudát keresett mellette amíg élt. Most már jobban értem.
Sam pedig ugyanolyan vagány mint mindig :)

Plus i get three books about indians from the library, for reading paralell with Amercian Gods reading #2. It's a bit strange now, as for the first reeding i found it a bit too slow. Maybe that was because i slipped over things i did not understand what the reference means / i did not know it is a reference at all / it was a hint for later events, and now knowing the plot i understand it.
Also i just couldnt bring myself to like Laura - i respected her for what her deeds after her death (yuck) but just didn't get what had she do with Shadow before. Now i understand her better. Sam's still cool as ever :)



Republic: Tüzet viszek album, különösen a Varázsolj a szívemmel és a Játsz egy kicsit a tűzzel. Felváltva.


Republic: "I'm carrying fire" - especially the songs hm how to translate... "Make magic using my heart" and "Play a little with the fire".

I don't know about any official or unofficial translations about the band into english... It's a hungarian folk-rock band, something like the irish The Corrs just more rock-ish. Not as much as Korpiklaani though :) They are (or at least were at a few years back) quite popular, had more big chart hits, the biggest probably "Fly away little bird" - it's a cute silly little song, everyone sung that :)

Sikertelen szombat - Unsucsessful saturday

I hope the year wont be like its first two days, and especially not like the first saturday. Grr. Sometimes things just doesn't work out for me - i mean nothing works out the whole day. Sometimes though, now being closer to 30 and putting on some wisdomlike shell during the years, i can stop in the middle of it and prevent things to get even worst. Sometimes.

Yesterday i went to the library to get some background information for American Gods. I looked for something on norse mithology in the first place, and then maybe something native american and egyptian.
I scanned the two sections about "introduction to religions", and everything i could find in the norse/scandinavian/viking stuff were two books - one a practical guide for modern pagans, the other a big album full with whole-page photos. Nufffing else. No myths, no cataloge of gods, or rituals, nor anything about the Eddas, nothing. One shelf was half empty, so maybe someone took all the norse stuff and i just came in the wrong time, but hell. This was really annoying.
The egyptian books were all big ones or practical guides of how to use ancient wisdom in modern life, so i only took one about indians (the smallest and least flamboyant). Plus two more about them from the American history section i stumbled upon on the way out.

Armed with the three books, i went to have a coffe and muffin for lunch, the usual saturday treat :) At the till i realized i only had 3 pounds and some pennies in cash, so i tried to pay with card - but i could not. So i had to send back the muffin and have only a vanilla latte :( I was so embarassed and slightly angry about all these that i sit down at the table with big armchairs instead of squeezing in the little table near the toalett door (otherwise the place was full) and forget to put sugar in the coffee. To my surprise it was still drinkable, and the other people didn't made a mess about me occupying the better place. Whatever.

Ah and after that i spent the whole afternoon trying to make up my courage and telling my cousins i dont want to go out 'coz i dont have money and more importantly i've had enough in the last two weeks from crowds and loud pop music. I only managed to say i only go to the pub with them but not to the club after. I tried to explain why the prospect of disco music and dancing does not make me happy, i'm not sure they get it, but they were in a peaceful mood so i didn't have to start the "what about you going to really loud rock concerts 3 times in two weeks" thing, they just let me drink my beer and go home.
Life's hard.