Last saturday we went out for a drink with my cousin K; L stayed behind as he didn't had a chance to get in front of the computer 'coz K was doing stuff on it for him all day. So, girls party :)
And for the first time in our whole life, close to three decades, i've drunk more than her. We are definitely* getting old. If someone told me a few years ago that i'll be drinking beer in a british pub while K is having an energy drink without alcohol, i've laughed at them. Hard. First of all i didn't drink beer up until last summer'coz i couldn't, it was too bitter for me. I only had a few sips when we were in Estonia on a field trip with the uni and visited the A.le Coq beer factory in Tartu, and a glass at the goodbye party my classmates practically forced me to drink. It took hours and i only managed because those estonians can make some seriously fine beer, my brother still remembers longingly at that Saaremaa beer i brought for him; the very spicy dinner preceeding it also helped i guess. In the last two years though, since K moved here in England, we usually had Jägermeister as that's her favourite - yeah she's a tough girl :) and i had enough of vine-and-coke (Ok this sounds like i'm a big drinker but i'm really not. One or two glasses occasionaly.) And Jäger's bitter, but i've learned to handle it. So at the summer when i had a pint at the german beergarden i realized with surprise that it isn't that bitter at all. And is significantly cheaper and lasts longer then a shot of jäger with some soda, so since then i'm stuck to my pint.
I've found a funny line in AG too: "When you [white] people finally give up and go home, you can leave us the Budweiser breweries" - says Whiskey Jack. I have to admit currently i like Bud' the best because it doesn't have a bitter aftertaste, even though i cringe for the thought it's a u.s. product and not aussie or european, but i can't help it.
So we were drinking our stupid consumer american things and talked about nothing people usually talk at a saturday evening outing: instead we talked about american history, as this is (partly) my topic lately, and guns, and the combination of the two, and about the movie Schindler's List and the book and the real events behind it. A few weeks back, L was there too at that time, we talked about nuclear bombs, ethics and what that Mengele guy did. Another occasion we talked about constellations and astronomy.
No wonder we both (K and me) are singles, who could put up with girls like us who's not family? :D Even our respective brothers have problems with us :D :D
* I keep forget the spelling of this word. Definatley, definetley, definateley... argggh. Have to look up the dictionary all the time.