Results so far: half a dozen golds, found two different online streams, finished the Saroyan i cast on at two o'clock in the morning (torch-lit-time :D ) and started a Swallowtail.
I'm having a bit of a HP series syndrome with these triangle shawls - all have the same construction, you know how they build up, how things will just get bigger and bigger until a crazy ending. The structure - garter st edging, *increase section, pattern, middle increase section*, center stitch, repeat from * to *, garter st edging. The patterns and row count are different, as are the yarn and the needles too, but really like the books in the series. Difference is i'm starting to get bored with this - i'm on the third shawl now - but didn't mind it with the books, not at the seventh, not even when i read all the previous books when a new one came out.
Next shawl will be something different. Bottom-up, or half circle... thinking about it, the latest mustn't be that different though. Anyways.
Hehe, the commentator on bbc just compared ski jumping to quidditch :D :D