Two days of holiday and actually done some knitting... first off, i finished this scarf yesterday. A bit short but run out of yarn, but the recipient liked it a lot :) (yeayy, knitting for someone else is goood :D)

The usual after-finish dilemma kicked in today: i picked up some long-going projects, some new yarn, had a cup of tea, then after a bit of an argument with myself i decided to do two things side-by-side. So i will rip back the "Lush and lacy" cardi i started in last december and was laying around for months, in a half-sewed half-screwed state, excuse my french. It was too big as i discovered, plus i messed up not just the sewing but the neck-band too. :P Plus there were 3 more balls left, (hopefully) enough for the hoodie and full-lenght sleeves of the Central Park Hoodie i really wanted to do for ages. Couldn't visualize it from this yarn but i'm giving it a go anyways, better then leave the yarn laying around.

Ahh and as i had a birthday couple days ago, i was thinking on baking a cake for myself... better skip that right now, dont want to burn down the kitchen :D