It's really not good that i have more inclination to write when i'm melancholy then when i'm happy. Bad girl.
On friday morning i was running late - luckily as i was heading to the door (already 5 minutes late) the bell ring and i could take the package!! Yeay :)
But could not open it :( It was sitting behind the door all day 'till i came home, and i felt well enough only hours later to actually open it. And these waited for me patiently inside:

Lots of yarn - merino and alpaca and squashy wool and everything fine :) Plus a tin of cinnamon candies - goodness, they are spicy! i was surprised, i think i never tasted concentrated cinnamon before :D And a bagful of bonbons and little chocolates - another surprise, as Fiat is a car brand for me :D but they turned out very tasty a chocolte too. Thank you (not) secret (anymore) pal :)
Its all lovely, i just have the problem now to decide which yarn to use and for what project! I recently figured out what will i do with the baby merino from my first package - matching fingerless gloves for my mum and me - and i'm running out of ideas. Winter is long here but not really cold and if i make something even slightly too warm i just can't bear to wear it as it makes me feel like being in sauna, so i had to be smart (which is a rather hard thing from someone as silly as me) . I really have to learn lace as it will make things less toasty.
Ehh, this sounds like complaining but it is not - i'm very happy that i have to do this kind of thinking :)
And another thanks for my spoiler Typesetter for writing all the history and local pieces about the yarns - they all have a story, unlike those mainstream yarns anyone can get in any yarnshop. For example the big blue skeins are from a very old mill in Milano - which will close soon :( So, it really feels like a piece of history.
Now i'm going to finish the package for my spoilee, and then finish the socks - 10 cm of cuffs left - and then mum's vest - 6 inches left (aka eternity) - and then i will do lots of mitten and hat and scarf knitting.
With some sewing in the meantime, and i'd really like to do some spinning too - it's a lovely thing, the problem is i need lot of room and preparation, so all the fiber and the spindle are just laying around in the corner for weeks now :( I wish i could do all these in the same time - sometimes i just stand over my yarn stack, the sewing mashine and the fiber, plus some books, and just can not choose. I 'm so grateful that this is one of the biggest problems in my life :)
Glad you liked the gifts I sent you. In the bottom box there was also a small bgag that I added at the last minute and forgot to tell you about. That's a bag produced by the female inmates of a Pugliese jail using recycled fabric.
ReplyDeleteWhat a fabulous package! It's always nice to receive something that's unique and has a "story" to tell. Can't wait to see what you create!