Sunday, 4 October 2009

Kötözködő - Knitted

Tádáám: ) A pár zokni amit az Olaszországból kapott fonalból kötöttem. Ronda és finom :) Fölvéve veszettül kényelmes és még jól is néz ki, így láb nélkül a bordázás összehúzza kicsit. Még egy csomó fonal megmaradt, lehet hogy kijön belőle még egy pár...

Ta-daah: The pair of socks i made from the yarn i received from Italy. Ugly but yummy :) They're absolutly cosy and even goodlooking when worn, the ribbing makes them look a bit weird without feet :) I still have plenty of yarn as these are fairly short, maybe enough for a second pair...

És a nagy-nagy project, már több mint három hónapja készül. Már elkezdtem a válla fogysztást, már tényleg nem sok van hátra. A gombokon agyalok még de nagyon...

And the big-big project, in process for three months now. Already doing the shoulder shaping, really not much left. I'm thinking about the button-problem now...


  1. Italian multicolored yarns have this tendency to betray you while you are not looking. ^_^ Thye apprea all nice in the ball, once knitted they torn into clowny stuff!

  2. i LOVE clowny stuff!! Especialy in socks, the cheer me up :)
    (In ugly i meant the shape, distorted a bit by the ribbing, i should have known they will look like this...)

  3. LOL....I have some socks that look "ugly" too because of the rib. It's funny how distorted they become without the legs and feet inside.

  4. Oh....and I forgot to mention - the red top really looks lovely! I love the cabling down the front.
