Friday, 9 December 2011


Here i am again, sitting at home after phoning in to my workplace and telling them i can't go in todaysorry coz blah blah stomach problems blah blah depression blah sorry blah blah. Lately, it's happening nearly every week. Last week i managed to go in every day, this week was just mental. I literally had to fight through the first two days, gave up for tuesday afternoon, and went in wednesday looking the same as i did the previous two days. Yesterday was okay-ish but i think having to work with someone in my state took the toll on my colleagues and they were as morose as i was. Today, i was sort of ok, at least compared to the start of the week. But i gave up. I shoul've put out the rubbish and just couldn't do it on time. My stomach started to hurt - lately, it hurts every morning. It gets better later, but i'm tired of it. I also misunderstood a text P. sent me - damn my english is still not good enough.
So i gave up. I just stood in the kitchen surrounded by rubbish bags. Then i phoned in and gave those stupid excuses - which even tho are true, still make me feel like i'm lying (Had to look up how to spell that. Argh.)
I decided i'll be a good girl. I'll do all the chores i should've weeks ago but couldn't bring myself 'coz "i need the weekend to rest". I'll sort all the papers and official stuff that's laying around. Ask for an appointment with my gp coz i never, ever had problems with my stomach and now i do and it makes me worried. Maybe even go to the shop so i don't have to drag P. out tomorrow.

But i'm still just sitting here, angry at the telly coz they don't have any soothing-nature-documentary on any channels we have. Yeah, that's the biggest problem with life.