Tévedtem. Úgyhogy ilyen zsákszerű lesz az eleje.
Mindegy, úgyis alvós-zokninak szántam.
Közben hallgatok: Queen, Beethoven 5.szimfónia (Karayan vezényel), és Gustav Holst bolygói (címet nem tudok) - és blogokat olvasok. :)
Doing pretty well. Of course I alredy made some mistakes, for example I should have started the yarn from the same dye spot... Altough in this way they have a more homemade feeling. The other thing is, I thought 48 stiches per round would be nedded.
I was mistaken. So the toes are a bit bag-like. Anyways, they are intended as bedsocks.
Listening along: Queen, Beethoven's 5th Symphony (Karayan conducting), and gustav Holst's planets (don't know the title) - and reading blogs. :)