Friday, 9 December 2011
So i gave up. I just stood in the kitchen surrounded by rubbish bags. Then i phoned in and gave those stupid excuses - which even tho are true, still make me feel like i'm lying (Had to look up how to spell that. Argh.)
I decided i'll be a good girl. I'll do all the chores i should've weeks ago but couldn't bring myself 'coz "i need the weekend to rest". I'll sort all the papers and official stuff that's laying around. Ask for an appointment with my gp coz i never, ever had problems with my stomach and now i do and it makes me worried. Maybe even go to the shop so i don't have to drag P. out tomorrow.
But i'm still just sitting here, angry at the telly coz they don't have any soothing-nature-documentary on any channels we have. Yeah, that's the biggest problem with life.
Saturday, 12 November 2011
Saturday, blah blah
Hightlights of the day: starbucks has they christmas season menu on which means pecan and caramel cheesecake + after 6 hours of playing P did pass the laptop to me so i could play Simcity.
Friday, 11 November 2011
It's 11/11/11
Had a very very long day. Bad sleep, horrible morning, bad thoughts all day long. :(
Wednesday, 9 November 2011
Coming up tomorrow: back to work. Arrgggh.
Tuesday, 8 November 2011
I don't know where am i heading with this whole counseling thing, i guess i'm just trying to see cleaner? And also i've done enough thinking on my own, now i want to know if i did got those things right or not :)
Ah and then watched this " Man Lab" thing with James May (all those guys on Top Gear are crazy lol) and seen the most amazing animal funerals EVER. They attached cameras to balloons, sent them up , then around 30 thousand meters they blew up and the cameras fell back. I heard about people doing the same before to make photos but this was still really cool.
Monday, 7 November 2011
Sunday, 6 November 2011
Missed saturday
Friday, 4 November 2011
Done it!!!
Next week i'll have two days off and my second counseling session. Lots of knitting. Lots of housework.
Thursday, 3 November 2011
Long week
Wednesday, 2 November 2011
Working days
Together with the extra spicy Nandos marinade. Thank goodness for milk.
Tuesday, 1 November 2011
Last weekend
Then P made me watch a movie - he tries to make me watch a horror but i adamantly refuse it. I have enough cr@p going on with my head don't need some stupid scary thing as well.
So he made me watch Green Mile instead, which i was also afraid of though from different reasons. Gosh it was three hours long.
I could've cried all along if i didn't check myself but i managed.
Bye bye October
The christmas jumper is progressing well, so far. I'm nearing the end of the first skein so this evening i wound up the second skein, using the cone-shaped part of my yarn winder (the one which fell apart last time i've used it :P) Better then doing it all by hand but P is adamant about me neading a proper winder. I agree. The problem is their price tag. Holy. Cow.
Monday, 24 October 2011
This weekend
Friday, 21 October 2011
Still friday
Then the bomb dropped. P got home totally angry at me. He asked me to check how long the barber is open and i told him till 9. Well it wasn't "open till 9" it was "open at 9". In the morning. I just blew his whole schedule.
Hate it that when i start to think things are going ok i make a small mistake and then have to start all over again.
Thank God for Mythbusters Top 25 Moments though, it totally cheered me up :)
I had a disciplinary (again) yesterday coz i missed too many days and most of them were suspicously close to weekends. I explained, boss filled in the paperwork, end of story. Is 7 days a year really that much btw?
Sunday, 16 October 2011
Monday, 10 October 2011
...and monday

Sunday, 9 October 2011
Saturday, 1 October 2011
Take 3
I've also got two letters today i'm very glad about - one is an invitation from the gp for a screening, it is high time i'd go! The other is from the theraphy i've signed up for. I'm actually making steps and it feels soooo goood. On the way to healing and being a better person :)
Ah and i've bought yarn yesterday. I planned to get some this weekend or maybe early next week after all the bills are taken off my account but one of my favourite shops did an update on their one-off skeins and i decided to get one of them. And also got the originally planned lace one too. Can't wait for those two beauties to arrive, hopefully on monday or tuesday latest!
Tuesday, 20 September 2011

Wednesday, 14 September 2011
Of course while in one-digit (and even teen) age, anyone over the third x seemed to be in almost-pensioner age, just a couple years away from retirement. Aside of mum who will always stay young, of course.
Then sometime after hitting two digits came the realization that twenty-something is a reasonable age so thirtysomething might not be that old, after all. It must be a comfortable middle-age; but we'll never get there anyways as teens and twenties will last, like, about forever.
Getting beyond the second x comes the first tentative sign of a strange thing called wisdom: one looks back and admits being young and silly, which now, being a serious adult with two decades of experience, they can see. That lasts until the middle of the decade when everything goes downhill with a frantic search for some imaginary "break" to stop the passing of the time and get protected against the impending doom of the number 3.
Which is of course futile and with that realisation comes the thought that now we are in the same age our parent were at the time of our first memories.
Actually they were a bit younger as they get married and started families at a younger age then we do.
I've really, never, ever thought i will live to see this age. It seemed way too old, way too serious, way too late to do anything unless done before.
Also i've never thought that i'll manage to survive to this age. That we won't get destroyed by a third world war or a global downturn into tyranny or some uncurable illness be it an epidemic or aids or an alien virus from space. Or by simply being hit by a car. Or just being told by someone that i didn't made the cut and society doesn't need me anymore.
I even thought that unless i can prove that i've achieved something - career, or a house with dogs and kids and husband, or a finished novel - then i will just simple evaporate as "someone not worthy".
Of course the last couple years made me realise none of these will happen and indeed almost certainly i'll get to the age of thirty. And over.
And i won't drop dead or be ostracized or written down. Actually, barely anyone will notice. Barely anyone will think " ah she's thirty and achived nothing" because, well, no one cares.
And on brighter side, the majority is still older then me, despite the feeling that the streets are full of teens and kids and younger people who think exactly the same thing i thought about age. And they will come to the same conclusion, or more likely, they won't even ponder about it like i did.
I'm not sure i will ever like my age though.
Maybe it is just a number - while in school, everyone told me i'm more mature then my age and only realized recently that that was only partially true as i was really immature in some aspects. (Which explains why i've puzzled some of my teachers so much.) I'm still immature in things. I also look younger then my age - being short is an advantage sometimes :) I also behave younger then my age, being a member of the Peter Pan generation and something of a geek.
Only thing i know is i can't turn time back. I can't even slow it down. I can't change things that happened in my past and can't put my life on a different track so to end up somewhere else. I have tons of regrets and while i'll have to bear with that weight i sincerely hope that my next decade will be better then the last one.
After all, i'm a serious thirty-years-old now.
Tuesday, 6 September 2011
I'm having a hard time lately at my workplace - mainly because it's so brainless i have too much time to think and meditate about why the heck i'm working as a packer in a factory when i could be doing something much more complicated. And better paying. Well i'll go to some english course and hopefully that will help to find something better.
Sunday, 14 August 2011
Is it still summer? - Meg mindig nyar van?
Saturday, 6 August 2011
Thursday, 4 August 2011
It's... august?!!
Wednesday, 6 July 2011
It's julyyyyyy
Wednesday, 8 June 2011
It's juuuune
That long weekend ended up whit doing nothing and being boring apart from a bit of fishing for the boys and a bit of poking my nose into fishing for me. P did some pubbing later last week which included a very funny half hour on saturday around midnight, when he (tried) to recount where they whent and what they did (and what were they drinking) and he kept repeating himself, making circles. The nerves of the last 2 weeks finally cought up with me on monday, a full 5 days after everything got sorted. Sooo typical of me.
Right now, i just cant be bothered to do anything. I need a laptop that i can drag with myself on a whim, moving to the lounge or back to the bedroom as i wish.
Saturday, 28 May 2011
Long weekend, part 1.
Last two weeks were mental here by the way. We paid the rent on time, in full, with enough money left for groceries, for the first time since we moved in; and as we have 5 weeks until the next payment instead of the usual four, had paid all the debts and leftover bills, i was looking forward to finally not having to worry about money and basic living. That lasted one day, because on tuesday, P got a call that his best mate is in hospital. I wished back all the financial cr*p in a second. The last two weeks were spent whit worrying, phonecalls and more worrying, but finally there's light at the end of the tunnel.
Thursday, 12 May 2011
Six years
Here's hope that the next six will be better :)
Monday, 9 May 2011
Random monday
- My St.Paulaner is in flower for the third week now. It has purple flowers but my camera just cant cope with that colour and turns it into blue. Blah.
- I did overtime on saturday and this is the first full week in nearly a month. Will be sooo daaammn long. Blaaah.
- P went for a drink or four yesterday and texted me today announcing that he's dead. Hehehee.
- I nearly finished a cross stitch pattern for K. I finished all the full stitches yesterday and started the backstitches - and vow. They really made a big difference for the design :)
- No knitting. Did some brainless stocking stitch while watching Britain Got Talent but thats it. I'm hibernating the In Dreams KAL and the green cardi too. Too much frustration.
- Have to go back to work. Doubleplus no good.
Monday, 2 May 2011
Last week
On easter monday, P buggered off to his island to see some family and friends, which meant i had the telly all for myself for the most of the day! Also i had no one to protest against turning the lounge into a crafts workshop.
I pulled out my beading tools and materials and in 5 hours, i had made a few things i was really happy with - as opposed with the last time when i tried this sort of crafting, and ended up with three earrings (pieces, not pairs). I made a bookmark and a keyring for P's mum, a keyring for my mum, and also a bracelet and two pairs of earrings for myself, and started another bracelet. At that point i started to run out of blue beads, so i was left with the charms only. Will continue when i have money to get some more supplies.
Tuesday, wednesday and thursday were workdays, so i could only work at the evenings on a small cross-stitch pattern for my cousin who just got her own flat (rented, not own).
Friday was spent in front of the telly again, of course, watching the wedding - i booked the time weeks ago and P still tried to protest until he gave up and went off to play pool. I was prepared for the day, too,here's how i started - toast, cup of tea and a commemorative sampler to stitch on. Around two at the afternoon i had my cousins over, tho K was so busy with her new phone (Samsung galaxy - very jealous) that she might as well not been there at all.
Saturday P was working, and he was sufficently grumpy about it. I had a much better day, i could actually spend some money to buy a few much needed clothes. I can't even remember when was the last time i bought new clothes. P got out of work at half past 4, and as i was still in the town, he asked me to start to walk towards his workplace so we'll meet up halfway. Wasn't a bad idea except half a street away from the football stadium the crowd started to come towards me - the game just finished... bad timing :)
In the evening we went down to Old Leigh which turned out to be more then "just 4 pubs" - there was a Tea Garden too, which i immediatly associated with Madame Puddyfoot's in the HP books, little antique shops and a couple galleries too. Aide of the best restaurant in Essex. We started at the Petersboat, but it was a bit too chilly plus no one was there, so we went to the Smack after one drink and luckily we did found some friends there, inside - in the family area, but no kids were around so it was ok. We left somewhat early as we (i) didn't wanted to spend much money. It was a good night but the money situation is still makes it hard to have a real night out, as it turned out on sunday morning when i assessed the damages and realized we had a bill to pay i didn't took into account, leaving us 40 pounds shorter then i expected. I was quite angry at myself - can't wait to have things sorted out finally and not having to worry that one bill will leave us in **** for a whole week or longer.
Had a lazy sunday afterwards, with pizza and some crafting. I tried out quilling - don't know why not "coiling", to sound more sophisticated or to make people confuse it with quilting. That happened at the craftshop were all i could find were two small books on quiling at the quilt and patchwork section, no papers or tools at all. So i ordered some on the internet, looked up instructions and pictures on the internet and in my craft magazines and started to coil. I quite like it, my problem could be that it is so small, but i like it that it needs some dexterity in each piece as opposed with the knitting or cross stitch were all stitch is the same.
I will make a card and/or box for the keyring and send them for my mum for her birthday.
Then i got up this morning, with the intent of finally writing something onto this blog, and as i usually do, checked the news.
Another day spent on BBC. It took them 9 years to train up those SEALs but finally they done it - bet w bush is gutted that it wasn't him who got Osama. Well we'll see the effects in the coming weeks, i hope it doesn't turn even worse.
Thursday, 28 April 2011
Dangerous job
Thursday, 21 April 2011
Spring, with full force - Tavasz
Weather turned around completely in the last two weeks - trees in full bloom, there`s so much more around here then my former place, i love it. And even my St.Paulaner is blooming :) We look forward to a four-day weekend :) What else to wish for?
Sunday, 10 April 2011
Crazy saturday
The morning seemed all right even with a hungover boyfriend, and i was happily clicking away on my new ubuntu when out of nowhere (or the kitchen window maybe) a big bumblebee zoomed past me and landed on the curtain, about half a meter from my head. And when i say big i mean big. HUGE. Huge enough that i don`t wanted to be in the same room with it and i`m not easily scared by flying things. But this wouldn`t have been that much of a problem - just open the window, and herd it in the right direction using a broom. But. Our windows do not open. With the exception of the kitchen window which is an old simple/glazed type, all others are new double glazed windows with locks on them. Locks that need keys, and keys we dont have. So we couldn`t open the window.
We managed to close the curtains in the hope it will fly out of the room in search of light, opened the kitchen window fully and put the key into the front door (the doorhandle is still broken) so we could open it right away if the bee flies that way. As we were going hungry and it was a beautiful day, we decided to walk down the shore and have lunch from the burger van there and honestly, we wanted to get away from that flying monster tooand from the stupid bills which started to get on me again. Off we went, i pulled the door closed, and that second P turns back and asks "do you have the key?"
No i didn`t. I left in in the door. On the inside.
Usually i check multiple times if i have my keys, even ask P if he has his keys, but with all the bee and the angst for the bills and things, i just walked out. I broke down of course and P got annoyed me of course ("don`t you cry on a stupid key"). We had a bank card an his phone so it wasn`t that bad though we could`ve done with some jumpers as it was crazy windy too. We`ve found a windshielded spot behind a utility building and still in sight off the shore and without the wind it was lovely to sit on the grass with our bacon roll/cheeseburger and chips and even thinking about how to burglar our way back to the flat seemed enjoyable.
P broke off a branch from a tree, cleared off the twigs and off we went to broke into our own home. I had to do this once in my former flat, we had to break a kitchen window there, but that was ground floor. Here we had a kitchen window near the door too - but on the first floor so we hoped we won`t need that. i hoped that i can put my hand through the letterbox and reach the key or turn it though P didn`t had high hopes for that. He couldn`t even get his hands through, he got stuck by the thumb but i could get my hand in quite easily and then sqeezed my arm in as far as i could and actually got hold of the keyring - a bottle opener with P`s name on it. Couldn`t get it off so i tried to push the branch in along my arm and that hurt as hell as every bump where a twig was broken off scrached my arm. That still wasnt enough and also every time i twisted my arm my muscles hurt for being sqeezed against the letterbox. I gave up after a few try, P took over, then i felt a bit recuperated and i knew i was really close before the pain stopped me, so tried once again and managed to get the branch through keyrings hole and P pulled off the key from the lock and got it through the letterbox. My arm was in ruin but we were in.
We do have a spare key at my cousin`s but we left that as a last resort - popping down the shore in t-shirt and training bottoms is one thing, going through a crowded (and windy) high street and walk half hour and then admit how stupid you are is another.
We hoped the craziness finished and for 1` minutes it seemed like it did, with the bee gone while were away - but no, it was still there, visibly weaer but still alive. Ok so others might have already sprayed or crashed it, and that point we got the spray out too, but really didn`t wanted to kill it - P reckoned it was a queen-bee, and these type are endangered and in the same time important for flowers, and i just hate killing anything which moves, so we ended up doing this Wildlife Rescue England operation. After a few failed trials and bouncing back bowles we managed to trap it under a box then carefully dragged the box on the floor through the flat. We had to stop at the lounge door as it has a bit of an elevation, but it was so weak then that couldnt fly up. Finally it crawled onto a piece of cardboard and we let it out on the stairs.
A couple hours later P went out to get ice cream from the ice cream van and i saw that the bumblebee is still crawling on the stairs, but kept falling back. I got up the cardboard, manouvred under it and throw it over the railing so it landed on the grass below. I don`t know if it survived or not, i hope it did and not because of the time we spent getting it out.
(Ok i feel a bit guilty as i don`t feel sorry for the spiders even though i hate to kill them.)
Friday, 8 April 2011
That was the last sign that i have to do what i was thinking for years now but never had the guts to do: switch to linux. I`ve asked my cousin to help and now i have an Ubuntu 10.04 running on my old pc.
So far so good.
Saturday, 19 March 2011
Spring spring spriiing - Tavaaaasz :)
I wish i'd taken some pictures of the bushes - i love them, in hungarian they're called golden-rains, dont know they english names... But my mobile's camera is broken, plus even tho the plants knew its spring, the weather did a great effort during all week to try and convince everybody that it's still winter, with all its greyness, mist, fog, rain, clouds and more rain. Well fortunately Mr.Winter gave up - or somebody paid him a pint yesterday evening and just turned into better mood - and we woke to a lovely sunshine this morning.
Spring brings some less lovely thing too unfortunately even for the lucky ones like me who have no allergies at all, like flu and colds. P started work this week and of course he's starting to have man-flu or at least he's trying to convince me that he has. I bet i'm feeling worse this morning then him tho, headache and tiredness. Sunshine helps a lot luckily :)
Now on to cleaning and tidying and maybe some knitting (clue 4 is out - not sure i have the concetration tho...)
Sunday, 13 March 2011
Crafts & Crufts

I wanted something simple and un-mess-up-able after the Central Park Hoodie, and i got what i wanted. It also became boooring after a couple days, so i've looked around what else could i do, and decided on this hardanger bookmark i got with my secret pal package. It's a kit, meaning that even a needle was included, so i didnt had the problem i often face of missing an important part or tool or have to measure out something. I actually finished the stitching in half a day, after i've got used to the different lenght of the stitches (being a cross-stitcher thats something i wasnt used to) it wasn't complicated. The good thing in embroidery is that it makes my left hand hurt - holding the fabric - as opposed to knitting where my right hand is the one that hurts - holding the needle - so even if i have a sore hand i can switch to the other craft.

Sunday, 6 March 2011
SP 16

Package 2 - Knitted Lace of Estonia. Love it :)

Wednesday, 2 March 2011
Wednesday - Szerda
So in the last two weeks i made 7 squares for the bedcover, finished 2 clues in a mystery shawl and washed the dishes about five times. Thats it. Spring is better to come quickly.
Friday, 18 February 2011
Dead camera
Anyway, so because there's no camera, i cant take pictures, and just couldnt blog. Sat down, ok write something, and couldn't even tho i did had some things to write about, right away there's the hoodie i finally finished!!! The shoulders are erm funny to say at least, the hood way too big, and i'm reminded again that aran wight is just too warm for me, but its finished, its wearable or at least will be after i sewed on that three buttons.
Tried to play will call of duty. Those controllers are sooo out of my capacity. I mean, turning with one and moving with one and shoot 'em (i did hit the wall and a till yeay ) - well its just too comlicated for me. Have to stick with knitting im afraid :D
Friday, 11 February 2011
Finally - Na végre
The local post office is still in the 19th century tho, with stupid opening times, and when they supposed to have a new and shiny and longer opening hour once a week, nobody is there. I was sitting on the stupid doorbell for 15 minutes, i mean doorbells, they had three, lights are on inside, but nothing happens. So i got my package - my first package in Secret Pal 16 :) - finally on thursday instead of monday. Loved it and a big thank you for my pal :) I really like the things i got, two balls of Drops Fabel sock yarn wih a pair Addi needles - yummy :) Wanted to order fom drops a long time heard a lo of good hings about them. And a hand lotion - always a necessity for me at my workplace - and a hardanger bookmark kit which will be a challange but wanted to give it a try years ago when i did lots of cross-stitching. Lovely package :)
Ooh off to work... mornings are too short :P
Monday, 31 January 2011
Monday - Hétfő
No much money hough so my first package in Secret Pal 16 i'm sending ou today will be wool-less. I will hopefully make it up on the second package especially as my spoilee has her birthday at the end of february.

Here's P modeling it for me - hopefully it will be just a bit too small for him otherwise he will steal it from me :D
Sunday, 23 January 2011
Monday, 17 January 2011
Bookshelves - Konyvespolcok
The new tall bookshelf - assembled at half past nine in the evening, so no back piece as it needed nailing on and didn't wanted to start off badly with the neigbourhs - and for comparison, the old one behind it:
And the new one with backing on and with all the books on it - since then i packed the bottom shelf full with magazines and rearranged it a bit, and still have room on it.
Sunday, 9 January 2011
Lord Byron
Wednesday, 5 January 2011
Tuesday, 4 January 2011
Monday, 3 January 2011
Secret Pal 16 Questionnaire
9th January - sorry was too busy in the last week, only completed this now. I'll be moving today and dont know when can i get internet again, hopefully in a couple of days :)
1. What is/are your favorite yarn/s to knit with? What fibers do you absolutely not like?
I like superwash merino - simple and effective ;) Couldn't warm up to bamboo or nylon content but dont mind acriliyc if its soft enough.
2. What do you use to store your needles/hooks in?
I have a needle case or two for my straigth ones, the circulars usually hang from a nail on the wall :D
3. How long have you been knitting & how did you learn? Would you consider your skill level to be beginner, intermediate or advanced?
I learned to knit when i was 11 but took it up seriously only 2 years ago. I'm intermediate in lace a looser when it comes to get something to fit or get the exact size.
4. Do you have an Amazon or other online wish list?
Used to have, under the name zmihalik (but havent used in a long time)
5. What’s your favorite scent?
Light, subtle flowery scents like lily of the valley; cinnamon, cherrie
6. Do you have a sweet tooth? Favorite candy?
I love cakes and icecream :) Not a fan of candies and cant stand liqourice .
7. What other crafts or Do-It-Yourself things do you like to do? Do you spin?
Embroidery, cross stitch, beadwork, learning to sew too :) No time for spinning, busy knitting :)
8. What kind of music do you like? Can your computer/stereo play MP3s? (if your buddy wants to make you a CD)
I dont like club, mixes and rap but everything else i do. Old style rock, world music, even classics :)
9. What’s your favorite color(s)? Any colors you just can’t stand?
All shades of blue especially azure, turquise, and darkblue; i like autumn colours too, dont like pink and neon-bright colours.
10. What is your family situation? Do you have any pets?
About to move in with my boyfriend (today!!) No pets yet, planning a kitten soon
11. Do you wear scarves, hats, mittens or ponchos?
Yes please. I have plenty of shawls and scarves but lacking in mittens...
12. What is/are your favorite item/s to knit?
Lace shawls. Beautiful, quick, can use a one-off expensive yarn, and no worries about the fit :D
13. What are you knitting right now?
A hoodie for myself.
14. Do you like to receive handmade gifts?
I'd like to very much!
15. Do you prefer straight or circular needles? Bamboo, aluminum, plastic?
Circulars, wooden or metal. Dont like bamboo, too sticky for me.
16. Do you own a yarn winder and/or swift?
Yes, both, but they arent the greatest :(
17. How old is your oldest UFO?
Ancient. Three years maybe?
18. What is your favorite holiday? What winter holiday do you observe?
Christmas, christmas :)
19. Is there anything that you collect?
Yarn, needles, books, yarn...
20. Any books, yarns, needles or patterns out there you are dying to get your hands on? What knitting magazine subscriptions do you have?
I'd really like a skein of Sock that rock yarn... I'd like one of EZ or B. walker's books, or Estonian lace, or Susan Lewis's book on lace or something from Yarnharlot... No money coz of mooving :(
I'm not a subscriber but i buy Simply Knitting every month (lightens up grocery shopping to get aknitting magazine too )
21. Are there any new techniques you’d like to learn?
Make garments that actually fit and arent way too big.
22. Are you a sock knitter? What are your foot measurements?
I was before the shawl-fever kicked in and want to go back :) Size 38 (eu) or 5,5 (uk) - medium usually fits :)
23. When is your birthday?
14th september
24. Are you on Ravelry? If so, what’s your ID? Yes, i'm shadowbat there too :)