Sunday, 10 April 2011

Crazy saturday

Acually it started at friday evening, around half past 11 when i woke up hearing some very scary noise about an hour after going to bed. Waking up for pebbles hitting your window is not fun. P went out for "a quiet one" and apparently 3 pints had done him in big time, so much so he couldnt open the door for himself :D It`s very rare he ends up like this and he had enough punishment by standing outside thinking he has to sit in front of the door all night, so i didn`t even tell him off just put a pillow and a blanket on the sofa for him to sleep it off there (still came into the bedroom at 5 in the morning when the sofa turned too uncomfortible for sleep there longer).
The morning seemed all right even with a hungover boyfriend, and i was happily clicking away on my new ubuntu when out of nowhere (or the kitchen window maybe) a big bumblebee zoomed past me and landed on the curtain, about half a meter from my head. And when i say big i mean big. HUGE. Huge enough that i don`t wanted to be in the same room with it and i`m not easily scared by flying things. But this wouldn`t have been that much of a problem - just open the window, and herd it in the right direction using a broom. But. Our windows do not open. With the exception of the kitchen window which is an old simple/glazed type, all others are new double glazed windows with locks on them. Locks that need keys, and keys we dont have. So we couldn`t open the window.
We managed to close the curtains in the hope it will fly out of the room in search of light, opened the kitchen window fully and put the key into the front door (the doorhandle is still broken) so we could open it right away if the bee flies that way. As we were going hungry and it was a beautiful day, we decided to walk down the shore and have lunch from the burger van there and honestly, we wanted to get away from that flying monster tooand from the stupid bills which started to get on me again. Off we went, i pulled the door closed, and that second P turns back and asks "do you have the key?"
No i didn`t. I left in in the door. On the inside.
Usually i check multiple times if i have my keys, even ask P if he has his keys, but with all the bee and the angst for the bills and things, i just walked out. I broke down of course and P got annoyed me of course ("don`t you cry on a stupid key"). We had a bank card an his phone so it wasn`t that bad though we could`ve done with some jumpers as it was crazy windy too. We`ve found a windshielded spot behind a utility building and still in sight off the shore and without the wind it was lovely to sit on the grass with our bacon roll/cheeseburger and chips and even thinking about how to burglar our way back to the flat seemed enjoyable.
P broke off a branch from a tree, cleared off the twigs and off we went to broke into our own home. I had to do this once in my former flat, we had to break a kitchen window there, but that was ground floor. Here we had a kitchen window near the door too - but on the first floor so we hoped we won`t need that. i hoped that i can put my hand through the letterbox and reach the key or turn it though P didn`t had high hopes for that. He couldn`t even get his hands through, he got stuck by the thumb but i could get my hand in quite easily and then sqeezed my arm in as far as i could and actually got hold of the keyring - a bottle opener with P`s name on it. Couldn`t get it off so i tried to push the branch in along my arm and that hurt as hell as every bump where a twig was broken off scrached my arm. That still wasnt enough and also every time i twisted my arm my muscles hurt for being sqeezed against the letterbox. I gave up after a few try, P took over, then i felt a bit recuperated and i knew i was really close before the pain stopped me, so tried once again and managed to get the branch through keyrings hole and P pulled off the key from the lock and got it through the letterbox. My arm was in ruin but we were in.
We do have a spare key at my cousin`s but we left that as a last resort - popping down the shore in t-shirt and training bottoms is one thing, going through a crowded (and windy) high street and walk half hour and then admit how stupid you are is another.
We hoped the craziness finished and for 1` minutes it seemed like it did, with the bee gone while were away - but no, it was still there, visibly weaer but still alive. Ok so others might have already sprayed or crashed it, and that point we got the spray out too, but really didn`t wanted to kill it - P reckoned it was a queen-bee, and these type are endangered and in the same time important for flowers, and i just hate killing anything which moves, so we ended up doing this Wildlife Rescue England operation. After a few failed trials and bouncing back bowles we managed to trap it under a box then carefully dragged the box on the floor through the flat. We had to stop at the lounge door as it has a bit of an elevation, but it was so weak then that couldnt fly up. Finally it crawled onto a piece of cardboard and we let it out on the stairs.
A couple hours later P went out to get ice cream from the ice cream van and i saw that the bumblebee is still crawling on the stairs, but kept falling back. I got up the cardboard, manouvred under it and throw it over the railing so it landed on the grass below. I don`t know if it survived or not, i hope it did and not because of the time we spent getting it out.

(Ok i feel a bit guilty as i don`t feel sorry for the spiders even though i hate to kill them.)

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