Friday, 18 February 2011

Dead camera

Or to be more exact, dead batteries. As it turned out i had un-rechargable batteries in my camera, probably as an emergency solution during the move, but the problem is, right now i have three pairs of dead batteries and cant find none of my rechargables. Also no money means no new things at all. Can't wait to be the end of march, bozfriend working and not having to rely on stupid benefits or even more stupider agencies who mess up things if you have an apostrophy in your name. Have to borrow some money till monday too so i can get stuff for my pal at sp16 and send out her package tomorrow...

Anyway, so because there's no camera, i cant take pictures, and just couldnt blog. Sat down, ok write something, and couldn't even tho i did had some things to write about, right away there's the hoodie i finally finished!!! The shoulders are erm funny to say at least, the hood way too big, and i'm reminded again that aran wight is just too warm for me, but its finished, its wearable or at least will be after i sewed on that three buttons.

Tried to play will call of duty. Those controllers are sooo out of my capacity. I mean, turning with one and moving with one and shoot 'em (i did hit the wall and a till yeay ) - well its just too comlicated for me. Have to stick with knitting im afraid :D

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