Listening: Kerrang Radio, HP4 (the one with the goblet, Rita Skeeter and Cedric Diggory)
Reading: Joseph Campbell: The Masks of God: Primitive mythology - brilliant, i mean... 3 chapters on, not a single word about actual mythologies, only explaining the background, and although i do not understand it fully (wouldn't even in hungarian, i reckon) it is absolutly interesting and and... wow. I'm so glad i signed in the library again, this is my third pack of books and a second one - the first was the one about britain's religions - with seriously good facts, and the "widening of horizon" i missed in the last few years. Of course it can turn awful later (only three chapters down), but it was worth already. I love it when i read a book and instantly know that i learned something or some already known pieces fell into their places.
Watching: i'm afraid i will watch the HP movies again. Have Bridget Jones now too, but it's too... erm, close to home? Single girl drinking... oops :D I'm not that bad though as Bridget. I drink much less :D :D
Thinking: being bilingual(ish) can be tireing. Sometimes the words only come in just one language, and it's a real pain to translate them. The lines i type out effortlessy in one of them just doesn't sound good, clatter, break on the other... I'm already losing the nuances of hungarian, composite words start to sound strange, some expressions i cant find a true match for - and on the other hand, my english grammar is faulty, my vocabulary still not wide enough, and the pronounciation- well, thats simply troll. Yesterday i told one of my british collegues that i once worked at McDonalds - and he heard "mental ward" instead. Okey, they are not that far from each, but still...
And once i knew german too :) Danke schön :)
Saturday, 29 August 2009
Képes szombat - Picture saturday
Warning - long and picture-heavy :)
Well, i started the morning at 6.15, when i sit up, turned on the pc, and then tought "why the hell i'm up?" and went back to sleep. Then got up again after 8am, posted my sp package picture on the forum - finally, i kept forgetting to do this for 2 weeks now - then popped my head out the front door to check mail and I GOT PACKAGE!! Again!!! Lovely way to start the weekend :)
After knitting a bit for breakfast, i started to sort out all the things laying around in the room, so now it is really, truly messy, so much that i realized i have to go and buy some boxes for all the magazines, colour papers, yarns, and other thingies i own. So i hit the high street - and only managed to not buy anything 'coz i know how filling
italian food is and i could not eat anything of it alone, and throwing out is not an option, i feel terrible when i have to do that. It's a sin(-like thing). We usually have food stalls on the highstreet over the weekends, mostly locals, but sometimes we get french, german, and now, italian ones. Green-white-red everywhere, even the Tomassi (italian restaurant on the other end of the street) were decoreted.
I only bought a vanilla latte in my fav starbucks, and walked down to the seafront to check out the ship. Should've arrived yesterday, but we didn't see it then - but now it was there! Can't wait for tomorrow to go on board :)
Owl Man was out there too, with a new owl - the fair one whit it's head down - plus the big eagle owl who is always there and a very windblown one with a i-wanna-get-outta-here expression. I see them regularly for four years now and still keep stopping by and just watching the birds for a while. I like the most when they have the little one out too - it's really small, a real life Pigwidgeon :)
I went to the little market off high street as i wanted to by some fabrics but didn't liked anything well enough to pay for it. I walked around though and find a flea market shop with some seriously cute and ridiculously cheap things - lamps, china tea-sets, figurines, victorian silver spoons, and a brilliant chess-set with knights, dragons and wizards on it - for less then 20 pounds. The queens dresses where the only downs - painten with made-for-guys, show-everything costumes :D If those would've been ok, i would have bought the set right there.
Then popped in the LYS too, bought some aida, beads and... sock yarn... *weak grin*
I just had to buy some monochrome ones! I got two 100g balls of dark green Regia. The sellers asked if i really want this much, two big balls and not two 50g balls? I said yeah, as i will make socks for my brother from them - he has big feet and is commuting a lot and goes to concerts all the time, so if i make him socks, they ought to be thick and long. They louhged. (Oh and the lady who sold the Noro for me last week, she gave such a longing sigh when she saw it... :D couldn't help thinking about this when i walked past the Noros)
Back on the highstreet i found a booth where they collected for a kid's charity, and had a lottery; the price was a real Mini - and there were some minis around too, but... well, the italians not only took their food and wine - apparently they took a Ferrari too. It's italian day, it is.
Then i walked back, through the food stalls, and i really d
on't know how did i missed it out on my way out, but in the square in front of the cinema there were about a dozen Ferraris and a same amount of Ducattis. Wow!!!
I drooled, and gazed, and snapped pictures as i walked around - made two full rounds :) And i'm no car enthusiast. But these things are just beautiful!! There were 7 Ferraris, a Lamborghini and some Alfa Romeos, but really... i don't know, on pictures, they - the Ferraris - aren't that impressive for me, but in real life... it just feels good to even look at them. The shape and colour together i think just makes them perfect- at least for someone like me who doesn't really know about cars, and just goes about the look. But they outlook really says something like " i can do 300 kmph and that is good for you" or something like that. :D
Ah and there were the bikes too, one of the Ducattis just left and had a crazzzy sound :D
All in all, a very nice saturday morning. Cousin K is working - making pizza :D - so we will go only tomorrow anywhere else - we plan to go to Basildon to the Hobbycraft store (yeay) and after coming back to Southend, i will take the cousins to the pier. They never went there before - and hopefully we will be able to see the ship too, if the weather is cooperative. Here's hoping.

After knitting a bit for breakfast, i started to sort out all the things laying around in the room, so now it is really, truly messy, so much that i realized i have to go and buy some boxes for all the magazines, colour papers, yarns, and other thingies i own. So i hit the high street - and only managed to not buy anything 'coz i know how filling

I only bought a vanilla latte in my fav starbucks, and walked down to the seafront to check out the ship. Should've arrived yesterday, but we didn't see it then - but now it was there! Can't wait for tomorrow to go on board :)

I went to the little market off high street as i wanted to by some fabrics but didn't liked anything well enough to pay for it. I walked around though and find a flea market shop with some seriously cute and ridiculously cheap things - lamps, china tea-sets, figurines, victorian silver spoons, and a brilliant chess-set with knights, dragons and wizards on it - for less then 20 pounds. The queens dresses where the only downs - painten with made-for-guys, show-everything costumes :D If those would've been ok, i would have bought the set right there.
Then popped in the LYS too, bought some aida, beads and... sock yarn... *weak grin*

Back on the highstreet i found a booth where they collected for a kid's charity, and had a lottery; the price was a real Mini - and there were some minis around too, but... well, the italians not only took their food and wine - apparently they took a Ferrari too. It's italian day, it is.
Then i walked back, through the food stalls, and i really d

I drooled, and gazed, and snapped pictures as i walked around - made two full rounds :) And i'm no car enthusiast. But these things are just beautiful!! There were 7 Ferraris, a Lamborghini and some Alfa Romeos, but really... i don't know, on pictures, they - the Ferraris - aren't that impressive for me, but in real life... it just feels good to even look at them. The shape and colour together i think just makes them perfect- at least for someone like me who doesn't really know about cars, and just goes about the look. But they outlook really says something like " i can do 300 kmph and that is good for you" or something like that. :D

All in all, a very nice saturday morning. Cousin K is working - making pizza :D - so we will go only tomorrow anywhere else - we plan to go to Basildon to the Hobbycraft store (yeay) and after coming back to Southend, i will take the cousins to the pier. They never went there before - and hopefully we will be able to see the ship too, if the weather is cooperative. Here's hoping.
Wednesday, 26 August 2009
Talán elég - Maybe enough

My sock yarn collection :)
ETA on 29/08: the hanks are two Jitterbugs, Frangipani and Red Parrot - the Fresco is in detention for coming out too big two times already :P Then three Easyknits skeins: Nymphaea and Jacky, 100% BFL; and a Luau, a bamboo/merino mix.
The balls are a Noro Silk Garden Sock, colour S8 - i intended this for my downstream pal, but it blew the budget so had to keep it. Seriously! This is not an excuse, it is really what happened! I actually am a bit put off by the harshness of the Noro though i loooovvve the colours of course - who not? :)
The other ball is from Italy, received it from my secret pal spoiler - i really love it, almost perfect colours - just missing a bit of red, but still had a fantastic character so its good - and its superwash and a proved yarn, so i'm happier for this then for the Noro. I will dread that yarn until i made it up for something and washed ten times and it still looks good. If.
Also not on the picture aside the fresco: a Lorna's Laces, colour (girl's name)'s Garden which i cant find, the muddy planet yarn (detto) and the brand new 2x100g dark green Regia - the only single colour sock yarn i ever had.
Now, this ought to be enough.
(Lets move on to aran... Autumn is coming... :D )
Monday, 24 August 2009
Azért még mindig kötözködök - Still knitting
Azért kötök is még mindig - de mivel többnyire esténként van csak rá időm, munka után, a félhomályban nehéz képet csinálni, és kép nélkül meg nincs sok értelme írni róla..
Szóval, miután múlt hétvégén csináltam másfél párnyi zoknit, hét közben elkezdtem egy keresztszemes mintácskát is, most hétvégén hajtogattam...
A múlt hétvégi termés: felbontottam a túlméretezett Fresco zoknit, és újra próbálkoztam. Megint túl nagy. Grr.
Úgyhogy elkezdtem egy másikat, szintén Jitterbug gombolyag, Ischia - ez már jó lett méretre, csak a színei jöttek ki kicsit szerencsétlenül, az összes mocsár-szín az egyik oldalra került, kicsit úgy nézett ki, mintha leöntöttem volna a mentol-zöld fonalat spenóttal. Kicsit félreraktam, és ezen a hétvégén már nem tűnt olyan szörnyűnek, úgyhogy elküldtem.
Anyu mellénye is alakul, bár most épp a kék szöszökkel díszített piros halom állapotában leledzik. Elbűvölően ronda.
I'm still knitting as well - usually i am able to do it only at the evenings, after work, and twilight isn't the best time to make pictures about progress. And without pics, that's not much sense to write about it :)
So, at last weekend i made one and a half socks, started a little cross-stich project during the week, and did some origami at this weekend.
The socks: i ripped back the oversized Fresco, and started a new sock - again, too big. Grr.
After this failure, i started the another Jitterbug, colourway Ischia. This turned out all right size-wise, but i had problems with the colours. It's a bit like someone spilled spinatch onto the mint-green yarn. So i put it aside. Didn't looked so bad this weekend though, so i sent it out.
Mum's vest is going on well, albeit it is in a state of big red lump with blue thingies on it. Charmingly ugly.
Szóval, miután múlt hétvégén csináltam másfél párnyi zoknit, hét közben elkezdtem egy keresztszemes mintácskát is, most hétvégén hajtogattam...

Úgyhogy elkezdtem egy másikat, szintén Jitterbug gombolyag, Ischia - ez már jó lett méretre, csak a színei jöttek ki kicsit szerencsétlenül, az összes mocsár-szín az egyik oldalra került, kicsit úgy nézett ki, mintha leöntöttem volna a mentol-zöld fonalat spenóttal. Kicsit félreraktam, és ezen a hétvégén már nem tűnt olyan szörnyűnek, úgyhogy elküldtem.
Anyu mellénye is alakul, bár most épp a kék szöszökkel díszített piros halom állapotában leledzik. Elbűvölően ronda.
I'm still knitting as well - usually i am able to do it only at the evenings, after work, and twilight isn't the best time to make pictures about progress. And without pics, that's not much sense to write about it :)

The socks: i ripped back the oversized Fresco, and started a new sock - again, too big. Grr.
After this failure, i started the another Jitterbug, colourway Ischia. This turned out all right size-wise, but i had problems with the colours. It's a bit like someone spilled spinatch onto the mint-green yarn. So i put it aside. Didn't looked so bad this weekend though, so i sent it out.
Mum's vest is going on well, albeit it is in a state of big red lump with blue thingies on it. Charmingly ugly.
Káosz - Chaos
Még jó, hogy nem lakok már otthon, anyut már a gutaütés kerülgetné, akkora rumli van a szobámban. Még jó, hogy a mosogatnivaló nincs itt bent.
Hát igen, a lustaság... azért igyekszek összekapni magam :)
Ma feladtam a csomagot is Olaszországba, bár sokkal kisebbnek érződött, mint amennyit babráltam vele. Azért remélem a címzettnek nem lesz csalódás...
Szombaton kimentünk egyet a városba. Délután, olyan kettő körül. Miután végeztünk mindennel, és már majdnem elindultunk hazafelé, K felvetette, hogy igyunk egy sört a parton, a sörkertben. Paulaner-t meg jäger-t árulnak, hétvégéken élőzene van, van egy virslisütő is, egyszóval nagyon otthonos, nagyon szeretjük. Túlságosan is. Mindig úgy megyünk oda, hogy csak egy pohárral iszunk - most, délután lévén, úgy tűnt, hogy ezt kivételesen be is tudjuk tartani. Csakhogy összefutottunk egy magyar párral, akik a mi gyárunkban szoktak túlárzni/északásban dolgozni.
Plusz a zenekar - egy londoni banda, Lucas - is extra jó volt, nagyon jól játszottak és nagyon jó volt a hangulat.
Lényeg a lényeg, este 10kor indultunk haza :D Még jó, hogy félpinteket ittam. Unokatesóék nem, meg is látszott rajuk :D Az első hotdogosnál megálltunk és megettetem őket. K hazáig morgott, L meg szokatlanul piszok volt vele. Én meg magamban somolyogtam.
Azért meglett az eredménye, hajnali négykor felébredtem és nem bírtam visszaaludni :P
Well, it's good that i don't live at home anymore as my mum would be on the verge of a heart attack at seeing the state of my room. Lucky that the dishes aren't in here too.
Laziness... i will have to get a grip on this situation.
I also posted the pacage to Italy. It turned out quite small despite the amount of fiddling i 've done with it - i hope the recipient won't be disappointed... I know i went after every item, just the volume of the parcel did not do justice to this.
At saturday we went into the city to do some shopping and other stuff, at around two o'clock. After we finished, and nearly went home, K suggested to go and have a drink at the beer garden on the seafront. They sell Paulaner and Jägermeister, have a german sausage booth, live music at the weekends, and overall, has a very homely - as in hunagrian - feeling, so we like it very much. Bit too much. We always go there to have only one drink - being only afternoon, we had a good chance that for a change we could stick to this. Problems started when we met up with a hungarian couple who used to do overtime at our factory and started to chat.
Plus the music was extra good - a london band was playing, Lucas - so the mood was very good. We ended up going home after 10 pm :D Lucky i was drinking half-pints - unlike cousins; K was all moody, and L was a jerk with her, while i was just smirking. I had to drag them to the first hot-dog seller and feed them :D
Of course i had some after-effects - woke up at 4 am and couldn't go back to sleep. :P
Hát igen, a lustaság... azért igyekszek összekapni magam :)
Ma feladtam a csomagot is Olaszországba, bár sokkal kisebbnek érződött, mint amennyit babráltam vele. Azért remélem a címzettnek nem lesz csalódás...
Szombaton kimentünk egyet a városba. Délután, olyan kettő körül. Miután végeztünk mindennel, és már majdnem elindultunk hazafelé, K felvetette, hogy igyunk egy sört a parton, a sörkertben. Paulaner-t meg jäger-t árulnak, hétvégéken élőzene van, van egy virslisütő is, egyszóval nagyon otthonos, nagyon szeretjük. Túlságosan is. Mindig úgy megyünk oda, hogy csak egy pohárral iszunk - most, délután lévén, úgy tűnt, hogy ezt kivételesen be is tudjuk tartani. Csakhogy összefutottunk egy magyar párral, akik a mi gyárunkban szoktak túlárzni/északásban dolgozni.

Lényeg a lényeg, este 10kor indultunk haza :D Még jó, hogy félpinteket ittam. Unokatesóék nem, meg is látszott rajuk :D Az első hotdogosnál megálltunk és megettetem őket. K hazáig morgott, L meg szokatlanul piszok volt vele. Én meg magamban somolyogtam.
Azért meglett az eredménye, hajnali négykor felébredtem és nem bírtam visszaaludni :P
Well, it's good that i don't live at home anymore as my mum would be on the verge of a heart attack at seeing the state of my room. Lucky that the dishes aren't in here too.
Laziness... i will have to get a grip on this situation.
I also posted the pacage to Italy. It turned out quite small despite the amount of fiddling i 've done with it - i hope the recipient won't be disappointed... I know i went after every item, just the volume of the parcel did not do justice to this.

Plus the music was extra good - a london band was playing, Lucas - so the mood was very good. We ended up going home after 10 pm :D Lucky i was drinking half-pints - unlike cousins; K was all moody, and L was a jerk with her, while i was just smirking. I had to drag them to the first hot-dog seller and feed them :D
Of course i had some after-effects - woke up at 4 am and couldn't go back to sleep. :P
Friday, 21 August 2009
Csütörtökről - About thursday
Yesterday i left work two hours earlier and went to the Civic Centre to ask them if i could receive some help for my rent. And yes. I will get 44 pounds housing benefit a week, 'coz i live alone and i'm on minimum wage. This is really great, it means i don't have to accept the first anyone who wants to rent the other room, plus i won't live up all the savings i inadvertently made with the tax code thing.
And we strated the day with a little fire alarm at the factory :D Just about 10 minutes after we came back from teabreak (our section is the last to go, 11:20-30 - way too late, btw) so we just started up again, when the alarm went off. Nobody cared for a while because we actually have firealarm test on thursday, just not at 11:30 but at 12:30. It just didn't stopped after 5-6 seconds as it used to - so after 8-9 seconds, at roughly the same moment, everyone realiezed what's going on. There was no smoke, so i wasn't woriied a bit, and it was actually fun - all smokrs started to smoke right after we gathered at the fire point :)
We already had a fire alarm, about two years back, at winter; also on a thursday, but around 9 o'clock, and that was a real thing, we could smell smoke (only faintly) while we went outside - into the could, no jackets... Than the fire trucks arrived, and we stood there freezing for about 20 minutes.
And we strated the day with a little fire alarm at the factory :D Just about 10 minutes after we came back from teabreak (our section is the last to go, 11:20-30 - way too late, btw) so we just started up again, when the alarm went off. Nobody cared for a while because we actually have firealarm test on thursday, just not at 11:30 but at 12:30. It just didn't stopped after 5-6 seconds as it used to - so after 8-9 seconds, at roughly the same moment, everyone realiezed what's going on. There was no smoke, so i wasn't woriied a bit, and it was actually fun - all smokrs started to smoke right after we gathered at the fire point :)
We already had a fire alarm, about two years back, at winter; also on a thursday, but around 9 o'clock, and that was a real thing, we could smell smoke (only faintly) while we went outside - into the could, no jackets... Than the fire trucks arrived, and we stood there freezing for about 20 minutes.
Sunday, 16 August 2009
Magyar - Hungarian
Valamelyik nap bóklásztam a jutúbon és találtam néhány érdekes dolgot. Pl ezt:
The other day i was surfing on youtube and fund this:
(It's a hungarian folksong performed with nearly perfect pronunciation; i recon when foreigners ask us to sing something in hungarian, we usually choose this. It's like Auld lang syne for the british i guess :) )
Aztán meghallgattam őt - Egyházi Géza; anyu kedvenc musical-énekese.
After that i listened him - he is Géza Egyházi (erm... no, i cant write out how to pronunce it in english...) ; he is my mum's favourite musical singer.
(The aria is from the opera Bank ban, title is My homeland, my homeland and it's a very famous and beloved patriotic song for hungarians. Very easy to sing badly, very moving when sing well.)
És utána azt a Simándy Józsefet akiről azt mondta anyu, hogy szép az ahogy az Egyházi énekel, de azért őt sosem fogja utolérni.
And afterwards that József Simándy about whom mum always says that Egyházi is a good singer, but will never beat him at this song.
Már értem.
Now i understand.
The other day i was surfing on youtube and fund this:
(It's a hungarian folksong performed with nearly perfect pronunciation; i recon when foreigners ask us to sing something in hungarian, we usually choose this. It's like Auld lang syne for the british i guess :) )
Aztán meghallgattam őt - Egyházi Géza; anyu kedvenc musical-énekese.
After that i listened him - he is Géza Egyházi (erm... no, i cant write out how to pronunce it in english...) ; he is my mum's favourite musical singer.
(The aria is from the opera Bank ban, title is My homeland, my homeland and it's a very famous and beloved patriotic song for hungarians. Very easy to sing badly, very moving when sing well.)
És utána azt a Simándy Józsefet akiről azt mondta anyu, hogy szép az ahogy az Egyházi énekel, de azért őt sosem fogja utolérni.
And afterwards that József Simándy about whom mum always says that Egyházi is a good singer, but will never beat him at this song.
Már értem.
Now i understand.
OH csoport - Post with OH content
OH as of alcohol molecules. I really don't know wich one has the more serious effect, a pint of 5% beer or several shots of 40% herb stuff (as in Jägermeister) - tried the first on friday (with live music, mmmm) , the second today/yesterday, well... one month 'till me b'day, always the crazy time of the year for me.
Both feels dizzy, encouraging, and slightly, chocking with tears. Throw in a (still) heartbroken cousin with a pain bigger then this little blue dot planet called Earth here; and a still single myself, and i'm really not nagging, just saying stuff, coz there's freedom of speech in this country, right? I mean people fought for this! I should use it and respect it, whit getting the courage and saying stuff out loud.
I know those with kids but no proper sleep, or those without kids but demanding jobs have they own share too, and they would say, "don't complain" to me, but hey. Don't look down at me just because i don't have neither and my "only problem" is calculating the alcohol effect once a month, otherwise just knitting around absent-mindedly and doing some brainless job, and care for myself, no one around. No, i'm really not complaining. I'm just telling facts, 'coz this is my blog, so that's why it is around in the first place, 'innit? And what if i'm not as happy as i could be, is it a sin not to feel whole being alone instead of "being a strong, independent woman" - hell, i want to be a weak, dependent woman on someone's side for goodness sake, why would i want to be alone if i could have someone to share with?! - but what i want is just a thing. Not something that matters when i could been living in a place where i have no job, or no food, or no rights, or no peace (peace meaning no war here not quieteness) and i i'm thankful i have all those things i have, it's just sometimes i miss the things i dont have and honestly, dont seem such big things that they ought to be denied from me until i'm worth for them, when others who look much less whorth have them and dont give a thought . Just human nature, to be constantly unsatisfied and unthankful with what we have and longing for things we dont have.
And i really dont mind wich one is heavier, the lots of beer or the few herbs, the only annoying moments are the people who think they have so much bigger problems than me, and the silly little me who knows exactly how little my silly problems are.
And cricket is dead boring, and makes rubish football look like the exitment of your life.
Also english guys are rubish. I mean, two beers in four hours, then going home whithout chatting up some girls at the nearby table?! Come ooooon!!!
Both feels dizzy, encouraging, and slightly, chocking with tears. Throw in a (still) heartbroken cousin with a pain bigger then this little blue dot planet called Earth here; and a still single myself, and i'm really not nagging, just saying stuff, coz there's freedom of speech in this country, right? I mean people fought for this! I should use it and respect it, whit getting the courage and saying stuff out loud.
I know those with kids but no proper sleep, or those without kids but demanding jobs have they own share too, and they would say, "don't complain" to me, but hey. Don't look down at me just because i don't have neither and my "only problem" is calculating the alcohol effect once a month, otherwise just knitting around absent-mindedly and doing some brainless job, and care for myself, no one around. No, i'm really not complaining. I'm just telling facts, 'coz this is my blog, so that's why it is around in the first place, 'innit? And what if i'm not as happy as i could be, is it a sin not to feel whole being alone instead of "being a strong, independent woman" - hell, i want to be a weak, dependent woman on someone's side for goodness sake, why would i want to be alone if i could have someone to share with?! - but what i want is just a thing. Not something that matters when i could been living in a place where i have no job, or no food, or no rights, or no peace (peace meaning no war here not quieteness) and i i'm thankful i have all those things i have, it's just sometimes i miss the things i dont have and honestly, dont seem such big things that they ought to be denied from me until i'm worth for them, when others who look much less whorth have them and dont give a thought . Just human nature, to be constantly unsatisfied and unthankful with what we have and longing for things we dont have.
And i really dont mind wich one is heavier, the lots of beer or the few herbs, the only annoying moments are the people who think they have so much bigger problems than me, and the silly little me who knows exactly how little my silly problems are.
And cricket is dead boring, and makes rubish football look like the exitment of your life.
Also english guys are rubish. I mean, two beers in four hours, then going home whithout chatting up some girls at the nearby table?! Come ooooon!!!
Wednesday, 12 August 2009
Pakkot kaptam :) - I got packet :)
Bezonyám, méghozzá Olaszországból :) Már tegnap ideért, de a postás mindig akkor jön, amikor én már dolgozok.
Ezek voltak egy aranyos kék-zöld dobozban: sokszínű, mosógépálló zoknifonal - 100g, elég egy párhoz :) ; két 100% merino gombóc , kékek - csupa olyasmi, amit szeretek :) Plusz egy fincsi mogyorós csoki, amit már le is teszteltem, két pici tusfürdő (hm, randira tökéletesek lennének, már csak találnom kell valakit aki el is hívna :D ) és két tégely méz, rozmaringos és narancsos. Ez utóbbi kettő nagyon tetszik, bár az a bajom a mézzel, hogy nem bírom se az illatát, se az ízét tisztán, de sütibe/teába/kásába keverve szeretem. Úgyhogy majd keresek valami finom, különleges keksz-receptet nekik :)
Legszívesebben rögtön nekiugranék a zokninak, de ahogy magamat ismerem, legalább két hétig fog tartani, mire kiválasztom a mintát. Plusz jó lenne, ha haladnék valamit anyu mellényével, és a saját adandó ajándékommal se ártana foglalkozni - no majd meglátom.
I got packet!!!! Yeah :) From Italy - grazie assai, Dear Pal :)
It arrived yesterday but i was already at work... so i picked it up at the post office today, and these where inside a nice blue-green box:
A multicolour mashine-washable ball (mmm) enough for a pair of socks , two little balls of pure merino (ditto :) ; Hazelnut chocolate bar (tested already, yummmy); two little bottle of shower gels - they'd be perfect for a date, i just have to find someone to take me out :D And two jars of fragrant honey: rosemary and orange. I really love these two, my only problem is that i cant stand raw honey, nor taste nor smell - but i like it in cookies/tea/porridge, so i will look for a nice biscuit recipe and make something special from them!
Oh, and the card of course from my secret pal :) Thank you, thank you very much :)
Cant wait to start some socks with the multicolour - but knowing myself, it will take two weeks to decide on the pattern :D And i want to get a bit further with mum's vest and my presents, but who knows...
Ezek voltak egy aranyos kék-zöld dobozban: sokszínű, mosógépálló zoknifonal - 100g, elég egy párhoz :) ; két 100% merino gombóc , kékek - csupa olyasmi, amit szeretek :) Plusz egy fincsi mogyorós csoki, amit már le is teszteltem, két pici tusfürdő (hm, randira tökéletesek lennének, már csak találnom kell valakit aki el is hívna :D ) és két tégely méz, rozmaringos és narancsos. Ez utóbbi kettő nagyon tetszik, bár az a bajom a mézzel, hogy nem bírom se az illatát, se az ízét tisztán, de sütibe/teába/kásába keverve szeretem. Úgyhogy majd keresek valami finom, különleges keksz-receptet nekik :)

I got packet!!!! Yeah :) From Italy - grazie assai, Dear Pal :)
It arrived yesterday but i was already at work... so i picked it up at the post office today, and these where inside a nice blue-green box:
A multicolour mashine-washable ball (mmm) enough for a pair of socks , two little balls of pure merino (ditto :) ; Hazelnut chocolate bar (tested already, yummmy); two little bottle of shower gels - they'd be perfect for a date, i just have to find someone to take me out :D And two jars of fragrant honey: rosemary and orange. I really love these two, my only problem is that i cant stand raw honey, nor taste nor smell - but i like it in cookies/tea/porridge, so i will look for a nice biscuit recipe and make something special from them!
Oh, and the card of course from my secret pal :) Thank you, thank you very much :)
Cant wait to start some socks with the multicolour - but knowing myself, it will take two weeks to decide on the pattern :D And i want to get a bit further with mum's vest and my presents, but who knows...
Tuesday, 11 August 2009
(Nem) névnap - (Not) namesday
A naptár szerint névnapom van, de mi mindig februárban ünnepeljük anyuval, akit ugyanúgy hívnak (igazából engem hívnak ugyanúgy mint őt...) úgyhogy ez most nem számít.
Vasárnap megnéztem végre a HP6-ot, mmmm, fincsi volt :) Az első HP film, ami nem "akadt". Piton azaz Alan Rickman pedig... minden alkalommal, amikor ő a színen volt, semmi és senki mást nem figyeltem. Igen, a hetedik könyv tudatában, és igen, ezért kellett egy Rickman kaliberű színész a szerepre. És ahogy az angol mondja, spot-on, azaz kb tökéletes.
Három dolog nem tetszett a filmben, 1. a Harry -Ginny dolog kicsit kevésbé volt finom és fokozatos, de így se volt roszz... 2. Tényleg ennyire meg kellett mutatni Hermione dekoltázsát? Bár a Cormac - Piton páros megmentette a jelenetet :D 3. Mért nem hord senki talárt abban a nyamvadt iskolában? Mindenki muglinak nézettt ki kivéve McGalagonyt, aki szerintem a gonosz mostohanővére ruciját kapta fel.
Na de ez minden, az összes többi remek volt, tényleg, és ez csak szőrszálhasalgatás. ;)
Bérlőtársam még mindig nincs, és ugyan szombaton rendet raktam (valamennyire) azóta csak sikerült még nagyobb kupit csinálnom.
Viszont jó kislány voltam ettől eltekintve, szombaton főztem ebédet - igaz, a grillcsirke-combok közül némelyik odaégett, és a rizs is barnább lett néhol a kelleténél, de feldobtuk ezersziget-szósszal, így ehető lett. Akartam pogácsát is sütni estére, de persze (megint) inamba szállt a bátorságom, úgyhogy csináltam palacsintát. Epres-túrós töltelékkel, nyami lett.
Vasárnap meg sütöttem kenyeret, szerintem kevés élesztőt rakok bele. Ez már kevésbé ragad, mint az előző, de szárazabb is. Azért finom.
Azóta viszont csatatér a konyha. Ki sem merek menni, annyira vesztes seregnek érzem ott magam...
Ja és végre túljutottam a karlyukakon... el se hiszem... kétszer kellett visszabontanom, most meg lelkierőt gyűjtök a mintához. Huhh.
According to the (hungarian) calendar, today is my namesday, one of the two official dates in the year - but we celebrate it in february with my mom who has the same name (actually it's me who has the same name as her...)
On sunday, i finally watched HP6 - it was yummmy, i loved it, the first HP movie which was a real movie for me. Snape/Alan Rickman is... well, every time he was on screen, i wasn't watching anything or anyone else. Knowing the seventh book. And yes, this role needs an actor like Rickman. Spot-on.
There where three things however in the movie i did not liked: 1. Harry-Ginny thing was a bit less subtle then in the book, but still ok 2. Hermione's clevage - do they really had to show it?! Though the Cormac-Snape duo saved the scene... 3. Where are the robes? Everyone's lookin' like friggin' muggles in that school except McGonagall, who looked like she put her evil stepsister's robes on.
Ok nitpicking finished, everything else i loved :)
I still dont have a roomie but i have such a mess that i'm afraid to leave my room and face the kitchen which i completely ruined - 'coz i was such a good girl on saturday and cooked dinner (burned grilled-chicken with baked steamed-rice. Thousand-island sauce saved the day :) ) plus pancakes at the evening with strawberry - cottage cheese filling. And on sunday i even baked bread.
And, on the knitting front, i finally defeated the stubborn monsters of armholes - had to rip back only twice...
Now i'm gathering my courage to carry on with the yoke pattern.
(And facing the heroic call of having to wash the dishes).
Vasárnap megnéztem végre a HP6-ot, mmmm, fincsi volt :) Az első HP film, ami nem "akadt". Piton azaz Alan Rickman pedig... minden alkalommal, amikor ő a színen volt, semmi és senki mást nem figyeltem. Igen, a hetedik könyv tudatában, és igen, ezért kellett egy Rickman kaliberű színész a szerepre. És ahogy az angol mondja, spot-on, azaz kb tökéletes.
Három dolog nem tetszett a filmben, 1. a Harry -Ginny dolog kicsit kevésbé volt finom és fokozatos, de így se volt roszz... 2. Tényleg ennyire meg kellett mutatni Hermione dekoltázsát? Bár a Cormac - Piton páros megmentette a jelenetet :D 3. Mért nem hord senki talárt abban a nyamvadt iskolában? Mindenki muglinak nézettt ki kivéve McGalagonyt, aki szerintem a gonosz mostohanővére ruciját kapta fel.
Na de ez minden, az összes többi remek volt, tényleg, és ez csak szőrszálhasalgatás. ;)
Bérlőtársam még mindig nincs, és ugyan szombaton rendet raktam (valamennyire) azóta csak sikerült még nagyobb kupit csinálnom.
Viszont jó kislány voltam ettől eltekintve, szombaton főztem ebédet - igaz, a grillcsirke-combok közül némelyik odaégett, és a rizs is barnább lett néhol a kelleténél, de feldobtuk ezersziget-szósszal, így ehető lett. Akartam pogácsát is sütni estére, de persze (megint) inamba szállt a bátorságom, úgyhogy csináltam palacsintát. Epres-túrós töltelékkel, nyami lett.
Vasárnap meg sütöttem kenyeret, szerintem kevés élesztőt rakok bele. Ez már kevésbé ragad, mint az előző, de szárazabb is. Azért finom.
Azóta viszont csatatér a konyha. Ki sem merek menni, annyira vesztes seregnek érzem ott magam...
Ja és végre túljutottam a karlyukakon... el se hiszem... kétszer kellett visszabontanom, most meg lelkierőt gyűjtök a mintához. Huhh.
According to the (hungarian) calendar, today is my namesday, one of the two official dates in the year - but we celebrate it in february with my mom who has the same name (actually it's me who has the same name as her...)
On sunday, i finally watched HP6 - it was yummmy, i loved it, the first HP movie which was a real movie for me. Snape/Alan Rickman is... well, every time he was on screen, i wasn't watching anything or anyone else. Knowing the seventh book. And yes, this role needs an actor like Rickman. Spot-on.
There where three things however in the movie i did not liked: 1. Harry-Ginny thing was a bit less subtle then in the book, but still ok 2. Hermione's clevage - do they really had to show it?! Though the Cormac-Snape duo saved the scene... 3. Where are the robes? Everyone's lookin' like friggin' muggles in that school except McGonagall, who looked like she put her evil stepsister's robes on.
Ok nitpicking finished, everything else i loved :)
I still dont have a roomie but i have such a mess that i'm afraid to leave my room and face the kitchen which i completely ruined - 'coz i was such a good girl on saturday and cooked dinner (burned grilled-chicken with baked steamed-rice. Thousand-island sauce saved the day :) ) plus pancakes at the evening with strawberry - cottage cheese filling. And on sunday i even baked bread.
And, on the knitting front, i finally defeated the stubborn monsters of armholes - had to rip back only twice...
Now i'm gathering my courage to carry on with the yoke pattern.
(And facing the heroic call of having to wash the dishes).
Thursday, 6 August 2009
Csak pár kép - Just some pictures

Arrived yesterday :)

The only picture from saturday i dare to show :D
Wednesday, 5 August 2009
Mág mindig szerda - Still wednesday
I was right, it was damn hot today, i put my new sandals on so now my feet hurt too, Kat got sick and is annying (not 'coz she's sick, but coz she can be an idiot); but i got some sushi for dinner (supermarket squares, but i like 'em), arrived both of my packets - never getknitted anymore, they take so looong always, 1-2 weeks - others always take 2-3 days except bendigo, but thats freackin' down under; err, why is this important? Uhh, so i finally can start seriously doing someting for my secretpal! And, to top the day, my landlady called and we will have a guy to check the vacant room on saturday, so maybe i will have a bit of help in this months rent already.
And now i have Dirty Dancing to watch, though wanted to go to cinema for the new HP movie today but its full with idiot kids as wednesday is buy one get one free day i just always forgot about it.
So cleaning up, putting up a lock and bringing back th books to the library - deadline is tomorrow - are the prograram for the rest of the working) week, yeah, and i wrote these almost at one breath, okay, two with the grammar check. Huhh. I think i need a new claviature.
(And i still didn't wrote about last saturday. Well. We. Had.Party. :D )
And now i have Dirty Dancing to watch, though wanted to go to cinema for the new HP movie today but its full with idiot kids as wednesday is buy one get one free day i just always forgot about it.
So cleaning up, putting up a lock and bringing back th books to the library - deadline is tomorrow - are the prograram for the rest of the working) week, yeah, and i wrote these almost at one breath, okay, two with the grammar check. Huhh. I think i need a new claviature.
(And i still didn't wrote about last saturday. Well. We. Had.Party. :D )
Kánikula - Dog days
Reggel megnéztem mit ígér a bbc időjósa - 23-24 fok. Meg fogunk dögleni ebben a hőségben.
Otthon a 10 fokkal több volt a gutaütögetős hőség, itt meg ez. Már nem csodálom, hogy az eszkimók félmeztelenre vetkőznek az iglu 2-3 celsius-ában :)
First thing in the morning i checked what the bbc says about today's weather - it will be 23-24 celsius. We will be overheated in the factory.
At home the real summer heat is 10 celsius higher. I dont wonder anymore how the eskimos go half-naked in their 2-3 celsius igloos :)
Otthon a 10 fokkal több volt a gutaütögetős hőség, itt meg ez. Már nem csodálom, hogy az eszkimók félmeztelenre vetkőznek az iglu 2-3 celsius-ában :)
First thing in the morning i checked what the bbc says about today's weather - it will be 23-24 celsius. We will be overheated in the factory.
At home the real summer heat is 10 celsius higher. I dont wonder anymore how the eskimos go half-naked in their 2-3 celsius igloos :)
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