Sunday, 16 August 2009

OH csoport - Post with OH content

OH as of alcohol molecules. I really don't know wich one has the more serious effect, a pint of 5% beer or several shots of 40% herb stuff (as in Jägermeister) - tried the first on friday (with live music, mmmm) , the second today/yesterday, well... one month 'till me b'day, always the crazy time of the year for me.
Both feels dizzy, encouraging, and slightly, chocking with tears. Throw in a (still) heartbroken cousin with a pain bigger then this little blue dot planet called Earth here; and a still single myself, and i'm really not nagging, just saying stuff, coz there's freedom of speech in this country, right? I mean people fought for this! I should use it and respect it, whit getting the courage and saying stuff out loud.
I know those with kids but no proper sleep, or those without kids but demanding jobs have they own share too, and they would say, "don't complain" to me, but hey. Don't look down at me just because i don't have neither and my "only problem" is calculating the alcohol effect once a month, otherwise just knitting around absent-mindedly and doing some brainless job, and care for myself, no one around. No, i'm really not complaining. I'm just telling facts, 'coz this is my blog, so that's why it is around in the first place, 'innit? And what if i'm not as happy as i could be, is it a sin not to feel whole being alone instead of "being a strong, independent woman" - hell, i want to be a weak, dependent woman on someone's side for goodness sake, why would i want to be alone if i could have someone to share with?! - but what i want is just a thing. Not something that matters when i could been living in a place where i have no job, or no food, or no rights, or no peace (peace meaning no war here not quieteness) and i i'm thankful i have all those things i have, it's just sometimes i miss the things i dont have and honestly, dont seem such big things that they ought to be denied from me until i'm worth for them, when others who look much less whorth have them and dont give a thought . Just human nature, to be constantly unsatisfied and unthankful with what we have and longing for things we dont have.

And i really dont mind wich one is heavier, the lots of beer or the few herbs, the only annoying moments are the people who think they have so much bigger problems than me, and the silly little me who knows exactly how little my silly problems are.

And cricket is dead boring, and makes rubish football look like the exitment of your life.

Also english guys are rubish. I mean, two beers in four hours, then going home whithout chatting up some girls at the nearby table?! Come ooooon!!!


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