Ezek voltak egy aranyos kék-zöld dobozban: sokszínű, mosógépálló zoknifonal - 100g, elég egy párhoz :) ; két 100% merino gombóc , kékek - csupa olyasmi, amit szeretek :) Plusz egy fincsi mogyorós csoki, amit már le is teszteltem, két pici tusfürdő (hm, randira tökéletesek lennének, már csak találnom kell valakit aki el is hívna :D ) és két tégely méz, rozmaringos és narancsos. Ez utóbbi kettő nagyon tetszik, bár az a bajom a mézzel, hogy nem bírom se az illatát, se az ízét tisztán, de sütibe/teába/kásába keverve szeretem. Úgyhogy majd keresek valami finom, különleges keksz-receptet nekik :)

I got packet!!!! Yeah :) From Italy - grazie assai, Dear Pal :)
It arrived yesterday but i was already at work... so i picked it up at the post office today, and these where inside a nice blue-green box:
A multicolour mashine-washable ball (mmm) enough for a pair of socks , two little balls of pure merino (ditto :) ; Hazelnut chocolate bar (tested already, yummmy); two little bottle of shower gels - they'd be perfect for a date, i just have to find someone to take me out :D And two jars of fragrant honey: rosemary and orange. I really love these two, my only problem is that i cant stand raw honey, nor taste nor smell - but i like it in cookies/tea/porridge, so i will look for a nice biscuit recipe and make something special from them!
Oh, and the card of course from my secret pal :) Thank you, thank you very much :)
Cant wait to start some socks with the multicolour - but knowing myself, it will take two weeks to decide on the pattern :D And i want to get a bit further with mum's vest and my presents, but who knows...
Glad you liked the package. For the honey it was a bit of a hopeful tentative, I know that there are lots of people who don't like it. The Orange honey would be perfect to sweeten some biscuits, while the rosemary one would be lovely served along with some cheeses. For instance you may get some mild fresh cheese, some blue cheese and stir them toghether with the honey: this spread, on toast or lightly toasted bread, is lovely.
ReplyDeleteFabulous package! (I don't know how I missed this post earlier!). I love all the special treats that were included with the gorgeous yarns! Lucky you!