Finished a pair of wrist-warmers and a half a pair of fingerless mittens, that's the roll. Ordered buttons for the Isabella vest and i'm waiting for them - that's the 'n' or more like nnnn... (waitinnnng :D ) And rock is part from the fact that is started to listen some very old favourites of mine, hungarian rock-bands Lord and Omega - i didn't listened them for ages.
Lord used to be my mum's favourite before she fund musicals and River of dreams by Billy Joel :) And
Omega was my dad's thing, and as i know very few about him, it really brings him closer.
Plus i found
Julie spinning this time not for jazz but Rammstein - she's a cool girl, her blog is one of those rare ones i follow since first stumbled onto it. Annnnnd right now i'm doing the last bits of planning for my next project for which i will finally use the
Reactor coolant i bought from her in the summer.

Right now i have nothing going on except the other half of the mitts and i did that in an afternoon, so aside from the nuclear thing - i'm trying to stick to this theme, that's why it took so long... - so i will start another one whit one of those
second-package yarn, either the gatto (cat ) wool or the alpaca-merino, probably a lace-like scarf thing will that be. I will travel home at the end of the month and i will take one or both of these, hopefully already in mid- progress, with me so i will have somtehing to do when visiting relatives. I love my family, and is so good to see them and talk with them, but i always got bored as i dont have the computer around, cant go into a corner with a book, and i have no interest in tv. So i will have occupation now, and i'm much happier then usually for the prospect.
The other thing which took me - it usually takes me about every half a year - is the longing for theatre. When i was in university, around 2000- 2002, i went regularly. And theatre in Budapest is fabulous. A classmate took me first, for a last rehearsal in Katona Jozsef Theatre - and after that, i suspect i spent an overtly big part of my allowance on tickets.
Katona remained my all-time favourite - a really rock'n'roll kind of place, where they play classics very well, and all the while you can lough too and is very modern without being, whats the expression, being 'art for art's sake'. So when i have this craving, i usually go to their homepage and read everything about their new stuff and trying to imagine the performances, and after that about the old stuff i know well coz i saw them multiple times, and check out the pictures even though most of those i already saw before... They are still as good as ever, the actors i liked the most - mostly very young then - turned out to be amongst the best of their generation, and i wish i could go and watch them when i go home. I doubt i could do that though coz they are always sold out...
I went to other places too, and i saw some fantastic performances, eg. Monty Python and the Holy Grail - on stage, that one was frenetic! But in general, others where less colourful and couldn't captivate me so much. And now my mum became a musical fan - i reckon it's a family thing :D So maybe she will surprise me with somehting :)