Nem is volt olyan rossz ez a hétvége :) Szombaton lekavicsozták az előkertet és lefestették a kerítést, nagyon cuki lett :) Kovácsoltvas kiskapu, léckerítés...
Weekend wasn't that bad after all :) On staurday the front garden get a pebble cover, the fence was painted black and now we have a cute wrought iron gate :)
A szomszéd macsek lecsekkolta, hogy rendesen viselkedek-e.
Neighbour's cat checked if i'm behaving well.
Kötöttem egy sapit - még blokkolni kell :P Itt még nincs elkötve, és lóg belőle a körkötőtű.
I knitted a hat (Pompeo from Ravelry) - still needs blocking :P On the picture it is before cast off, the crcular needles dangling from it...
És vasárnap este elszállt a vindózom, újra kellett rakni. Ez meg elég sokáig tart, úgyhogy megittunk egy sört közben - meglett az eredménye, tegnap fél napig fájt a fejem. Grr.
And sunday evening my windows crashed, we had to reinstall it. Thats a lenghty process, so we had a beer while at it - and i had a headache all morning yesterday. Grrr.
És csütörtökön megyek haza.
And i go home on thursday.
Tuesday, 27 October 2009
Wednesday, 21 October 2009
Eső - Rain
Itt a tél, azaz esik. Azt hiszem az idén két évszakunk lesz csak, az esős meg a forró - sajna aforrónak már tuti vége, és minden ami megbonthatja ezt a felállást, az egy jó hidewg, jeges, havas igazzzi tél, mint tavaly :P
Winter's here - it's raining. I think we will have only two seasons this year, the rainy and the hot, and the latter is definetly over. Maybe we will have a third though, a nice, ice-cold, snowy stormy winter, like last year :P
Ma elbattyogtam az esőben a postára, és 9 fontot fizettema píty királynői postának hogy elszállítsák a csomagomat Pannóniába. De ha ráülnek a sztrájk alatt és előbb érek haza, akkor szétcsapok valahol. Mivel mást úgysem tudok tenni...
Today at lunchtime i went o the post offce and paid 9 punds for the royal mail for transporting my pocket to Pannonia (that's the part of Hungary west of river Danube, as it was called while a roman province). But if the postmen sit on i through the strike scheduled for tomorrow and friday, and i will arrive home sooner, i will hit something. As i can't do anything else.
Hazaindulásnál az egyik kínai néni, akikkel egy asztalnál ülök ebédkor, megkérdezte hol jártam ebédszünetben? Mindig úgy éreztem, hogy nem kedvel különösebben és épp csak elvisel, mivel ők amúgy is mandarinul besélgetnek, én meg olvasgatok magamban a másik sarokban, úgyhogy meg is lepődtem kicsit, hogy szinte aggódva kérdzett. Mondtam, hogy a postán voltam. Nahát, ebben az esőben? Nagyon kedves volt :) Jól esett. Mosolyogtam is a vonatra menet :)
After checking out frm work, one of the chinese women i sit with at lunch asked me where i've been at lunchtime. She asked i very nicely, almost worried, so i was a bit surprised as i always had the feeling she doesn't really likes me, merely just endures that i sit there reading while they are talking mandarin. I said i was at the post office. What, in this rain? She sounded really woried - it was very kind from her :) It felt good. I went to the train with a smile :)
Winter's here - it's raining. I think we will have only two seasons this year, the rainy and the hot, and the latter is definetly over. Maybe we will have a third though, a nice, ice-cold, snowy stormy winter, like last year :P
Ma elbattyogtam az esőben a postára, és 9 fontot fizettema píty királynői postának hogy elszállítsák a csomagomat Pannóniába. De ha ráülnek a sztrájk alatt és előbb érek haza, akkor szétcsapok valahol. Mivel mást úgysem tudok tenni...
Today at lunchtime i went o the post offce and paid 9 punds for the royal mail for transporting my pocket to Pannonia (that's the part of Hungary west of river Danube, as it was called while a roman province). But if the postmen sit on i through the strike scheduled for tomorrow and friday, and i will arrive home sooner, i will hit something. As i can't do anything else.
Hazaindulásnál az egyik kínai néni, akikkel egy asztalnál ülök ebédkor, megkérdezte hol jártam ebédszünetben? Mindig úgy éreztem, hogy nem kedvel különösebben és épp csak elvisel, mivel ők amúgy is mandarinul besélgetnek, én meg olvasgatok magamban a másik sarokban, úgyhogy meg is lepődtem kicsit, hogy szinte aggódva kérdzett. Mondtam, hogy a postán voltam. Nahát, ebben az esőben? Nagyon kedves volt :) Jól esett. Mosolyogtam is a vonatra menet :)
After checking out frm work, one of the chinese women i sit with at lunch asked me where i've been at lunchtime. She asked i very nicely, almost worried, so i was a bit surprised as i always had the feeling she doesn't really likes me, merely just endures that i sit there reading while they are talking mandarin. I said i was at the post office. What, in this rain? She sounded really woried - it was very kind from her :) It felt good. I went to the train with a smile :)
Sunday, 18 October 2009
Befejeztem! Fölvarrtam az összes gombot, elvarrtam az összes kósza szálat, és 82 centi hosszú... 70 deka fonal ment bele. Jó meleg. Azért persze vannak dolgok amiken változtatnék...
- csináltam egy pár hibát az áttört mintában, amiket későn vettem észre és már nem bontottam vissza, hogy kijavítsam;
- a karlyukaknál a szélső szem nagyon megnyúlt, csúnya :( ;
- a nyaka túl széles maradt, kellett volna még pér sor;
- tökjó hogy egyben van kötve, nem kell varrni stb, de lehet hogy az oldalára jól jött volna egy felvágás, hogy kevésbé legyen zsákszerű
Kb ennyi. Szőrszálhasogatok. De nem akarom elkövetni ugyanazokat a hibákat legközelebb, úgyis csinálok mindig újakat ^_^
De közben baromira büszke is vagyok rá, még akkor is ha fele ennyi idő alatt is kész lehetett volna, ha nem teszem félre időnként hetekre is...
I finished it!! Sewed on all the buttons, darned in all ends, and it's 82 cm (32 inches) long. Used 700 gramms of yarn. Nice and warm. Of course i have some notes...
- i made some errors in the lace parts i didn't spot in time and didn't corrected later;
- at the armholes, the last stich is streched, looks ugly :( ;
- neck is too wide, should have carried on for a few more rows;
- it's great that it knits in one piece, but maybe a slit on the sides would be good (less bag-like)
...that's it. I'm picky i know, but dont want to make the same errors next time. I'll make new ones anyway ^_^
I'm very proud of it, even though i could have finished it in half the time if not for the sometimes week-long breaks....
- csináltam egy pár hibát az áttört mintában, amiket későn vettem észre és már nem bontottam vissza, hogy kijavítsam;
- a karlyukaknál a szélső szem nagyon megnyúlt, csúnya :( ;
- a nyaka túl széles maradt, kellett volna még pér sor;
- tökjó hogy egyben van kötve, nem kell varrni stb, de lehet hogy az oldalára jól jött volna egy felvágás, hogy kevésbé legyen zsákszerű
Kb ennyi. Szőrszálhasogatok. De nem akarom elkövetni ugyanazokat a hibákat legközelebb, úgyis csinálok mindig újakat ^_^
De közben baromira büszke is vagyok rá, még akkor is ha fele ennyi idő alatt is kész lehetett volna, ha nem teszem félre időnként hetekre is...
I finished it!! Sewed on all the buttons, darned in all ends, and it's 82 cm (32 inches) long. Used 700 gramms of yarn. Nice and warm. Of course i have some notes...
- i made some errors in the lace parts i didn't spot in time and didn't corrected later;
- at the armholes, the last stich is streched, looks ugly :( ;
- neck is too wide, should have carried on for a few more rows;
- it's great that it knits in one piece, but maybe a slit on the sides would be good (less bag-like)
...that's it. I'm picky i know, but dont want to make the same errors next time. I'll make new ones anyway ^_^
I'm very proud of it, even though i could have finished it in half the time if not for the sometimes week-long breaks....
Színház - Theatre
Megyek. Megfűztem anyut (nem volt nehéz, megmutattam neki a színlapot) - úgyhogy október 30, este hét, hét órával landolás után :) Maxim Gorkij: "Barbárok" a Katona József Színházban. Jessszz ^_^
I'm going. I persueded my mum (wasn't hard, just showed her the cast list) - so on the 30th October, at 7 pm, seven hours after landing :) Maxim Gorky: "Barbarians" at Katona Jozsef Theater, Budapest. Yessssss ^_^
Majdnem az összes fiatal szerepel, akiket megkedveltem anno az egyetem alatt amikor ide jártunk, plusz van egy csomó öregebb nagy név, akik miatt anyu rögtön rábólintott. És megjegyezte, milyen rendes tőlem, hogy hazajövök Angliából a művészetet pártolni :D
Almost all the younger ones i liked back then while at the university, will performing - that's why I wanted to see it - and there's lots of older big names, the reason my mum agreed right away. She even said how nice is from me, coming home from England and supporting culture. :D
És monjduk nem ártana, ha néha megnézném a saját posztjaimat hátha kommentel valaki...
And perhaps i should check sometimes my own posts in case someone comments...
I'm going. I persueded my mum (wasn't hard, just showed her the cast list) - so on the 30th October, at 7 pm, seven hours after landing :) Maxim Gorky: "Barbarians" at Katona Jozsef Theater, Budapest. Yessssss ^_^
Majdnem az összes fiatal szerepel, akiket megkedveltem anno az egyetem alatt amikor ide jártunk, plusz van egy csomó öregebb nagy név, akik miatt anyu rögtön rábólintott. És megjegyezte, milyen rendes tőlem, hogy hazajövök Angliából a művészetet pártolni :D
Almost all the younger ones i liked back then while at the university, will performing - that's why I wanted to see it - and there's lots of older big names, the reason my mum agreed right away. She even said how nice is from me, coming home from England and supporting culture. :D
És monjduk nem ártana, ha néha megnézném a saját posztjaimat hátha kommentel valaki...
And perhaps i should check sometimes my own posts in case someone comments...
Wednesday, 14 October 2009
Ez a századik blogbejegyzésem. Nemsemmi :D
This is my hundreth blog-post. I'm impressed :D
Túl régóta van az ember külföldön, ha elkezdi a szülőhazája pénznemét átváltani a jelenlegi lakóhelye pénznemébe, mert már fogalma sincs hogy 20 ezer forint az mennyire sok.
Eléggé, még mindig. (kb 70 brit font, vagy 75 euró, vagy 115 dollár)
You know that you are living abroad for too long when you start to convert the currency of your native country back to the currency of the country you are staying in because you have no idea if 20 000 hungarian forints are still that much worth.
They are. (about 70 british pounds, or 75 euros, or 112 usa dollars)
This is my hundreth blog-post. I'm impressed :D
Túl régóta van az ember külföldön, ha elkezdi a szülőhazája pénznemét átváltani a jelenlegi lakóhelye pénznemébe, mert már fogalma sincs hogy 20 ezer forint az mennyire sok.
Eléggé, még mindig. (kb 70 brit font, vagy 75 euró, vagy 115 dollár)
You know that you are living abroad for too long when you start to convert the currency of your native country back to the currency of the country you are staying in because you have no idea if 20 000 hungarian forints are still that much worth.
They are. (about 70 british pounds, or 75 euros, or 112 usa dollars)
Tuesday, 13 October 2009
Finished a pair of wrist-warmers and a half a pair of fingerless mittens, that's the roll. Ordered buttons for the Isabella vest and i'm waiting for them - that's the 'n' or more like nnnn... (waitinnnng :D ) And rock is part from the fact that is started to listen some very old favourites of mine, hungarian rock-bands Lord and Omega - i didn't listened them for ages. Lord used to be my mum's favourite before she fund musicals and River of dreams by Billy Joel :) And Omega was my dad's thing, and as i know very few about him, it really brings him closer.
Plus i found Julie spinning this time not for jazz but Rammstein - she's a cool girl, her blog is one of those rare ones i follow since first stumbled onto it. Annnnnd right now i'm doing the last bits of planning for my next project for which i will finally use the Reactor coolant i bought from her in the summer. Right now i have nothing going on except the other half of the mitts and i did that in an afternoon, so aside from the nuclear thing - i'm trying to stick to this theme, that's why it took so long... - so i will start another one whit one of those second-package yarn, either the gatto (cat ) wool or the alpaca-merino, probably a lace-like scarf thing will that be. I will travel home at the end of the month and i will take one or both of these, hopefully already in mid- progress, with me so i will have somtehing to do when visiting relatives. I love my family, and is so good to see them and talk with them, but i always got bored as i dont have the computer around, cant go into a corner with a book, and i have no interest in tv. So i will have occupation now, and i'm much happier then usually for the prospect.
The other thing which took me - it usually takes me about every half a year - is the longing for theatre. When i was in university, around 2000- 2002, i went regularly. And theatre in Budapest is fabulous. A classmate took me first, for a last rehearsal in Katona Jozsef Theatre - and after that, i suspect i spent an overtly big part of my allowance on tickets. Katona remained my all-time favourite - a really rock'n'roll kind of place, where they play classics very well, and all the while you can lough too and is very modern without being, whats the expression, being 'art for art's sake'. So when i have this craving, i usually go to their homepage and read everything about their new stuff and trying to imagine the performances, and after that about the old stuff i know well coz i saw them multiple times, and check out the pictures even though most of those i already saw before... They are still as good as ever, the actors i liked the most - mostly very young then - turned out to be amongst the best of their generation, and i wish i could go and watch them when i go home. I doubt i could do that though coz they are always sold out...
I went to other places too, and i saw some fantastic performances, eg. Monty Python and the Holy Grail - on stage, that one was frenetic! But in general, others where less colourful and couldn't captivate me so much. And now my mum became a musical fan - i reckon it's a family thing :D So maybe she will surprise me with somehting :)
Plus i found Julie spinning this time not for jazz but Rammstein - she's a cool girl, her blog is one of those rare ones i follow since first stumbled onto it. Annnnnd right now i'm doing the last bits of planning for my next project for which i will finally use the Reactor coolant i bought from her in the summer. Right now i have nothing going on except the other half of the mitts and i did that in an afternoon, so aside from the nuclear thing - i'm trying to stick to this theme, that's why it took so long... - so i will start another one whit one of those second-package yarn, either the gatto (cat ) wool or the alpaca-merino, probably a lace-like scarf thing will that be. I will travel home at the end of the month and i will take one or both of these, hopefully already in mid- progress, with me so i will have somtehing to do when visiting relatives. I love my family, and is so good to see them and talk with them, but i always got bored as i dont have the computer around, cant go into a corner with a book, and i have no interest in tv. So i will have occupation now, and i'm much happier then usually for the prospect.
The other thing which took me - it usually takes me about every half a year - is the longing for theatre. When i was in university, around 2000- 2002, i went regularly. And theatre in Budapest is fabulous. A classmate took me first, for a last rehearsal in Katona Jozsef Theatre - and after that, i suspect i spent an overtly big part of my allowance on tickets. Katona remained my all-time favourite - a really rock'n'roll kind of place, where they play classics very well, and all the while you can lough too and is very modern without being, whats the expression, being 'art for art's sake'. So when i have this craving, i usually go to their homepage and read everything about their new stuff and trying to imagine the performances, and after that about the old stuff i know well coz i saw them multiple times, and check out the pictures even though most of those i already saw before... They are still as good as ever, the actors i liked the most - mostly very young then - turned out to be amongst the best of their generation, and i wish i could go and watch them when i go home. I doubt i could do that though coz they are always sold out...
I went to other places too, and i saw some fantastic performances, eg. Monty Python and the Holy Grail - on stage, that one was frenetic! But in general, others where less colourful and couldn't captivate me so much. And now my mum became a musical fan - i reckon it's a family thing :D So maybe she will surprise me with somehting :)
Thursday, 8 October 2009
Október 6. - 6th October
Kicsit késve, de már megszoktam magamtól...
Alsóban sose értettem, miért kell annyira megemlékezni erről a napról, valahogy nem tűnt olyan jelentősnek hogy 13 embert, akik a veszteseket vezették, a győztesek halálra ítélték, és erről több szó esik, mint az ezrekről, akik a megelőző másfél évben elestek a hazáért. Utólag már azt gondolom, hogy talán azért hangsúlyozták annyira ezt a napot, mert arról a másikról ami ugyanebben a hónapban történt, az akkor kivégzettekről, egyáltalán, magáról az egész eseményről, nem nagyon lehetett beszélni.
Ma már lehet, sőt. És még mindig megemlékezünk arról a tizenháromról, akik, most már tudom, a többi ezreket is jelképezik.
Bit late, but i got used to this in myself...
On the 6th October in Hungary we remember the 13 Martyrs of Arad, the generals of the hungarian army in the 1848-49 war for independence.
In the first years of elementary school (i started school in 1987), i never understood, why we have to remember this day; for me the execution of the loser's leaders by the winners, the death of 13 people, did not seem so important relatively then the sacrifice of the thousands of lives in the former one and a half year in a struggle for the country's independence. Later on I realized that probably we held this day as a remembrance so importantly because of that other thing wich happened in the same month, but those events and those people who died there were not to mention by the current system.
Then the system changed (in late 1989), and now we are free to remember - what free, sometimes we are more then reminded.
And we still remember those thirteen people too, who, i understand this now, represent the thousands as well.
(The history bits: the 1848 revolution (which happened in other euorpean countries too and were closley linked) turned into a war of independence in Hungary, which was broken down in August 1849, with the russian forces helping the Habsburgs whose rule we fought against. On the 13th October, the leaders - 12 generals and a colonel - of the hungarian army were executed in Arad, a city now belonging to Romania.
In 1956 Hungary revolted against the soviet influence on the country; the revolution started on the 23th October and lasted until the 10th november, when it was broken down by soviet forces. Trials and executions followed, and the events were named counter-revolution for decades (counter, as of, against the socialist revolution). The changes in the '80s brought the rehabilitation of its leaders - it meant giving them proper (re)burials, as all were dead - and dropping the "counter" from the name of the event.
Nowadays 23th October is a national holiday, and for the 1848-49 events we remember mainly on the 15th March, when the revolution started, which day is also a national holiday. 6th October is not a holiday but still remembered everywhere.)
Alsóban sose értettem, miért kell annyira megemlékezni erről a napról, valahogy nem tűnt olyan jelentősnek hogy 13 embert, akik a veszteseket vezették, a győztesek halálra ítélték, és erről több szó esik, mint az ezrekről, akik a megelőző másfél évben elestek a hazáért. Utólag már azt gondolom, hogy talán azért hangsúlyozták annyira ezt a napot, mert arról a másikról ami ugyanebben a hónapban történt, az akkor kivégzettekről, egyáltalán, magáról az egész eseményről, nem nagyon lehetett beszélni.
Ma már lehet, sőt. És még mindig megemlékezünk arról a tizenháromról, akik, most már tudom, a többi ezreket is jelképezik.
Bit late, but i got used to this in myself...
On the 6th October in Hungary we remember the 13 Martyrs of Arad, the generals of the hungarian army in the 1848-49 war for independence.
In the first years of elementary school (i started school in 1987), i never understood, why we have to remember this day; for me the execution of the loser's leaders by the winners, the death of 13 people, did not seem so important relatively then the sacrifice of the thousands of lives in the former one and a half year in a struggle for the country's independence. Later on I realized that probably we held this day as a remembrance so importantly because of that other thing wich happened in the same month, but those events and those people who died there were not to mention by the current system.
Then the system changed (in late 1989), and now we are free to remember - what free, sometimes we are more then reminded.
And we still remember those thirteen people too, who, i understand this now, represent the thousands as well.
(The history bits: the 1848 revolution (which happened in other euorpean countries too and were closley linked) turned into a war of independence in Hungary, which was broken down in August 1849, with the russian forces helping the Habsburgs whose rule we fought against. On the 13th October, the leaders - 12 generals and a colonel - of the hungarian army were executed in Arad, a city now belonging to Romania.
In 1956 Hungary revolted against the soviet influence on the country; the revolution started on the 23th October and lasted until the 10th november, when it was broken down by soviet forces. Trials and executions followed, and the events were named counter-revolution for decades (counter, as of, against the socialist revolution). The changes in the '80s brought the rehabilitation of its leaders - it meant giving them proper (re)burials, as all were dead - and dropping the "counter" from the name of the event.
Nowadays 23th October is a national holiday, and for the 1848-49 events we remember mainly on the 15th March, when the revolution started, which day is also a national holiday. 6th October is not a holiday but still remembered everywhere.)
Sunday, 4 October 2009
Kötözködő - Knitted
Tádáám: ) A pár zokni amit az Olaszországból kapott fonalból kötöttem. Ronda és finom :) Fölvéve veszettül kényelmes és még jól is néz ki, így láb nélkül a bordázás összehúzza kicsit. Még egy csomó fonal megmaradt, lehet hogy kijön belőle még egy pár...
Ta-daah: The pair of socks i made from the yarn i received from Italy. Ugly but yummy :) They're absolutly cosy and even goodlooking when worn, the ribbing makes them look a bit weird without feet :) I still have plenty of yarn as these are fairly short, maybe enough for a second pair...
És a nagy-nagy project, már több mint három hónapja készül. Már elkezdtem a válla fogysztást, már tényleg nem sok van hátra. A gombokon agyalok még de nagyon...
And the big-big project, in process for three months now. Already doing the shoulder shaping, really not much left. I'm thinking about the button-problem now...
Ta-daah: The pair of socks i made from the yarn i received from Italy. Ugly but yummy :) They're absolutly cosy and even goodlooking when worn, the ribbing makes them look a bit weird without feet :) I still have plenty of yarn as these are fairly short, maybe enough for a second pair...
És a nagy-nagy project, már több mint három hónapja készül. Már elkezdtem a válla fogysztást, már tényleg nem sok van hátra. A gombokon agyalok még de nagyon...
And the big-big project, in process for three months now. Already doing the shoulder shaping, really not much left. I'm thinking about the button-problem now...
Saturday, 3 October 2009
Szülinapi ajándék - Birthday present
Megérkezett a szülinapi könyvem!!!! Kicsit előbb is, mint számítottam :)
My birhtday book has arrived!!! And even a bit earlier then i expected it :)
Reggel puffanásra ébredtem, és rögtön gondoltam, hogy ez könnyen lehet, hogy a posta volt. Ki is mentem az előtérbe, és ott iv ovlt a csomag, de az nem ez a könyv volt, hanem a mitológiás, amiről már azt hittem elveszett, egy hete meg kellett volna érkeznie (majd hagyok nekik nem-kellemes feedback-et, irgumburgum).
Aztán már így délután L átugrott a szomszédba pizzáér, és bekopogott egy másik csomaggal - amit a postás a kinti lábtörlő alatt hagyott, mivel túl nagy volt a ládához. Tartsa meg jó szokását, vissza is vihette volna, és akkor hétfőt tudtam volna csak fölvenni, vagy be is csöngethetett volna szombat hajnal fél nyolckor :)
I woke this morning for a sound of something hitting the ground and instantly thought that it must have been a package. And it was, the mythology book (Masks of God) i thought was lost as it should have arrived a week ago. I will leave some not-too-nice feedback for the seller :P
Then later the day cousin L went out for pizza and took the second package with him, which was left under the outside doormat as it was too big. The postman was very nice - he could have taken the parcel back and in this case i could have it only on monday; or he could have ringed the doorbell at half past seven in the dawn. :)
Thursday, 1 October 2009
Tiltott könyvek - Banned books
I fund this at Julie: list of banned/challanged books. Books which are too explicit or too good for the ignorant everyman, i suppose.
I was surprised to see the The Catcher in the Rye right away; i read it some years ago 'coz it was so famous at the uni (i did not understand it, but that's my problem).
Then i rolled down. To kill a Mockingbird, Color Purple - ok, these are just movies for me, but darn famous movies! Next, Ulysess, Lord of the Flies - what the heck?!!
When i saw 1984 i started laughing. Mice and man, Brave new world... and so on. I'm sparing the rest of the list for the afternoon, for a good laugh.
As far a i see it, it's full with those books my literature teachers and other literary sources like books etc always cited as masterpieces, milestones, very fine books - the top of literature.
I wonder if i would find the Bible in it.
Or Winnie the Pooh.
I was surprised to see the The Catcher in the Rye right away; i read it some years ago 'coz it was so famous at the uni (i did not understand it, but that's my problem).
Then i rolled down. To kill a Mockingbird, Color Purple - ok, these are just movies for me, but darn famous movies! Next, Ulysess, Lord of the Flies - what the heck?!!
When i saw 1984 i started laughing. Mice and man, Brave new world... and so on. I'm sparing the rest of the list for the afternoon, for a good laugh.
As far a i see it, it's full with those books my literature teachers and other literary sources like books etc always cited as masterpieces, milestones, very fine books - the top of literature.
I wonder if i would find the Bible in it.
Or Winnie the Pooh.
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