Without heating or hot water for two weeks, including a week of snow and freezing temperatures. My boiler started to break down about a month ago and gradually got worse. Took a while to chase down the plumber and then convince him that yes, the booiler really does what it does - apparently, this type aither works, or breaks down completely, while mine does turn on sometimes, but mostly not. So showers are totally out of question, and the flat cooled down to about 12 °C too :P Good thing i have fond memories in having to wash using a basin from summer holidays spent at my godparents house, before they built a bathroom for they house and had only a bedroom, a kitchen and an outhouse. Otherwise i would feel really angry for spending the majority of my wages on rent and bills and feeling miserable in a cold flat.
I have a small fan heater which warms up my bedroom nicely, tho the lounge never gets really cozy being bigger and with horrible insulation, and of course it eats up electricity at 2 pounds a day rate. 3 if i'm home and need it during the daylight hours.
Plumber spent quite a lot of time on it on thursday, and couldnt fix it, so now he has to talk with the manufacturer, and hopefully he will fix it on monday. I can't have more time off for plumbing - in fact i'm facing a disciplinary on monday for missing too much time, had a warning from earlier, and as i stayed home to get my broken boiler fixed, now i'm on the official stage. Great. Hopefully i'll have to face only my manager who already gave me a tell-off but if the the other boss is there it will be harsh. Had the last three days off and as the prospect of this kept popping up my had i couldn't really enjoy my holiday. And it also annoys me that they couldn't just wrote off that day as holiday - i guess because my boss is sure we were off for house-hunting on that day :P
Luckily there are some things that can keep me happy despite the antarctical conditions and bitchy bosses, amongst them is having a coffee at starbucks and knitting :) I actually got an order, from my cousin's wife. She said "make me a shawl like yours " :) She has a black and white checkered coat so tought black would be nice with that. Finally i had an excuse to try a twinkle yarn, and even tho it turned out lighter (not black with sparkly flecks but light and dark grey) she liked the yarn so hopefully she will like the finished shawl too.